Farmer's counterattack is busy with farming

Chapter 208 Keep them safe for a lifetime

Chapter 208 Keeping them safe and secure

Liu Chunhua and Ning Caicai stood at the door together, watching their little daughter go further and further away.

Ning Caicai just felt empty in her heart and felt extremely uncomfortable, "Mom, I really want to go with A-Mei."

Liu Chunhua shook her head.

How could a girl-to-be-to-be, who had already set a date, run around again.

Ning Caicai raised her skinny wrist, paused for a while, then lowered it down again, and said in a low voice, "I used to be so close to A-mei, we talked about everything...but I don't know why, since A-mei was beaten that time... After that, I felt that she was not so close to me."

Liu Chunhua looked at her in surprise.

Ning Caicai said in a low voice, "My sister is smart and good-looking. I'm really proud of her..."

Liu Chunhua glanced at her eldest daughter's face and remained silent.

The eldest daughter has completely inherited the appearance of her biological father Ning Dayong, with plain facial features, clear soup and little water, not as bright and delicate as a young girl.Fortunately, she has inherited Liu Chunhua's docile temperament, and with a little dressing up, she has a special charm.

For such a country girl, Liu Hanfeng is really the best candidate she can hope for.

Thinking of this, Liu Chunhua became less dissatisfied with her eldest daughter, but cared more about her younger daughter who was running around for a living.


Ning Xianxian was walking with Ning Mingming on the small road leading to the outside of the village with a basket on his back.

Ning Mingming asked to carry the flower box, but Ning Xianxian refused, saying: "You are still young, and you will not grow tall if you weigh heavy objects."

"Miss, aren't you afraid of growing taller?"

"I'm a girl, it's okay to be short." Ning Xianxian was talking, when suddenly he felt his back lighten, and someone took the flower basket from the top of his head.

She turned her head in surprise and met Liu Danfeng's playful smile.

"How did you come?"

"I just happened to go to the town to see you off." Liu Danfeng sat on the donkey cart, carefully arranged the baskets, and waved, "You two come up."

Ning Xianxian was already very familiar with him, so he was not polite when he heard this, and he dragged Mingming into the donkey cart.

At this moment, the sky has not yet fully lit up, and it was obviously woken up in sleep.Climb into the donkey cart and doze off on the burden.

Ning Xianxian simply put him on his lap to save him from sleeping comfortably.

The appearance of the younger sister and brother snuggling together is quite warm.

Liu Danfeng and Ning Xianxian took a look, and saw that she was wearing a goose-yellow shirt with slanted buttons and a pair of light green trousers sprinkled with flowers. Her long hair was tied into two playful buns, and she looked like a boy in a painting.

He couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart.

It's really amazing to watch this child change day by day.

In the past, I only thought that this girl was as interesting as dough, but I never thought that she changed from dough to dough.

I can't help him rubbing and pinching anymore.

Seeing him in a daze, Ning Xianxian leaned over to look at him, "What are you looking at?"

"Ah?" Liu Danfeng came back to his senses, couldn't help but panicked, and stammered, "I think your clothes look pretty... I don't think I've seen you wear them before."

"Really?" Ning Xianxian took out an apricot from his pocket, bit his mouth, squinted his eyes and smiled, "My sister made it for me after staying up for several nights. Look at the flower on the cuff, it's her Favorite little daisy. She said because little daisy is like me."

Liu Danfeng took a look and nodded: "Cai Cai really loves you."

"Yes." Ning Xianxian smiled warmly.

"So you gave her 200 taels of silver so that she could marry Liu Hanfeng as she wished?" Liu Danfeng asked while driving.

"How do you know? Actually, it's not from me."

"Apart from you, who else in your family can make money?" Liu Danfeng suddenly felt a little sour when he said this.

Ning Xianxian didn't notice his emotional change, and said with a smile: "I like to make money, it's enough for our family to have me who can make money."

"But that kid Liu Hanfeng won't like your sister." Liu Danfeng rarely spoke seriously, "You should stop her stupid behavior."

"Actually, I thought the same as you."

Ning Xianxian twirled the delicate embroidery on the sleeve with her fingers, and said softly: "But this is the end of the matter, I'm also thinking about it."

"What do you want to drive?" Liu Hanfeng asked curiously.

"Since sister wants something, I will satisfy her." Ning Xianxian said, "Maybe I can help her choose someone who is more suitable for her, but if she doesn't like it, she won't be happy. Who says it is suitable for her?" , must be the best?"

Liu Danfeng didn't expect her to say these words, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

"But haven't you ever thought about it? She is satisfied now, what about the future? After getting Liu Hanfeng's body, she will still want Liu Hanfeng's heart. Can you help her get it too?"

Liu Danfeng asked very sharply.

Ning Xianxian smiled: "Who says it can't? Isn't the heart in the body?"

Looking at her eyes, Liu Hanfeng couldn't help feeling chills down his back, and said cautiously, "The heart I'm talking about may not be the same as what you understand..."

"What's the difference?"

Her pupils are deep and distant, like two ambers.

Liu Danfeng didn't dare to meet her eyes, turned his head to look forward, and muttered: "Twisted melons are not sweet."

Ning Xianxian said meaningfully: "Even if it's not sweet, the melon I chose should be eaten while crying."

"I really don't know whether you are kind or scary." Liu Danfeng shook his head.

"What are you worrying about?" Ning Xianxian rolled his eyes at him, "With me here, can people still bully my sister? Even if I can't make it through in the future, I can still let her get married again! If you don't want to marry, I can't afford to support her forever?"

Who is not a little greedy?
Since Ning Caicai wants to get it even if she dies, let her get it.

If she regrets it in the future, she regrets it.

To be Ning Xianxian's older sister, one must not only have the freedom to get it, but also have the freedom to throw it away.

Can wanton cry, laugh, sad, tears.

But don't be foolish.

You can't be tortured to death like in your previous life.

This is her Ning Xianxian's promise to the people she cares about in her new life.

Ning Xianxian's words had a great impact on Liu Danfeng.

He had never seen anyone more willful than her.

Liu Danfeng couldn't help chewing what she said in his heart.I deeply feel that the gap between myself and her is not ordinary.

If things go on like this, he may only be able to look at her back for the rest of his life, and he will never be able to walk side by side with her.

Maybe it's time to work hard.

Liu Danfeng's hand silently clenched the rein.


The donkey cart was not slow, but when it arrived at the town, the sun had already risen high.

Ning Mingming woke up from sleep, it was the time when he was full of energy, and he had to carry a flower basket for life and death.

Ning Xianxian thought that he would rent a car later, and it wouldn't take long, so he let him go.

"Boy, come here," Liu Danfeng waved to Ning Mingming.

Ning Mingming walked over and squinted at him, "What are you doing?"

"You take this." Liu Danfeng stuffed a few pieces of silver into his hand, and said, "I know you are short on money now, so take this for the road."

(End of this chapter)

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