Chapter 5 A Steamed Bread

Ning Caicai showed a smile on her skinny face: "Mom, I'm fine, sister pulled me away and escaped."

"Mom, don't cry."

Ning Xianxian wiped Liu Chunhua's tears with her fat fingers.

When the hands touched the face, the skin was extremely rough, not at all like a woman in her early thirties.

Ning Xianxian felt a little distressed.

She also didn't understand why after she recognized her relatives, she completely forgot about the life and people here.Did something else happen when you recognized your relatives?

Ning Xianxian's head hurts from thinking about it.

"Good boy, don't talk back to your elders again." Liu Chunhua touched her little daughter's head, saw her purse her mouth, and said distressedly, "Are you starving?"

"Mom, I'm not hungry anymore." Ning Xianxian said sensiblely.

She also understood the situation at home, how could she open her mouth to eat.

"I don't have anything to eat today, so I can't let Xian'er go hungry." Liu Chunhua thought for a while, went to a jar in the corner of the room, reached out to touch it for a while, and found a hard steamed bun.

"Fortunately, I remembered to keep this." She happily stuffed the steamed bun into Ning Xianxian's hand, "Hey, eat this."

Ning Xianxian was holding the steamed bun that was as cold and hard as a stone, tears were about to flow down.

The family has a field, and Ning Dayong goes out to work to subsidize the family. Although he is not rich, he is not too poor to eat.

Pianning Zhou was mean to their mother and daughter.

"Mom, let's eat together." Ning Xianxian turned to the table and poured a large bowl of hot water, and soaked the steamed buns in the hot water.

After the steamed buns were soaked, she divided the big bowl into three portions and handed them to Liu Chunhua and Ning Caicai respectively, "Mother, sister, eat."

"I'm not hungry, sister, you eat." Ning Caicai was three years older than Ning Xianxian, already twelve, and she was used to letting her sister do everything.

Ning Xianxian was not happy, and said angrily: "Mother and elder sister don't eat it, and Xian'er doesn't eat it either! Xianer is so fat, others are laughing at her!"

"Okay," Liu Chunhua panicked, and quickly coaxed, "Okay, your sister and I will eat."

Watching Liu Chunhua and Ning Caicai drink all the batter in the bowl, Ning Xianxian was satisfied, and drank the rest in one gulp.

Although I can't fill my stomach, I don't feel so hungry anyway.

"Mom," Ning Caicai licked the sides of the bowl clean, then carefully put down the bowl, and said, "Grandma asked us to go out to collect firewood just now, but I think it's going to snow soon. Shall we go?"

"Go out and pick some before it snows. Otherwise, your grandma will be angry and won't let you eat."

As Liu Chunhua said, she stood up, went out and brought two baskets, put them on the backs of herself and Ning Caicai, and said to Ning Xianxian, "Xian'er, you are so lucky to stay in the house, I will talk with your sister later." return."

Ning Xianxian hurriedly grabbed Liu Chunhua's clothes: "Mother, I want to go too!"

In the past, Liu Chunhua never asked her to do anything. It was indeed as Ning Dani said, besides eating and sleeping, she was so fat.

Ning Xianxian vowed never to make the same mistakes again.

She has to work!

She wants to lose weight!

"My dear, it's cold outside. I'll freeze you carefully, and you'll just wait inside." Liu Chunhua was absolutely reluctant to let Xianxian, who was supposed to be a daughter of a thousand gold, do rough work.

"Mother was originally a maidservant of a rich family, and she has never experienced hardship. Isn't she doing everything now?" Ning Xianxian stretched out his hand to grab the back basket, and said shamelessly, "Mother won't let me go, so I won't let Mother go out."

It is well known that Liu Chunhua worked as a servant in a wealthy family when she was young.Later, she gave birth to her second son, and was dismissed for unknown reasons.

The monthly subsidy and monthly money will be gone.

This is another important reason why the Ning Zhou family does not want to see Liu Chunhua.

Three coins of silver is a lot of money for household use.

Hearing the younger daughter mention the past, Liu Chunhua's face darkened a little, and she said with a smile: "Mother is a lowly slave, what can I do?"

"I am Mother's daughter, if Mother can do it, Xian'er can do it!"

Ning Xianxian would not let go no matter what.

Liu Chunhua was a little helpless.

Although she knew that she was the eldest lady of the Xiangguo Mansion, how could she dare to say it out loud.

Seeing that the sky is getting more and more gloomy, it will really be too late if I don't go to collect firewood.

"Okay then, but you just need to follow us, you don't need to do anything, you know?"

Liu Chunhua finally compromised.

"En! I see!" Ning Xianxian nodded happily.

As long as you are willing to take her out, you can take her out. As for the rest, you can take it step by step.

Ning Xianxian smiled and said: "Mother, I also want a basket. You and Sister have both."

Liu Chunhua immediately shook her head: "This is heavy, Xian'er is still young, I will carry it when you are older, okay?"

"I'm nine years old."

"That's too young, wait until you're ten years old, good boy." Liu Chunhua was in a hurry to go out, and with a perfunctory sentence, she hurried out with her two daughters.

Ning Xianxian learned from memory that this is a small village called Liuwan Village.There are more than a hundred families in the village, Liu is the common surname, and Ning Xianxian is the only one with the surname Ning.

The small village is close to the top of the mountain, but there is no big water source.So the land is very barren and the village is not rich.

It's already the winter moon now, and the Chinese New Year will be in more than half a month.

The farmers in the village have already started their winter break, and there are almost no people in the fields.

Ning Xianxian and Ning Caicai held hands, followed Liu Chunhua, and walked towards the top of the mountain, picking up dry branches that could be used as firewood along the way.

The villagers who saw the mother and daughter on the road all showed sympathy.

Ning Dayong is not at home all year round, but the wife and daughter at home have suffered.It's outrageous to be bullied by my mother and other siblings.

"Mother, it's really cold." Ning Caicai put her hands to her mouth and gasped, stomped her feet, and shrank her neck.

Liu Chunhua looked at her daughter's tattered jacket distressedly, and comforted her: "Let's walk faster, it won't be cold when we walk. Xian'er, it's freezing, put your hands in mother's cotton jacket to warm up."

Ning Xianxian looked at the whitish and thin jacket on her body, but she couldn't bear to put her cold hands in it, so she jumped up and said with a smile: "Mother, I have a lot of flesh on my body, so I am not afraid of the cold."


The sound of cloth being torn could be heard from Ning Xianxian's feet.

She bent down hastily to take a look, the pair of old black cotton shoes on her feet were already very loose, but after being jumped up like this by her, her toes were exposed...

"Oh, my sister's cotton shoes are broken." Ning Caicai exclaimed.

Ning Xianxian's face burned up: "Mom, blame me for jumping so wildly that I broke my shoes."

"Don't blame me, Xian'er. You have been wearing these cotton shoes for three years, and they have been sewn and mended. They are too young and should be replaced." Liu Chunhua hurriedly bent down and took out a needle wrapped in cotton thread from her bosom. , squatting on the ground, touching her feet, and sewed up the torn place of the cotton shoes.

Ning Xianxian looked at Liu Chunhua's side face where he was sewing seriously, and a warm current surged in his heart.

Although the toes are cold, but the heart is very warm.

After the sewing was finished, Liu Chunhua stood up straight and said with relief, "In a few days, your father will be back, and then mother will tear the cloth to make a pair of new cotton shoes for Xian'er."

(End of this chapter)

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