Chapter 533
Now that they have decided to check the Jin family, they must act immediately.

And Su Qiyan also had an idea.

She met several girls at the reception of YE before.

Among them, there are two sisters from the Jin family, Jin Suxin and Jin Suqin.

These two are sisters, and they don't have a good relationship with Jin Sujun.

Of course, the two are the children of the main family, and Jin Sujun is the illegitimate daughter. Everyone has different positions, and the relationship is of course not much better.

Moreover, Jin Suxin likes Li Chengjin, and Li Chengjin was snatched away by Jin Sujun.

No, there was almost a difference between them.

Su Qiyan also added the girls' contact information before, and occasionally liked their status on the Internet, maintaining a close relationship.

Now, since it is necessary to check the Jin family, it will be much easier to start with them.

Su Qiyan was very concerned about what Li Chengqing said that Jin Sujun and Kim Zhunying were very close.

If you can really find out the tricks between the two, then it will be a good show.

At least it can cause conflicts between Jin Sujun and Li Chengjin. Then, Jin Suxin and the others can take advantage of this opportunity to sneak in, and then the sisters will tear each other apart...

Anyway, the messier the better.

Especially if it's messed up from the inside, that's even better!

After thinking about this, Su Qiyan immediately took action.

She called Sister Jin Suxin, said that she was going to Dahan Kingdom, and asked them to meet together.

When the two sisters received Su Qiyan's call, they were a little surprised.

After all, they also knew that they were just nodding acquaintances, how could Su Qiyan be so enthusiastic?When you came to Dahan country, you even asked them out?

However, this is a good thing.

Su Qiyan endorsed GT's new gem before!

The new gems launched by GT Company are now setting off a different heat wave.

Well-heeled buyers have been getting their hands on this gem for some time now.

During this time, they clearly felt that these gems are really great!

Whether it's ruby, sapphire, or emerald topaz, it's all right!

Before, some merchants launched jewelry such as crystals, saying that wearing these crystals would benefit the human body.

However, these so-called benefits can only be realized after long-term wearing.

If you are not used to wearing some, you may put them aside for a few days without any change at all.

Of course, when they go back to find the merchant, the merchant will also say that it needs to be worn for a long time to be effective. If you don't stick to it, who is to blame?
However, the effect of these gems of GT is indeed immediate!
After wearing it for a few days, they can feel the difference in their bodies.

Especially some nights when I don't sleep well, I even experience the long-lost sweet sleep.

There are also some warriors who can clearly feel that they are more sober than before when they are practicing, but their speed is also faster!
And these are all brought by these gems!
As a result, these gems immediately became the treasures that everyone raved about.

Of course, some people expressed doubts about this and took these gems for testing.

After all, some unscrupulous merchants will take out some terrible radioactive things like meteorites and sell them as treasures.

If there is radiation, it will be dead.

However, after these gems were inspected, no bad things were found.

Instead, they also discovered that these gems were indeed treasures!

Now, the popularity of these gems is even more explosive!Consumers around the world know their benefits!

(End of this chapter)

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