Chapter 225 Strange William
"Then get in the car!" Adam said with a smile.

The young Kate was taken aback when he heard this. He asked me to ride in the carriage together?

Adam walked towards the carriage and noticed that Kate was not moving. Adam turned his head and smiled and asked him, "Why? Don't you want to?"

Kate shook her head silently, then got up and followed behind Adam.Seeing this scene, Mario scratched his head. He didn't know why Adam took in the assassin, but as Adam's bodyguard, he would not interfere with any of Adam's decisions.

Mario yelled at the soldiers: "Close the team!"

The soldiers reorganized their formation according to the words, and surrounded the carriage. As the carriage drove, the soldiers also began to trot.

In the carriage, Adam comforted Kate softly: "Don't be nervous, I won't eat you again, let me tell you about your previous life."

Kate looked at Adam's eyes full of sincerity, and was a little stunned.Kate lowered her head and said, "I used to"

Time passed between the question and answer between the two, and the cold blade station arrived in a short while.

The cold blade station in the night was full of tranquility, Mario jumped out of the carriage and knocked on the door of the cold blade station.

A night watchman opened the door and greeted the crowd. Kate was in Adam's carriage. The Coldblade Mercenary Group didn't find him. After Adam and Kate got out of the car, everyone handed over the carriage to Coldblade. After being taken away by the soldiers, the group returned to their yard.

Kate was still a little unaccustomed to this strange place, when Adam sent someone to settle Kate and was about to find medicine for him.At this moment, the warrior with the cold blade came to the yard where Heishi Town and the others were, and found Adam: "Your Excellency Adam, the head of my family wants to invite you to the living room, and I have something to discuss with you."

Adam's expression was a little astonished, it's so late, he still has something to ask me?
Adam pondered for a while, and then ordered to Mario: "Last time, Commander William gave us some medicines. Let Sophia take a look at Kate's wounds, and then choose the corresponding medicines for him to treat."

Adam knew that Sophia, who was a whisperer, had a good understanding of the characteristics of the drug, and had a natural perception to distinguish the characteristics of the drug. In addition, Sophia had been studying pharmacists in Blackstone Town, so Sophia asked Kate to see the sick There's nothing wrong with that either.

Mario nodded in response, and Adam followed the cold blade warrior to the cold blade's reception room.

William had been waiting there for a long time. With a slightly dignified expression, William walked slowly in the living room.

Adam pushed the door open and entered: "Brother William, are you looking for me?"

When William saw Adam approaching, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You are back. I heard that you went to the dinner party at the Prince's Mansion. I just got the news that an assassin appeared at the Prince's Mansion. Adam, are you not injured? "

Adam was a little surprised, William's news is really well-informed!

An assassin appeared in the Prince's Mansion in the middle of the night, and it was not long before he received the news.

Adam replied truthfully: "It's okay, please worry about my brother, I'm not injured, but Prince Hubert was a little frightened."

William smiled and said, "It's fine. By the way, Adam, you said that Prince Hubert was a little frightened? How is he? He's not injured?" Adam looked at William strangely, what do you care about the prince?
William seemed to see Adam's doubts, he laughed and said, "I'm just asking, after all, I'm also from the Principality of Tianying."

Adam suddenly realized: "His Royal Highness is not injured, but he is in a bad mood."

William asked: "What about the assassin? Have you caught him?"

Thinking of Kate, Adam thought to himself: The assassin is in the cold blade station, how could he be caught.

Adam said: "No, the assassin ran away in invisibility!" William said with some fuss: "Invisibility! This is a talent!"

Adam looked at William's exaggerated posture strangely, and realized something in his heart: "Yes, I think the same way, there is no other way to be invisible except talent."

There was concern in William's eyes: "Actually, I was worried about your safety, so I called you over to check. It's great that you're fine! It's getting late, so go back and rest."

Adam nodded: "You should go to bed early, too." William smiled and nodded, Adam turned and left the living room.

As soon as Adam left the living room, William's originally smiling eyes turned gloomy. William whispered, "You're lucky this time, Hubert! As long as the assassin isn't caught, I haven't been exposed yet, you Don't you suspect me? If you want to join forces with the Wassaby mercenary group to deal with me, then don't blame me for preemptive strikes!"

William stood still at the same spot, contemplating. After a while, William said to the empty place: "Go and find out about the Shadow Killer. If he escapes from the city, leave him alone. If not, then You must find him before Hubert's men, and kill him! My identity cannot be revealed!"

"Also, continue to find a killer to assassinate Hubert. It should be more reputable, and don't expose our identities." William continued to add.

There were waves of ripples and waves in the originally empty place in the reception room, as if the void had turned into flowing water, and a deep voice came from the waves: "Yes! Your Royal Highness!"

That fluctuating person actually called William His Highness the Prince!

Adam, who walked out of the living room, walked all the way back while thinking. William came to him late at night just to ask about the assassin in the prince's mansion, which made Adam a little strange.Just now, William's eyes clearly showed a trace of nervousness, and his steps, even though he walked very steadily, he kept walking back and forth, which showed that he was very depressed and had secrets.

The details of William's actions just now all reveal what he is worried about. If others can't see it, it doesn't mean that Adam can't see it.The question Adam is thinking about now is what is William worried about?Worried about my safety?Do not make jokes!
Although the relationship between the two was good, it was not at the level of a life-and-death friendship. How could he be so worried about Adam's safety.

Adam connected what happened tonight, the Assassin, Prince Hubert, the Iron Masked General, and William. A kind of enlightenment gradually rose from Adam's heart, and he felt that he must have guessed right.

Adam muttered to himself: "Could it be that he did it? Probably not, it's not good for him, he should have no motive to assassinate the prince! Why would he do such a thankless thing? Is there a relationship of interest that I don't know about?"

Adam was walking while thinking. He felt that things were not as simple as he thought. After thinking for a long time, he decided not to pay attention to these things for the time being. As long as his own interests were not involved, Adam didn't want to get involved in the affairs of these people. , and don't want to know the right and wrong between them.

Adam, who returned to the yard, learned that Kate had been treated briefly by Sophia, and Sophia ordered the servants to feed Kate medicine on time every day.

But when Adam came to Kate's room excitedly, he learned that Kate went back to bed after Sophia's treatment, and sent someone to bring a word to Adam before leaving.

"Bad brother, don't disturb my sleep so late in the future, I will grow old soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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