There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 1021 Letting go of old grievances makes life worse than death

Chapter 1021 Letting go of old grievances makes life worse than death (6)
It's just that Qiao Shuqi's child is still gone.

She couldn't even keep Brother Ye's only flesh and blood.

"Your Majesty, my concubine wants to go to Shuqi to see Shuqi's younger sister."

"Then I will accompany you."

"No need, the concubine wants to walk alone, and talk to sister Shuqi alone by the way." Yang Churuo didn't even think about it, and refused directly, and her attitude was not very good.

The concubines present couldn't help but feel a little terrified.

It is such an honor for the emperor to accompany her to the Palace of Books and Chess with good intentions, and no one wants it.How can the empress refuse?This is too disrespectful to the emperor.

Just when everyone thought that the emperor would get angry, the emperor softly comforted him and did not dare to resist, "Well, it's getting colder, you should wear more clothes, don't blame yourself too much for Concubine Qiao's matter."

Before the emperor could finish speaking, Yang Churuo had already gone to the Palace of Books and Chess, followed by her maids and servants, leaving the emperor aside again, but the emperor was not angry at all, but melancholy Looking at Yang Churuo's leaving back, he exhaled a long breath and drove back to the palace.

Many concubines looked at me and I looked at you, all frightened.

They didn't dare anymore, really didn't dare, after going through these several times of deterrence, how could they dare to easily offend the queen, even the emperor would give the queen some points.

Only the queen dares to ignore the emperor like this.

Book chess palace.

Yang Churuo abandoned everyone, and pushed open the door of the bedroom and walked in alone. As soon as he entered the door of the bedroom, he could see Qiao Shuqi lying on the bed in a daze, with his eyes wide open, looking at the carved patterns on the top of the bed without blinking. The pattern didn't move for a long time, and it was as calm as a dead person. If someone didn't know it, they would really think that the person lying on the bed was a dead person.

If you look closely, you can tell that although her eyes are wide open, they are empty and dead gray, and she doesn't focus carefully at all. Even when she comes, she doesn't react at all, which is clearly her heart is as dead as gray.

Looking at this familiar bedroom again, in the basket on the table, there are still half-made baby clothes that she made, and every stitch and thread is sewed by herself.

On the right side of the table is a cabinet. Inside the cabinet are all kinds of exquisitely embroidered baby clothes. The stitches and corners of each piece are buried very well. Even the embroidery is surprisingly beautiful.

These were all embroidered by Qiao Shuqi during her pregnancy.

Thinking of the last time I came to see Qiao Shuqi, she was still sitting here, smiling coquettishly, talking to her with gentle eyes, never leaving the child in her belly, the expectation in her eyes, but everyone will be admired by her Attractive.

She was almost nine months pregnant, and she still kept making clothes for the child with her own hands, wishing she could make all the clothes for the child for the rest of her life.

But this time... She was lying on the bed like ashes, her eyes were empty, without a trace of expression, and the child she was looking forward to was gone.

Yang Churuo had a sore nose.

Facing Qiao Shuqi like this, she didn't know what to say, maybe no amount of comfort would help.

Will never be able to conceive, and also lost Brother Ye's only flesh and blood...

Brother Ye is already dead. If she is given another child, she won't be able to conceive even if she does.

What kind of harm this is to her, it is the most painful thing in life.

Overnight, she lost both her only child and her qualifications to be a mother, and even her biological mother went there without even seeing her for the last time.

(End of this chapter)

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