Roll at the apex of the paranoid emperor

Chapter 744 Jin'er and his second child!

Chapter 744 Jin'er and his second child!

Han Xiaonian carried the little guy to the study and sat down in front of the computer.

The little guy was very obedient in Han Xiaonian's arms. The baby from the previous month was nothing more than eating and sleeping.

The bosses of the company saw Han Xiaonian holding a child to hold a meeting for them, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

It was the first time for them to see their boss holding a child in a meeting with them.

Han Xiaonian glanced at the computer screen lightly, "Let's start, keep your voice down."

And there was also Zuo Siyin who was in the meeting here, seeing Han Xiaonian holding the child in his arms, his eyes flickered with secretiveness.

Jin'er's child!
Jin Er and his second child!

Gradually, the secretive look in his eyes flashed into a violent one.

The little guy woke up from Han Xiaonian's arms, and cried out with a "wow".

The boss who is in the meeting: "!!!"

He did nothing!

His voice is low enough!
He wasn't the one who woke Mr. Han's child up!
Eddie asked in a low voice: "My lord, how about I carry the little lady to the nanny or the eldest lady?"

The eldest lady knew that Miss Lan had given birth to a child, and she was worried that the master would not take good care of her, so she came over to take care of it herself.

The man looked down at the crying little guy in his arms, pursed his lips, and carried the child to Eddie.

"Go on." Han Xiaonian said calmly.

Seeing that Han Xiaonian didn't lose his temper, the boss of the meeting just now breathed a sigh of relief and continued the meeting.

After the meeting, Han Xiaonian went to see the baby in the little guy's nursery.

The baby room is decorated like a paradise on earth, the room is as big as his and Lan Jiner's bedroom, and the whole room has a sense of paradise and fantasy.

When the little guy came back, he was about to cry when he saw such a beautifully furnished room.

"Xiao Nian, the child will sleep with me tonight, she will disturb your rest." Han Yixin hugged the little guy, and said softly to Han Xiaonian.

Han Xiaonian: "No need, she is very good."

Han Yixin couldn't help complaining, "Xiao Jin'er is also very obedient, and I haven't seen you hug me once."

The Year of the Cold Owl: "..."

Han Yi felt helpless, "Oh, it's Lan Jin'er's child after all, so you care more."

Han Xiaonian raised his eyes slightly, "Xiao Jin'er was also born by Jin'er."

Han Yixin was stunned for a while, then laughed dumbly, "Stop joking, it was born by Jin'er, why were you afraid that Jin'er would look at Xiao Jin'er?"

"Whenever Jin'er goes back to Han's house, we always have to find someone to take Xiao Jin'er out for a stroll."

Han Xiaonian: "I also care about the two children, but the circumstances they encountered were different."

Han Yixin stopped talking.

In fact, it's not that Xiao Nian doesn't care about Xiao Jin'er, but it pales in comparison to Lan Jin'er.

At that time, he was focused on Lan Jiner, and because Lan Jiner wanted to leave every day, his temper became more and more violent, so he ignored Xiao Jiner a lot.

But every time he came to Han's house alone, he would go to see Xiao Jin'er immediately.

He often had a gloomy face, and even though he saw Xiao Jin'er's face softened a lot, Xiao Jin'er, who was less than one year old, was scared to cry several times by him.

Later, when Xiao Jin'er was over one year old, he would sit on a blanket and play with building blocks, and he would occasionally teach him a few.

Although these are what a father should do, but at the time when Xiao was so focused on Jin'er, she and grandma were already very pleased that Xiaonian could play with the little guy with building blocks.

When mentioning Xiao Jin'er, Han Yi couldn't help thinking that Lan Jin'er was taking Xiao Jin'er away now.

Looking up at Han Xiaonian, he asked, "Why did Jin'er leave again and again? This time, he took Xiao Jin'er with him."

(End of this chapter)

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