Chapter 211 Small Treasury (1)

Lin Wan'er couldn't guess what Wulang was thinking. She only knew that after the problem of building the wall was solved, there was one more thing waiting for her to solve, and that was about the distribution of property in the future. After a few days, a safe method finally came to my mind.

"Big Brother and Second Brother, you have also seen that our family's financial situation is getting better day by day, and the family's surplus money has also begun to increase, but so far, we still have no money in our own personal coffers." Well, what if I encounter something I like at the market in the future? So I think it's better for everyone to have a private money, so that when they meet something they like, they can pay for it out of their own pockets." Lin Wan'er Holding the earthen pot, he looked expectantly at the two of them, Goro and Liulang, talking endlessly about his best-of-both-worlds plan.

"For the sake of fairness, the source of the small treasury is temporarily paid in the form of salary. Each person has an income of ten cents per month, which can be overdrafted, but it must be made up. You can't make ends meet for several consecutive months, otherwise Just deprive him of the right to own the small treasury, and since Xiao Qi is still young, I will keep his small treasury with me for the time being, and give it to him when he has any needs."

"There will also be a year-end junior inventory at the end of each year. Anyone who counts the most remaining money in the small treasury this year will be rewarded with an additional [-] Wen, and then the salary will be settled in one go. , Let everyone put away their share, so that if it accumulates over time, maybe there will be some money for marriage in the future, what do you think of my method?"

"I don't agree, little girl, we are a family, why do we have to keep a small treasury privately? It would be too outlandish to do so." As soon as Lin Wan'er finished speaking, Liu Lang was eager to express his attitude, decisively She gave Lin Wan'er a fork.

It didn't work with Liu Lang, Lin Wan'er looked up at Wu Lang's reaction again, and found that he also disapproved, Lin Wan'er was not discouraged, and continued to cheer up, showing her unbeatable Xiaoqiang spirit, even if it was grinding, she would kill Wu Lang. Liu Lang agreed to Mo, otherwise he would be sorry for her hard thinking and meditation these days.

"Second brother, we are only discussing salary and remuneration now, and we are not dividing the family and property. How can these two concepts be confused? Second brother misunderstood what I meant." Seeing that no one agreed with her proposal, Lin Wan'er , eager to defend himself.

"Besides, we don't steal or rob, and rely on our own labor to obtain corresponding rewards. Isn't this a very normal thing? As long as it is not a last resort and there is no large overdraft situation, it will be fine. Besides, our monthly salary of ten cents is not
There are a lot, as long as you save a little, you can barely buy a few snacks at the market to satisfy your cravings. "

Moreover, judging from their current earning speed, there is no such thing as sending out artificial wages, which eventually leads to the hollowing out of the family's finances. After all, this small amount of money is not enough compared to the big ones.

However, if you have a way to make full use of this fund, over time, the results will be very optimistic.

(End of this chapter)

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