Chapter 899
People are panicking, gunpowder is filling the sky, and the Fengguo palace is full of flames. Fights are being staged one after another. The drums are thundering, thousands of troops are mighty, and the battle of Fengguo's palace change has been pushed to the peak.

However, in the imperial garden that is full of war, there is an elegant and quiet place.This place seems to be isolated from the world, except for the faint shouts of fighting, not even a single bodyguard can see it, let alone anyone approaching it.

It was March, and it was the time when the flowers bloomed in the warmth of spring. At this time, all kinds of flowers were in full bloom, and the vegetation was green and green. The butterflies were flying and the bees were dancing. It was full of spring.

This should be a beautiful scenery, but at this moment, there is a dull atmosphere in the air, gray and gloomy, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it can't make the dull heart better, especially From time to time in the distance, the screams of screams, the sound of charging, and the sound of thousands of troops galloping, the sound entered my ears.

Yang Churuo was dressed in fiery red clothes, with a white jade pearl hairpin inserted obliquely, and a veil covering his face, quietly watching the young man in white clothes sitting quietly on the edge of the rockery, staring at the sparkling light and dazed.

Because his back was facing the boy in white, Yang Churuo couldn't see his face, but could only see his lonely back and the loneliness emanating from him.

Under the moonlight, the man in white seems to be a lost person, who has been there for eternity. In the world, he seems to be the only lonely person who can't find any comfort.

Yang Churuo lightly lifted her toes, walked to the man in white, sat side by side with him, raised her head, and looked at the crescent moon that was shining with golden light.

Both of them fell silent, letting the sound of fighting rang in their ears, as if they were telling their bloody life.

Feng Ling, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head, and his long and narrow Danfeng eyes glanced at Yang Churuo who was full of emotions, and said sarcastically, "Why, do you think I am pitiful, or do you think I am hateful? He launched a palace change for his own selfish desires, causing blood flow Chenghe?"

Yang Churuo shook his head, and slightly parted his lips, "No, I think you are pathetic."

"Sad?" Feng Ling chuckled.Since he was a child, no one has ever said that he is sad.

"Yes, it's very sad. It's your misfortune to be born into this kind of family, and you have no choice. In fact, we are all very sad. We have always longed for family affection but failed to get it. Perhaps, you desire family affection even more than I do. "Yang Churuo said quietly, without expression, her eyes were as calm as water.

"Although there were some accidents at home when I was ten years old, and all my close relatives were gone, I was happy before I was ten years old. At least my family loved me, and you... your life is full of calculations and conflicts." Conspiracy, your birth is not even blessed."

Feng Ling smiled bitterly.

Yes, his birth, except for his mother and concubine who welcomed him, no one wanted him to be born, including his grandfather.

"My concubine mother is a very gentle and kind person. She has always known that that old thing is using her. My concubine mother naively thought that as long as she gave birth to a child, as long as she satisfied him with everything, that old thing would be moved by her , From then on, the husband and wife love each other. Mother and concubine never thought that that old thing would be so heartless." Feng Ling said suddenly.

Yang Churuo thought for a moment that he had heard wrong.Because in my impression, Feng Ling is not someone who would sit side by side with others and tell about the past.

At this time, Feng Ling has no hostility, no cruelty, no indifference, just an ordinary young man, a young man riddled with wounds, full of worries, lonely and lonely.

"After he gained power, he put my mother and concubine into the cold palace and punished the nine clans of the Yu family. Several loyal ministers of the Yu family went to the cold palace to look for my mother and concubine, and wanted to take my mother and concubine out of the cold palace and the capital of the Feng Kingdom , but my concubine mother was unwilling. Although there was hatred in my heart at that time, concubine mother still wanted to make that old man change his mind, and he didn't want me to be displaced, and I had no father's love since I was a child."

(End of this chapter)

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