There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 1353 Xuanyuan Jinze and Xuanyuan Jinfeng

Chapter 1353 Xuanyuan Jinze and Xuanyuan Jinfeng (8)
Ten years... It seems that after the change of the Yang family, the imperial sister never left this palace again...

Xuanyuan Jinze's footsteps were as heavy as lead, every time he took a step, he had to use all his strength.

He didn't have the face to see his imperial sister, but if he didn't see her today, he thought, he wouldn't have a chance to see her again in the future.

Tianfeng Kingdom is about to perish. The eunuchs and maids in the palace have already packed their bags and fled away. At this time, Qinling Palace is empty, not even a guard. Xuanyuan Jinze came to the gate of the palace step by step.

Looking at this familiar but unfamiliar bedroom, the tragedy that happened here ten years ago is still vivid in his mind.

Ten years have passed, and he still seems to be able to smell the pungent smell of blood flowing from Yang Liushao's body, he can still hear the heart-piercing begging of the imperial sister, and he can still see Yang Liushao's broken limbs, dying of pain scene.

Xuanyuan Jinze's eyes were stained with gleam, and he stretched out his hand, trying to push open the locked door, but he didn't have the courage to do so.

Just when Xuanyuan Jinze was hesitating, the palace door, which had been locked for many years, suddenly opened with a creak. A middle-aged aunt looked at Xuanyuan Jinze in astonishment, her hand was opening the door, and Xuanyuan Jinze didn't react for a long time. Ze actually came here.

Xuanyuan Jinze looked at the vaguely familiar middle-aged woman, and suddenly thought of the imperial sister's nanny, Ding Momo.

It's her... Everyone left, only she stayed to take care of the imperial sister?

Just like back then, when the imperial sister swore that the Yang family was full of grievances and she would never leave Qinling Palace forever, Ding Meme gave up the opportunity to leave the palace and stayed in Qinling Palace to take care of the imperial sister.

When Xuanyuan Jinze was about to open his hoarse mouth to call Ding Memo, Ding Memo's expression changed suddenly, and he closed the palace door suddenly, and said in a bad tone, "The Emperor is the Ninth Five-Year King, high above you, Qin The Linggong Temple is too small to accommodate this big Buddha, Your Majesty, please go away."

"Presumptuous, how dare you speak to the emperor like that." Ah Sleep yelled.

Ding Meme sneered, and said sarcastically, "Your servant is just a lowly palace servant. If the emperor doesn't like it, you can kill him if you want. Anyway, it's not the first time that the emperor has killed someone." Come on, Ding Why go straight in.

Her words were calm, and only Ding Momo knew how much effort she had used to suppress the anger in her heart.

Ah Lu took a step forward, intending to take down Ding Momo. No one had ever dared to speak to the emperor like this.

Xuanyuan Jinze stared coldly, implying a warning, and then Alu retreated embarrassingly.

Xuanyuan Jinze's cold eyes were hidden, and he looked at the bedroom with a slightly sad look, and his light voice came through the window lattice to Princess Qinling's room.

In the room, the wooden fish's voice resounded regularly, and the sound resounded in the hearts of everyone.

The sound of the wooden fish is very peaceful, and you can feel that the person who knocked on the wooden fish should be at peace at this moment.

"Sister, this may be the last time I come to Qinling Palace. Brother, I'm sorry to stay with you." Xuanyuan Jinze choked up and said, how could the younger sister who was free and unrestrained, happy and envious back then, be able to stay quietly in the room? Last quarter of an hour, now, if she stays there, it will be a whole ten years...

Muyu's voice still came out regularly, as if he hadn't heard Xuanyuan Jinze's words at all. "I know you have been waiting for the day when the Yang family is rehabilitated. I already know the whole truth. Unfortunately, Tianfeng has already perished, and I don't have the ability to tell the world about the Yang family's injustice. However, Yang Churuo... will replace Yang. If you are rehabilitated, you can leave Qinling Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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