There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 1416 Meeting in the Cold Palace

Chapter 1416 Meeting in the Cold Palace (1)
Lightning and thunderstorms, torrential rain, this heavy rain, for most of the night, has no intention of stopping.

Ever since the queen was deposed by the emperor and thrown into the cold palace, the taste of the palace has changed, everywhere is tense, weird, and everyone is afraid, for fear that if one is not careful, one's life will be lost. Now the storm is raging, and the servants dare not Little covet, can only stick to the post.

Gusty winds howled, and swept over the servants guarding the outside. The heavy rain was pouring, and a lot of rain fell obliquely on them, making them shiver with the cold.

It was not only Yang Churuo and his servants who were sad, but also the Ninth Five-Year Lord in Fengluan Palace who was drunk with drunken eyes.

Since Yang Churuo was thrown into the cold palace, except for the early court, he has been locking himself in Fengluan Palace and drinking wine. The whole Fengluan Palace is filled with a strong smell of alcohol, and the ground is full of empty wine jars. How many jars did you drink?

On the warm fur reclining chair, Chu Yuchen leaned softly, raised his hand, and poured the wine jar into his mouth fiercely. As soon as the wine was spilled, it spilled all over his body, but Chu Yuchen No matter what, a pair of blurred eyes looked at the rain that was falling harder and harder outside the window, not knowing what to think, and frowning tightly.

Shui Ling, who was waiting behind Chu Yuchen, felt anxious for a while.

In the past few days, the master has not eaten anything except drinking, not even rice, if this continues, how can his body bear it.

If drinking alcohol can make the master drunk, or make the master forget everything, then it is good, but the master's capacity for alcohol is too good, even after drinking more than [-] altars, he still can't make the master down completely. These wines are still the best in the palace. strong.

Shui Ling wished to bring the strongest wine in the world to his master to drink. It would be great if he could get drunk after just one jar.

" can't drink any more..." Seeing Chu Yuchen picked up another jar, opened the seal, and poured it with his neck raised, Shui Ling hurriedly stopped it.

Chu Yuchen flicked his long sleeves, "Get out." He said coldly, with an irresistible order.

"'s been raining for half the night, if master is worried..."


Before Shui Ling finished speaking, he was stared at by a pair of cold eyes, which were devoid of emotion, even murderous, which made Shui Ling shudder and dared not say any more.

The master is obviously worried about the empress, since the rain, the master's eyes have never left the heavy rain outside. The urgent look clearly hopes that the rain will stop quickly, but the duck's mouth is so stubborn that he dare not let him report to the cold palace things.

A report was sent just now that there was a flood in the Lenggong, the roof was full of holes, and the empress didn't even have a place to hide from the rain. The Lenggong has been in disrepair for a long time, and the heavy rain has not stopped for a long time. Oh no.

Shui Ling really wanted to report the situation of the Leng Gong. After hearing this, the master would definitely feel sorry for the empress, but he didn't dare to report. The empress did something wrong to the emperor. She should suffer a little. I just hope that the empress will not If it collapses, nothing will happen to the empress. If anything happens to the empress, the master will definitely feel guilty for the rest of his life.

Even though Shui Ling had thousands of words to say, he could only swallow them.

The more Chu Yuchen drank the wine, the more irritable he felt. Finally, he threw the unfinished wine jar heavily on the ground, and the wine and broken porcelain spread together. Dryness.

Chu Yuchen sat up drunk, with a pair of deep eyes, staring straight at the heavy rain outside the window, wishing to stop the heavy rain.

(End of this chapter)

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