Chapter 748
The hall was silent, as if there was only the sound of each other's heartbeats.

"Close your eyes." Qiongying's voice drifted past his ears, like the sound of a flute at night, low and mysterious, full of bewitching.

Ye Chen slowly closed his eyes, what he saw was not the darkness, but her lingering figure.

Qiongying tightened her hands, hugged him slightly, and asked, "Did you close your eyes?"

Ye Chen whispered, "Master, I have closed my eyes."

Qiongying said: "You can talk, but you can't open your eyes, understand?"

"Understood." He didn't know why his master hugged him, he just had to follow his master's instructions.

"Yechen, are you nervous?" She could clearly feel his messy and rapid heartbeat, she didn't do anything unavoidable to him, and she was already very gentle.

"Yes, Master." Ye Chen replied truthfully, he couldn't calm down.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just...a bit cold." Qiongying thought for a moment before giving the reason.

"Master, I'm going to turn on the stove, do you need some more clothes?" Ye Chen said quickly, he really felt the master's body was cold, and the surrounding seemed to be a little cold.

"No, I just get cold occasionally."

"Master, you can't take it lightly when you get cold occasionally, it's easy to get wind and cold." Ye Chen persuaded softly.

"When have you ever seen me catch a cold?" Qiongying laughed, her body was not afraid of the cold.

"However, you still have a cold body." I have never seen the owner catch the wind and cold. Even in the deep winter, the owner still wears thin clothes and does not need warm water and a heater, but he still keeps the heater habitually.

Qiongying thought for a moment, and said, "My body cold is not an ordinary body cold, but the excess cold air from cultivation."

Hearing this, Ye Chen felt even more worried, the more advanced the illusion skills, the more dangerous the cultivation, and what's more, he suffered backlash.

"Master, why don't you let the doctor come?"

"The doctor has already seen it, and said that it is only necessary to find someone with a warm constitution and hug him, and the cold can be removed." Qiongying said seriously.

Ye Chen was convinced, but his body temperature was slightly low due to practicing the Ice Control Technique, so he naturally thought of someone, Qing Jun practiced the Fire Control Technique, and his body was warm.

"Master, someone with a warm physique seems to be more suitable for Qingjun."

"The so-called water and fire are incompatible, things will be reversed at extremes, your body temperature is just right, will you feel cold?" Qiongying's breath became cold.

"It's not cold." Ye Chen said, but felt that the master was very cold.

"This way, it proves that you are very suitable." Qiong Ying said logically.

Ye Chen didn't say any more, his body and mind were intoxicated by her embrace, unable to extricate himself.

Qiongying said: "Yechen, can you reach out and hug me?"

Ye Chen's heartbeat fluctuated, and because of the orderly hierarchy and the difference between men and women, he never dared to make any oversteps.

Qiongying said: "Yechen, I'm cold."

Hearing this, Ye Chen no longer hesitated, slowly stretched out his hands, gently wrapped around her waist, and embraced her.

Qiongying's expression was lazy and comfortable, and the turbulent power in his body gradually calmed down.

However, Ye Chen couldn't calm down, and his voice was no longer calm as usual: "Master, do you still feel cold?"

Qiong Ying said with a smile: "It's much better, have you opened your eyes yet?"

"No." Ye Chen was puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask more.

"Don't open your eyes without my order."

"Yes, Master."

"Yechen, do you feel tired?" It seemed that he had been standing for a long time.

"No." How could he feel tired, at this moment, he could bring some warmth to the master, which he wished for.

Qiong Ying raised her eyelids and looked at the person in the mirror. With red eyes, she could clearly see her ferocious face.


(End of this chapter)

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