Medicine and Poison: The Demon Emperor's Voice Controlling Beast Concubine

Chapter 797 I Came to Repay the Debt - Wannian Chixue

Chapter 797 I Came to Repay the Debt - Wannian Chixue



The emperor stood up suddenly, pushed away the eunuch who was blocking the door, opened the door of the Golden Luan Hall and rushed out despite the dissuasion of others, and then closed the door heavily, with one person standing against the door.

"Protect the prince well, the country and society in the future can only belong to the prince!"

The emperor's sonorous and powerful voice passed through the heavy door and hit his ears directly.

"My emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Immediately, the eunuch knelt on the ground in the Golden Luan Hall, and cried out forcefully, as if foreshadowing his imminent death.

"You used to be my subjects, but now you are pushing me to a desperate situation with the eldest prince, God will let you group of ruthless and unrighteous people die a bad death!"

The emperor fearlessly faced a group of rebellious people outside the Golden Luan Hall.

The officials below hesitated, and no one dared to speak up.

"Fire the arrows." The eldest prince sat on the horse aloft, and ordered without hesitation.

As the rain of arrows fell, the emperor stood alone outside the Golden Luan Hall, his eyes still fearless.

At the same moment, the door of the Golden Luan Hall opened and he walked out.

A few years later, someone asked, "Your Majesty, when you were the crown prince, the eldest prince forced the palace to rebel. When you and the former emperor faced the crisis of arrows raining together, did you regret it?" '.


Of course I regret it.

Because before that died, I didn't see her for the last time, nor did I say goodbye.

However, he was so thankful that he opened the door that day.

Because, he saw her as he wished.

Her graceful figure in the rain of arrows was imprinted in his mind, never to be forgotten.

Relying on her own strength, she forced the eldest prince back and kept them safe and sound.

"Girl, why are you here..."

"You saved me on your own, and I'm here to pay off the debt." She turned around and smiled like a flower.

He stared at her blankly, just like the first time he saw her on the first day, he was at a loss for what to do.

〖I seem to... really like her.

How lucky. 〗

Knowing that she was a snow demon, he resolutely kept her in the palace despite the opposition of a few people.

As usual, he kept running to her and brought her a lot of delicious food.

"Don't call me girl girl all the time from now on, it sounds so awkward, just call me Xixue."

Today, she said disapprovingly as she ate the pastries brought by him.

" promised to marry me?" He was ecstatic.

She shook her head, "No, the person I want to marry is Ye."

He was stunned, saddened, "So that's the case, his surname is Ye...what's his name?"

She shook her head again, "I don't know who he is and where his family is, but I believe that even if we have never met, we are destined to meet."

"You haven't met?" He was stunned.

"No." She then shook her head.

"Then why did you..."

"Did I say it? I'm destined. I'm a demon. I'm different from you mortals. We know exactly who we are looking for."

His eyes darkened.

So, the person who can accompany her for the rest of her life is not him, but the guy whose surname Ye has never met.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked innocently.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about how to help you find the person surnamed Ye."

"Really? Thank you!" She was overjoyed, grabbed his hand, kept shaking it, and said happily, "Can you take me out when you have time?"

(End of this chapter)

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