Chapter 244
For other pharmacists, it is absolutely gut-wrenching to donate their painstakingly developed drug for free.

After all, it may take many years for many people to develop a drug that works.

They are counting on this drug to get rich.

However, this is not a rare thing for Su Qiyan.Who made her a master of alchemy?
Although the two worlds are very different, they have many things in common.Otherwise, she would not be able to develop a drug suitable for the people here so quickly.

In the hearts of others, a new drug is equivalent to all their belongings.But for Su Qiyan, one medicine can only be regarded as one percent of her, and two medicines are only two percent.

Although Su Qiyan didn't know how Su Zhiyuan did all this, it was absolutely impossible to do such a weird thing just as he wanted.

It is very likely that Su Zhiyuan did her best to achieve all this?

——Su Qiyan didn't know, he had already messed around, and he guessed it right.

Moreover, after donating these two medicines, although there is no money, they still have a great reputation.

With two medicines donated, who would dare to question her at all?
Although the person in charge didn't know what Su Qiyan was thinking, this approach really exceeded his psychological expectations.

However, this is the best solution.

If Su Zhiyuan also agrees, this matter can end here.

A large part of the reason why everyone is so angry about plagiarism is that plagiarists use other people's things to gain benefits and achieve themselves.

But now, the drug that can make a profit is donated, no matter who is the plagiarist, it cannot make a profit, so this matter can pass.

"I also want the matter to end smoothly, so you don't have to worry about us." Su Qiyan said with a smile.

The person in charge was very moved.

This kid is so sensible!
Such a monstrous genius is not arrogant at all, and is so sensible, it's so rare!

At this moment, the person in charge had a good impression of Su Qiyan.

At the same time, the slightest doubt in his heart towards Su Qiyan was completely dispelled.

Before that, he was still a little hesitant.After all, the evidence cannot fully prove her innocence.

And now, he has completely believed that Su Qiyan is innocent!

"Okay, I will take care of this matter." He stood up and said gratefully, "Thank you for your cooperation!"

"I still have to thank you for your hard work." Su Qiyan also reached out and shook his hand.

The person in charge quickly left and went to find Su Zhiyuan.

Su Zhiyuan, who was waiting for the news at home, turned pale with shock after knowing the result.

"Is she crazy?!"

The person in charge's face suddenly darkened, "Miss Su, please be careful with your words!"

At this moment, his impression of Su Zhiyuan was greatly reduced.

"I'm sorry, I was just too, too surprised."

Su Zhiyuan smiled stiffly, but she kept cursing in her heart.

Is Su Qiyan crazy? !She actually resorted to such a trick of dying together!

Doesn't she know how much this medicine is worth? !

Su Qiyan didn't care about this drug, but Su Zhiyuan did!

You know, for this matter, she spent tens of millions of faith points!
But now, things didn't work out, and her faith value dropped sharply, and now it has dropped to less than [-].She also wants to earn some cash back with this drug!

But who would have thought that Su Qiyan would use such a trick!
What's even more hateful is that she still can't refuse!

(End of this chapter)

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