There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 1160 Both Death and Martial Arts Abandoned

Chapter 1160 Both Death and Martial Arts Abandoned (2)
She hates...she hates so much...

If it wasn't for her, how could there be so many things?

If it wasn't for her, how could she have lost so many relatives?

If it wasn't for her, how could she have come to where she is today?

Gong Yuxiu pulled out her hand suddenly, stood up, and took a few steps back, feeling sick even touching Yang Churuo for a second longer.

Gong Yuxiu almost roared, "Impossible, absolutely impossible, I can't forgive her, I hate her, with her without me, with me without her, I am incompatible with her."

"Pfft..." Qiao Shuqi suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his hands slid down feebly, like a lily in full bloom, about to wither, the glaring blood stained the ground, her white clothes, and Yang Churuo red Flaming skirt.

"Sister Shuqi, sister Shuqi, how are you? Imperial physician, imperial physician, quickly show Concubine Qiao." Yang Churuo said anxiously.

Chu Yuchen squatted down and slowly poured his inner energy into her body. He had been watching all this silently, and he knew better that Qiao Shuqi would not survive the sun of tomorrow.

"Back... back to the emperor, empress, Concubine Qiao has no way to return to heaven." The imperial doctor trembled.

A sentence of "no way to return to heaven" is tantamount to betraying Qiao Shuqi's death sentence.

Yang Churuo's face immediately turned pale.

Gong Yuxiu covered her mouth tightly, letting the tears flow down her face, and wanted to step up to look at Qiao Shuqi, but Yang Churuo pushed her away suddenly, and roared, "Go away, if you don't go away, be careful, I'll kill you."

Gong Yuxiu staggered and fell to the ground, but she didn't dare to go forward again, she was afraid, she was afraid to see Qiao Shuqi die in front of her.

Yang Churuo looked at Chu Yuchen and tremblingly said, "Is there really no way to save her?"

Chu Yuchen shook his head, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Originally, she could be saved alive, as long as she had the will to survive, but now that it has been delayed for so long, and she is determined to die, Da Luo God can't save her, so he can only help him for a little longer at most.

Yang Churuo's eyes were red, and she felt distressed as she watched Qiao Shuqi staring blankly at the bright moon in the sky, and muttered in a low voice, "Brother Ye...Brother Ye came to pick me up...I...see Brother Ye... ..."

Yang Churuo looked along her line of sight, except for the dark night sky, there were only bright stars and a bright moon, and there was no shadow of Big Brother Ye.

Anyone can see that it's just an illusion. It's just that Qiao Shuqi misses Big Brother Ye so much.

Yang Churuo suddenly didn't say anything more, maybe... Maybe death is the best relief for her. After Brother Ye and the child left, she was alive, nothing more than a walking dead.

"Sister me take care of father...father..." Qiao Shuqi's eyes suddenly became focused, and she smiled at Yang Churuo. She knew that Sister Su would definitely treat her father as her biological father.

"Okay, Sister Su promises you, why does Sister Su promise you?"

"Thank you, brother Ye... came to pick me up... I... have to go..." Qiao Shuqi smiled, a tear of sorrow fell from the corner of his eyes, his hands softened, his eyes closed, and he passed away completely.

Both Yang Churuo and Gong Yuxiu stared blankly at the dead Qiao Shuqi, their hearts throbbing like tears.

Chu Yuchen sighed silently, checked her breath, and made sure that she was dead, then withdrew the palm force that was still slowly pouring into her body, and hugged Yang Churuo's delicate body, silently comforting her.

Yang Churuo threw herself into Chu Yuchen's arms with a muffled sound, closing her eyes in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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