There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 1168 Yang Churuo Gets Married

Chapter 1168 Yang Churuo Gets Married (1)
On the official road, four fast horses galloped, raising billows of smoke and dust. The speed of galloping made passers-by think it was a gust of wind.

Sitting at the head of the four horses was a slender man in white with delicate features.

The style of men's clothes is ordinary and simple, but the texture is excellent. If you are not a discerning person, you will not be able to tell that the white clothes with a single color and ordinary style are actually made of soft smoke.

The man is extremely handsome, with sharp edges and corners, there is a kind of beauty that wants to make people sink, just take a casual look, it is enough to shock the heavenly man.However, the beauty of a man makes people feel that there is no distinction between male and female.

Beside the man in white is Meili in black, Qing'er in blue who is thin and disguised as a man, and Yang Churuo's accompanying bodyguard Luo Feng.

"My lord, Maocheng is ahead." Luo Feng said to the handsome man in white while galloping his horse.

Ever since they knew that the city of Tu'an was broken and the prince was seriously injured, they resigned and retreated to recuperate. The emperor agreed and ordered the old general Guan to take over the position of prince Gong, and sent [-] troops to attack Tianfeng Kingdom.

The other army, Major General Xiaosan, joined forces with Prince Gong and stayed behind to guard Tuan City. He led [-] soldiers and continued to attack the city.

Seeing that if the soldiers of Tu'an City go to rescue the siege, Tu'an City will be occupied by Tianfeng Kingdom again, but if they don't go, Xiao San and his [-] soldiers will be besieged inside and out, unable to move forward or retreat.

And the [-] elite soldiers sent by the emperor will not be able to arrive in a short while. Now they have been trapped for ten days, without food, no food, and if they continue to be trapped like this, there is no need to fight. As long as they are trapped for a few more days, everyone in Maocheng Everyone must die.

Maocheng is a big town, as long as Maocheng is broken, the army of Tianfeng Kingdom can march down and take back Tu'an City.

Therefore, the queen empress was obsessed with the war, she disguised herself as a man, took them with her, and hurried to Maocheng in person.

They didn't know whether the emperor would be furious if he knew that the empress was hiding from him and came to the battlefield in person, but they had been in a hurry for more than half a month, and it would be too late for the emperor to know, unless the emperor sent someone to stop the empress on the way.

But the emperor should also know that as long as the empress wants to do, no one can stop her.

Yang Churuo's full head of hair was tied half up with a jade crown, and half of her hair was flying in bursts due to the speed of galloping.Hearing Luo Feng's words, Yang Churuo nodded slightly.

"Your... son, Maocheng is under siege. We can't enter Maocheng at all. At most, we can only go to Qingcheng outside Maocheng. With the four of us, how can we solve the siege of Maocheng?" Qing'er asked.The major general's 3 horses can't rush out, how can they break through the city?
As long as Qingcheng can be destroyed, that's fine, in this way, they can send food and grass to Maocheng through Qingcheng.

"The solutions are all people's ideas." Yang Churuo said indifferently, his eyes were cold.

Qing'er was indignant and dissatisfied, "Xuanyuan Jinze is really nothing. In order to kill [-] soldiers of our Chu State, he did not hesitate to bury the people of a city. Those people are all his people. How could he do that?" heartless."

Luo Feng sneered, "In his eyes, there are no other people except himself. In his eyes, the people of the world are nothing but ants."

"Isn't this good? As long as we break the siege of Maocheng and help the people of Maocheng with all our strength, we can also win a good reputation. People's hearts and hearts. If an emperor wants to sit in the long run, he must have the hearts of the people." Yang Churuo suddenly Tightening the reins, he looked at the big Qingcheng in the distance with deep eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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