There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 262 Chu Yuchen's Past and Yang Qishao's Appearance

Chapter 262 Chu Yuchen's Past and Yang Qishao's Appearance (7)
"How could my concubine mother be concubine Shu? She didn't have any status until she died. That was the title I gave her after I ascended the throne. I originally wanted to give her the status of queen mother, but I knew that if I gave her Her title of Empress Dowager, I'm afraid I won't survive the next day when the sun rises."

what... what...

"When I was three years old, the Empress Dowager Zhou told my father to want me. No matter how much my mother and concubine begged, she couldn't keep me, because the mother and concubine had no status. Although she gave birth to me, she was still just a child. Maid."

Yang Churuo felt pain in his heart.

Although she only heard from Chu Yuchen, she could imagine Concubine Shu's despair.

You can also imagine the bitterness of Chu Yuchen who couldn't shout, kiss, or talk to his mother.

"The Empress Dowager Zhou has always been scolding and scolding me since I was a child, and she is even more harsh on my mother and concubine. Whenever I disobey her a little bit, she will take my anger out on my mother and concubine. In the cold harem, life is worse than death When I was young, I could always see my concubine mother hiding in the dark, watching me secretly and weeping."

Yang Churuo looked at Chu Yuchen, who was stained with crystal tears, and wanted to comfort him, but because he didn't know how to comfort him, he could only listen to him quietly.

Suddenly, he felt that this dignified and dignified Emperor Chu also had a heart full of holes. No wonder his flute sounded so melancholy... These things must have buried a deep pain in his heart.

The Empress Dowager handed over the power of government to him last year, so was he just a puppet emperor before?No wonder some people said that the emperor resented the Queen Mother Zhou.

If she does, she will too.

"Father's health is getting worse and worse. The Empress Dowager Zhou tried her best to let my father make me the crown prince and then ascend the throne as emperor. Therefore, the first thing he did was to get rid of my mother and concubine. She thought that she would do everything perfectly. Actually, she didn't know, when she killed my mother and concubine, I hid under the bed and witnessed that scene with my own eyes."

Chu Yuchen suddenly calmed down.But Yang Churuo knew that the calmer he was, the more pain he felt in his heart.

"He ordered people to hold the concubine's hands and feet, wet them with paper, and covered her face layer by layer. I couldn't even count how many layers were covered. The concubine struggled, but she couldn't get away. That's it. I was smothered alive, and I was exactly six years old that year."

Yang Churuo's eyes turned red, and his heart felt sad.Another poor woman.

Seeing his mother and concubine die in front of his own eyes, he must have felt very uncomfortable. If there is no hatred, it would be strange.

"At that time, my concubine's personal maid tightly covered my mouth to prevent me from making a sound. I just watched my concubine step by step in front of me, losing my life."

Yang Churuo reached out and held Chu Yuchen's broad hand, comforting silently.Tears popped and slid out of the eye sockets.

"For so many years, there is not a day when I don't want to get rid of the Empress Dowager Zhou, but she is too powerful, and it can affect the whole body. If I don't have enough confidence, I can't easily touch her. The enmity of the mother and concubine is like this again and again. Three delays. I am the emperor, and I have to be responsible to the people of the world. As the emperor, there are many things I can't do."

Chu Yuchen smiled wryly, even though his heart ached, he concealed all his emotions.

"Yes, there will be a day of revenge." Yang Churuo held Chu Yuchen's hand tightly, not knowing whether he was talking to him or herself.The only thing I know is that Chu Yuchen is unconsciously not as difficult to get along with as imagined, and he is just a mortal, a mortal with flesh and blood, a mortal with joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

"This matter has been buried in my heart for more than ten years, and it is much better to say it now." Chu Yuchen lowered his head, looked at Yang Churuo's red eyes and sad expression, stretched out his hand to hug her tightly, and bowed He said in a low voice, "So, if you tell some stories that are buried in your heart, you will feel much more comfortable in your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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