There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 629 Princess Xiyue's Death

Chapter 629 Princess Xiyue's Death (2)
"See the emperor, long live the emperor, long live the emperor, see the imperial concubine, the imperial concubine is a thousand years old." The servants guarding outside saw them coming, and hurriedly saluted.

How could Yang Churuo and the others have time to listen to their salutes at this time, they only had Princess Xiyue in their hearts, and they wondered how Princess Xiyue was doing now?

"Get up, how is the princess?" Chu Yuchen asked Qinglong, who was the leader.

Qinglong shook his head, his expression was not very good-looking, "The princess was locked in a dark room, when she was found, her whole body was covered with barbs, inverted knives, she lost a lot of blood, plus she was seriously injured and was already dying, so... …Now Miracle Doctor Yi is healing inside, so don’t allow anyone to go in and disturb him.”


Qinglong's words frightened everyone.

The whole body is full of barbs, inverted blades... Who pierced these?Did Concubine Rong order someone to stab her?No wonder Concubine Rong said that Princess Xiyue is dead, and it is impossible to live again.

What a cruel method.

Yang Churuo clenched her fists tightly, suddenly felt that Concubine Rong was too cheap, for a person like her, the most vicious punishment in the world was not enough to punish her.

Eunuch Ma covered his mouth in fright.

Barbs?Downside?What would it look like?I was dying...

Yang Churuo's indifferent eyes suddenly froze, his black clothes flashed, his body was like a ray of wind, he teleported to the door, raised his sleeves, and directly forced the door open, the black shadow flashed again, and his shadow could not be seen at the door.

Seeing that Yang Chubai had already entered, Chu Yuchen and Yang Churuo looked at each other and followed them in.

Eunuch Ma saw it, and hurriedly followed in.

Luo Feng was eager to go in, but he knew his identity, and he was not qualified to go in now, so he could only guard outside the door, silently praying for the safety of Princess Xiyue.

In the bedroom, when Yang Churuo and Chu Yuchen entered, they happened to see Yi Shuchen tidying up the medical box with a tired expression. Presumably, he had spent a lot of energy in order to save Princess Yue.

And Yang Chubai was standing by the bed, staring at Princess Xiyue nervously, with pain and anger in his eyes.

Yang Churuo had originally suspected that Bai Yang was an old member of the Yang family, but now seeing his actions, he became more determined in his mind.

If he was just a stranger, why was he so nervous seeing the princess?Why did he ignore the opinions of the people and the importance of the palace, and directly kicked open the palace door?If he wasn't an old member of the Yang family, why did he treat her so well?He clearly recognized that she looked exactly like Fifth Sister, that's why he followed her all the time.

Yang Churuo didn't have so much time to guess who Bai Yang was. She and Chu Yuchen walked quickly to the bed and looked at Princess Xiyue who was dying on the bed. Seeing this, both of them gasped.

Is it a human or a ghost?
It’s okay to have pitted wounds all over the body, even the criss-crossed face is full of bloody wounds, especially because she has no beads, her eyes are like two skulls, her nose has been cut off one side, and even her mouth, For unknown reasons, it was extremely swollen, and looking at her neck, there was almost no complete piece of flesh.

They didn't need to take off her clothes at all, and they could guess that there was probably not a single intact part of her body, right?

She was lying limply on the bed, dying, exhaling a lot of air and inhaling less, like a broken pottery doll, which might be destroyed at any time.Beside her, there were several water basins, each of which was filled with bright red blood, which was horrifyingly horrible.

She is ferocious, she is ugly, but at this moment, no one thinks she is ugly, but thinks that she is a holy fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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