Chapter 335
"Chen, whether I marry or not, I will treat you as a good friend." Luo Wanqing's eyes were clear. Perhaps she had hesitated a little about Chen before, but now she knows it very well.

Hearing this, Nangong Chen didn't speak for a long time. In fact, he has figured it out recently. Maybe because he learned that his sister might still be alive, he pinned all his hopes on Wuxin, thus alleviating the frustration caused by Qing'er's rejection.

"Maybe you're right. I used to be too persistent, but now I've learned to let go. I'm really sorry for causing trouble to you." Nangong Chen smiled frankly.

"It's not a problem, you're overthinking." Luo Wanqing also smiled. Before that, she was worried that there would be a estrangement in her relationship with Chen because of this incident, but now she finally reconciled.

Nangongchen felt relieved, perhaps it was because of his extraordinary talent and deep thoughts since he was a child, he was confident and even conceited, he got everything too easily, and he was not allowed to lose, so he was persistent and resolute, and it was difficult to accept loss.

Until the bad news brought that night, he seemed to have lost everything, and his previous persistence and perseverance had become a joke.

"How did you come out today?" Luo Wanqing asked, the court was in turmoil, border wars, Jinli's internal and external troubles now, Chen should be very busy.

"I'm looking for someone. I have nothing to do today, so I'm going out to try my luck." Nangong Chen was disappointed. He sent people to search the city recently, but he never saw Wuxin.

"Who are you looking for?" Luo Wanqing looked puzzled, who was so important, and asked him to put aside political affairs and come out to find someone in person.

"Wuxin." Nangong Chen hesitated for a moment, but still spoke bluntly.

"What can you do with her?" Luo Wanqing was even more puzzled.

"It's hard to say." Nan Gongchen didn't want to say more.

Luo Wanqing didn't ask any more questions, Xu Shichen had something to hide, but thinking about it seriously, Wuxin was somewhat similar to her, she also preferred white, and often covered her face with white gauze, although she had never seen Wuxin's appearance, but just by her appearance alone And temperament, it can be seen that Wuxin is absolutely extraordinary.

"Chen, news came from the guards that they saw two girls on the East Street, one of them may be unintentional." Dongfang Jingao hurried over, he didn't mean to disturb Chen and Luo Wanqing's conversation.

"Qing'er, we'll talk about it another day, see you later." Nan Gongchen left with Dongfang Jingao in a hurry.


The two rushed to the East Street, and saw Qiu Tong and Wu Xin dressed in light clothes, leading the horses, heading towards the city gate.

"Wuxin, where are you going?" Nangong Chen chased after her, calling out her name involuntarily.

Wuxin showed displeasure, where she went, it has nothing to do with him.

Qiu Tong frowned, the last thing she wanted to do was to have anything to do with Nan Gongchen and others, she had already been caught by Qing Jun.

"Are you leaving the city now? The border is in turmoil recently. I'm afraid some mobs will sneak into the city. It's safer in Chaoyang City. I suggest you don't leave the city for the time being." Nangong Chen expressed concern.

Inadvertently listening and ignoring, she hurriedly walked towards the city gate, she was pressed for time and had no time to pay attention to idlers.

"Wuxin, can you listen to me for a few words?" Nan Gongchen chased after him, he couldn't put her in danger.

"Why should I listen to you?" Wuxin was very impatient, the task of this trip was important and there was no delay.

Nangong Chen was at a loss for words for a while, even if Wuxin was really his own sister, he was not qualified to persuade her, he never fulfilled his elder brother's responsibility.

"Wuxin, if you want to go out of the city, I can accompany you." Nangong Chen grabbed Wuxin's arm in desperation.

"Let go!" Wuxin shook off Nangongchen's hand in disgust with eyes full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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