There is a tyrant in the home after the poison

Chapter 887 Returning Strongly After 5 Years

Chapter 887 Returning Strongly After 15 Years (7)
"Your Majesty, the fourth prince has been in Fengguo's palace all this time. How could he collude with the people of Chu? This is because someone framed the fourth prince. If the emperor just listens to the seventh prince's words, the relatives will be hurt, and the enemies will be quick."


Several forces stood up one after another, each expressing their opinions, and the quarrel was so intense.

Feng Ling looked at this scene with cold eyes, like an outsider, and interrupted without saying a word, as if he had expected this scene to happen a long time ago.

Ah Xing feels sorry for Feng Guo.

In a country where everyone has hidden evil intentions and is not united at all, how can such a country beat Chu?If the master doesn't come back to take down Fengguo, I'm afraid Fengguo will definitely be taken down by Chu State within a year.

People from various vassal states and other countries looked at each other coldly, poured their own drinks, had nothing to do with themselves, and held it high, and no one would interfere in matters of wind.

It's just a step closer to understand the current situation of Fengguo.

I thought Fengguo was a super kingdom, but I didn't expect it to be nothing more than that. It is impossible for such a country to stand for so many years.

On the contrary, many princes and kings looked at Feng Ling with strange eyes.

Although Feng Ling was sent to be a proton since he was a child, he is also the male favorite of Princess Chu.But would a male favorite have such a bearing?This boy, I'm afraid it's not easy.

He seems harmless, but dogs that tend to bite people don't bark.

There are also a small number of countries that have received Feng Ling's enthronement and wedding invitations, and they are looking at Feng Ling with a strange look, wanting to see how this person who has no power in Feng Nation can turn the world around , won the throne?

Yang Churuo's face was indifferent, and he watched Fengling's situation with cold eyes, as well as Fengguo's corruption, fighting openly and secretly.

Such a country is really sad.Fenghuang must not know that his sixth son, eighth son, and ninth son are also dead.

If he knew, he wouldn't have the time to celebrate his fiftieth birthday.

Ever since she came here, Yang Churuo felt that there were countless eyes looking at her, some were amazed, some were envious, some were jealous, some were jealous...

No matter what the gaze was, Yang Churuo didn't care. What made her pay special attention was that one of the affectionate gazes never left her.

This look is very strange.

It wasn't shocking, nor obscene, but doubts, deep doubts, as if the owner of this gaze had something bothering him all the time.What makes Yang Churuo not disgusted with this look is that there is no malice in this look, but a touch of kindness.

Yang Churuo suddenly raised his head, facing a short and burly man in the first row.

The people in that row were all kings and envoys of other countries, and they were of high status. The burly man was sitting in the first seat of the first row, and he was supposed to be the most noble of these people.

The burly man was not very old, about thirty or so, ten years older than her, with a hunchback and waist, a dignified body, and a dignified appearance.A pair of eyes shot cold stars, and two eyebrows were like paint.The chest is wide and broad, and there is a majesty that is invincible.

Look at his clothes... His clothes are completely different from theirs. He is wearing clothes from the Xisha Kingdom. He wears a black and white baotou on his head. Gold jewellery, in stark contrast, with large earrings on the ears and a bright silver collar on the neck, and the upper body is used to wearing a short skirt with side skirts and short trousers.

Although the man's figure was slightly burly and rough, his face was surprisingly good-looking.

(End of this chapter)

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