Naruto copy system

Chapter 27 The party of old friends

Chapter 27 The party of old friends

Bai, who was helping Zaibu to change the gauze, was startled by the sound of footsteps outside the door. Didn't the warnings that were set up have any effect?

No more beheading, but he pressed Bai's shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice: "Bai, don't be nervous, we are old acquaintances."

As the door was pushed open, a pompous voice came: "It's really embarrassing. No eyebrows."

"I heard that you were defeated by a 12-year-old ninja, hahaha, it's so funny."

No more beheading, his face was a bit ugly: "I was just being careless for a while, next time... I will behead that kid with my own hands."

The black hoe Lei Ya took off the hat on the cloak and revealed his crazy face: "Seeing you reminded us of our past memories. I really want to hold a funeral for you, eyebrowless."

Not to be outdone again: "I also really want to cut off your head as a trophy, thick lips."

"It's Lord Lei Ya." Bai saluted respectfully.

"So you're still alive. I thought that a useless tool like you would have been abandoned by Zabuzhan long ago. Back then you were."

"Enough, I don't want to hear you say these things." Zai Buzhan looked at Lei Ya gloomyly: "I didn't come to you to hear you talk about these useless things."

"Do you think I want to help you? The person I hate the most is you, the one without eyebrows."

As he spoke, Lei Ya pulled out two Lei Dao and placed them in front of Zai Bu Zhan.

"If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have come to you even if I died."

No more chopping, but he showed an ugly smile: "If I hadn't guessed that you have been looking for me because of this, I would not have asked you to come."

He picked up the two knives and looked at them for a while, then frowned: "What's going on here?"

"When I encountered a troublesome enemy, I had to overuse the mystery on the thunder knife. The knife was already unusable. Later, I found someone to repair it in the country of craftsman. Although it can be used again, its power has dropped greatly. , the profound meaning is useless.”


Hearing Zabuzhan's shout, Bai took out a scroll from his arms, and after unrolling it, a bucket of pitch black water appeared in front of several people.

Bu Zhan soaked the Thunder Knife in, and when the Thunder Knife came out after a while, it was already bumpy.

After finishing these, he will not beheaded and put the beheading knife on top of the two thunder knives.

"Ninja method. The art of turning iron."

The beheading knife was cut off at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the two thunder knives returned to their original state, even more shiny than before.

Holding the two thunder knives in his hand, Lei Ya moved his chakra a little bit, and the light of thunder flashed on the knives.

"Haha, it's much easier to use than before." After laughing, Lei Ya suddenly put Lei Dao on Zai Buzhan's neck.

"You said how about I hold a funeral for you now, and I won't be beheaded again."

Zabuzhan looked at Lei Ya motionlessly.

Lei Ya withdrew the knife resentfully: "Sooner or later, I will hold a funeral for you."

"I will help you with what I promised you." After speaking, Lei Ya walked out.

Suddenly a voice came from behind Lei Ya: "Lei Ya be careful."

Lei Ya, who had reached the door, backed away.

"Did you attract these, don't cut them off again."

I saw six ninjas wearing the masks of Kirigakure's hunting troops standing at the door, standing motionless at the door, like sculptures.

Even Lei Ya and Zai Bu Zhan couldn't help sweating slightly and became nervous.

The six people at the door also secretly sent messages to each other.

"What should I do? Didn't the report say that only those who were seriously injured would not be beheaded? Why did a black hoe Lei Ya appear again?"

"The information is not accurate, I'm afraid we can't take them down."

One of them closed his eyes and was silent for a moment.

"There is news from above that the battle plan has been changed, and Mizukage wants to see them."

Hearing this, two of the ninjas came out and took out a scroll with both hands.

Lei Ya was on alert as if he was facing an enemy, neither of them ran away, they understood that the group of people in front of them were mad dogs who were good at tracking, if they wanted to escape, they would only be dragged to death, and only by defeating them could they gain a chance of survival.

After a while, a puddle of strange liquid gushed out from the scroll, slowly condensing into a human form.

"Ninja method. Spiritual transformation technique."

After a while, the liquid condensed into the appearance of Terumi Mei of the Fifth Mizukage.

Terumi Mei moved her body and looked at Zabuza and Raiya charmingly.

"Long time no see, old friends."

"It turned out to be you, a troublesome woman. Every time I think of a woman like you becoming Mizukage, I get angry, but forget it, everything in Wuying Village has nothing to do with me."

"Yes, yes, there is no one left in Wuyin Village, and a woman has become a water shadow."

A big well appeared on Terumi Mei's head.

Thinking of the original plan, Terumi Mei suppressed the anger in his chest.

"In fact, we have already found out that the fourth generation of Mizukage was indeed under the control of a mysterious person, and some of his ridiculous orders were actually conspiracy. Your coup attempt to save the village cannot be said to be wrong. .”

Terumi Mei looked at the two of them seriously: "I also understand the sacrifices you made for the village back then. If you are willing to return to the village, everything in the past can be forgotten."

"Hahahaha, it's really funny. As I said, everything in that village has nothing to do with me. My hands have been stained with the blood of Kirigakure ninjas all these years. How can I go back, no matter how naive I am. There must be a limit." Zabu Zhan laughed wildly, tears came out of his laughter.

Lei Ya was also smiling on the sidelines: "I definitely don't want to go back to that kind of village, friends, teachers and lovers are all fake, everyone is lying to me, everyone will betray, I can't find anything about it. I will never go back to the memories there, especially if you, a disgusting woman, are actually Mizukage."

Forcibly suppressing the anger in her heart, Terumi Mei said helplessly: "In fact, the turmoil in the past few years has really hurt the vitality of Wuyin Village. According to the rules of the village, no matter what the reason is, as long as the village is rebellious, it must be hunted down to death." , It’s just that Wuyin Village is currently seriously understaffed, I don’t want to see more battle damage caused by chasing you, but—”

Speaking of this, Terumi Mei's tone suddenly became severe.

"In order to revive the prestige of the village, it is urgent to retake the seven ninja swords. If you still don't agree, Kirigakure will go all out to chase and kill you, and even I will shoot. No matter how weak Kirigakure is, I will kill you Still no problem."

"That's all for now, this hunt ends here, I'll give you some time to think about it, and give me an answer within a month at the latest."

"Spiritual transformation technique. Solution."


With the departure of the people chasing the troops, the room fell silent again.

"Who does that woman think she is? She dared to threaten me. I am not afraid of death." Although he said so, Lei Ya frowned tightly, showing his nervousness.

He didn't cut it but sat in silence without saying a word.

"What, are you crazy? At this time, you still want to find trouble with Konoha Ninja. You should think about how to escape first. It doesn't matter if you can't complete that kind of mission. Even if you lose your reputation, no one will hire you. For the future, let's find a way to hide, although I am not afraid of death, I don't want to die in vain."

"Don't worry, it will be a while before they come again. I have to kill that brat to wash away my shame. If you are scared, you don't have to come."

"Damn it, you are the one I hate the most among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, so I won't kill you."

"To each other, the person I hate the most is you, Lei Ya."

After Lei Ya left, he thought about what Terumi Mei said just now, and fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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