There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 1364: Brother and Sister Meet

Chapter 1364: Brother and Sister Meet (2)
"Xuanyuan Jinze, there are thousands of ways to hurt in the world, but do you know what hurts the most?" Yang Churuo took out a handkerchief from his cuff, and wiped it gently on his sweaty forehead. The sickly beauty was also shockingly beautiful, she hated this face, hated it from the bottom of her heart.

Yang Churuo asked himself and answered, "The pain of snake venom is the pain of sprinkling salt. Presumably if these two are used together, then life will be worse than death."

Xuanyuan Jinze turned his head to one side, remained silent, his eyes were ashen.

Shui Ling was extremely fast, resisting a bag of snakes and appeared in the Lingxuan Pavilion, holding an imperial physician in court clothes to Yang Churuo's side in one hand, put down the bag, and threw the tied imperial physician to the ground.

Then, the person with the wooden barrel also arrived quickly. It was a barrel full of salt water. Looking down, you can also find unmelted particles at the bottom of the barrel.

"Shui Ling, throw Xuanyuan Jinze into the bucket!" Yang Churuo's voice was unusually cold.

Shui Ling grabbed Xuanyuan Jinze, who was dying, and threw it directly into the bucket. The salty salt water seeped into the wound quickly. Xuanyuan Jinze felt like tens of thousands of ants devouring his flesh and blood, his face was bruised. He became extremely pale, and beads of sweat kept rolling down his forehead.

Although he forbears not to make a sound, but if you look carefully, you can feel it, he buried all the screams in his throat, and endured it.

The water in the bucket gradually turned red from Xuanyuan Jinze's blood.

"Well, it doesn't feel good, you used this punishment on me before." Yang Churuo said coldly.

Xuanyuan Jinze gasped in pain, squinting at Yang Churuo, "You're happy as long as you're happy."

"Oh... I'm happy?" Yang Churuo's voice suddenly rose a degree, almost breaking the sound, pointing to the bed in the distance and asked repeatedly, "I'm happy! That's where Chang'er died, and his blood was almost dry, I beg I begged you, but you just let him die, let her die like that, on the way to Huangquan, ask him, is he happy?"

What Xuanyuan Jinze is suffering now is nothing more than flesh and blood. Who can have the pain of losing her son and the hatred of losing a loved one?
If it wasn't for revenge, she wouldn't dare to step into this house no matter what. She was afraid. When she dreamed back at midnight, she could clearly see Shang'er's clear eyes, immature face, and calling her mother, Who can know her pain?

"Shui Ling, put the snake in for me." Yang Churuo closed her eyes, she didn't want to raise clothes with this demon again.

"And you." Yang Churuo kicked the imperial physician beside him, "Hang up his life, and I will spare your life."

"Yes... yes..." The imperial doctor kowtowed repeatedly, then immediately took his own medicine box and rushed to the bucket.Since he came to Lingxuan Pavilion, he has been calm, and now seeing his emperor become someone else's prisoner, he has to be more careful, saving his life is the most important thing.

A lord of the Nine Kings is now being tortured wantonly and become a prisoner, which is more uncomfortable than death.

Shui Ling resisted the snake bag, and put all the snakes in the bag into the bucket. A group of snakes swam vigorously like fish that had eaten, gnawing on Xuanyuan Jinze's flesh.

Xuanyuan Jinze let out a muffled snort, his face contorted immediately, his teeth rattled in pain, almost no part of his body was free from pain, not only his flesh and blood ached, but his bones, tendons, and even his soul were throbbing. with.

Did the old Yang Churuo suffer from such pain?

In my mind, Yang Churuo's painful appearance suddenly sounded in the past. He used to treat her so cruelly. Yang Churuo also cried and begged him, but not only did he not let her go, but instead looked at her painful appearance cruelly. .

(End of this chapter)

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