There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 193 A promise to never betray

Chapter 193 A promise to never betray (3)
"Sister Su, how does it feel to be a nobleman? Are you very happy? Did the emperor treat you well? I heard that the emperor favored you yesterday. Did he do anything to you? Why did everyone say that you cried so hard yesterday? , still begging for mercy, isn't it..."

"Sister Yuxiu, don't talk nonsense. The emperor favors Sister Su. That's Sister Su's favor. Everyone in the harem can't ask for it." Qiao Shuqi grabbed Gong Yuxiu's arm and quickly interjected, preventing Gong Yuxiu from continuing. go down.There are so many people in the palace, who knows if there is any eyeliner arranged by other people nearby.

"What grace, I can tell it's just... forget it, I won't talk about it, Sister Su, how is your body now? Can you stand up? Why don't you lie down for a while."

"I'm fine." Yang Churuo smiled lightly.I just wondered in my heart.

She cried all night last night?And...begging for mercy...?Then did she say anything she shouldn't have said?

"Sister Su, the dance you danced yesterday was so beautiful. I was almost fascinated by you. If I were a man, I would definitely marry you home. I will love and spoil you every day, haha." Gong Yuxiu It seems that he is in a good mood, and when he speaks, he has a lot of energy.

"How do you know that my dance is beautiful? Could it be you..." Yang Churuo drew his voice and looked suspiciously at Gong Yuxiu who was smiling brightly.

Gong Yuxiu scratched her hair at the back of her head, a little embarrassed, but also a little smug, "Wouldn't it be a pity if I didn't go to such a fun thing as a palace banquet, so I secretly changed into the palace maid's clothes, I got mixed in, and I saw everything about you at the banquet."

As Gong Yuxiu was talking, she suddenly became angry, grinding her big gleaming canine teeth, "I don't know who is a utterly conscientious person who even tampers with your clothes, it's best not to be found out, otherwise I will You have to tear off her clothes."

Yang Churuo's heart was extremely cold, but there was no expression on his face. Instead, he smiled lightly, "Forget it, it's all over, and I also got a blessing in disguise and became a noble person. They have calculated everything, and I'm afraid they didn't figure it out. A little bit."

"Sister Su, you and Sister Qiao are too kind, so the two of you are always being bullied. You don't know, that concubine is always against Sister Qiao. Every time Sister Qiao goes to pay her respects, she makes things difficult for Sister Qiao." If the concubine and empress are not allowed to help, I am afraid that elder sister Qiao will not know what kind of bullying she is, but she only hates that my concubine is too low to enter the Cuifang Pavilion, and even elder sister Qiao cannot protect her."

Gong Yuxiu stomped her feet resentfully, and then complained, "What do you think the emperor is marrying so many concubines? He can't stop favoring him. How many concubines in the palace have entered the palace and it is difficult to see the emperor. Now that they are married, Then treat people well, and see how those high-ranking concubines make things difficult for other concubines, don't talk about others, just say sister Qiao, look at her knees are broken, and her hands, say Why is Sister Qiao playing the piano so nice, if you want Sister Qiao to play, she will play for a whole day, and Sister Qiao's fingers are bloody, and she won't let you stop."

"Okay, don't complain. If you really want to be heard, I'm afraid you will be punished again. It's better to be cautious in the palace. It has always been like this in the harem, and it's not just the emperor. Yes, this little injury is really nothing, don't worry." Qiao Shuqi hurriedly stopped, looked around and saw that there was no one, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Churuo turned to her hand, and found that her hand, like hers, was wrapped in thick gauze, and it seemed to be injured.

"Anyway, let me just say it straight, I don't want to see the emperor, and I don't want to be the real concubine of the emperor. If there is a day when the emperor really calls me, you have to help me, otherwise I will be angry. "Gong Yuxiu rolled her eyes, and didn't want to say anything more. Anyway, it's useless to say anything to these two kind-hearted sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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