Chapter 227 disappeared

He carried this person on his back halfway, and was almost smoked to death several times!
Wang Zhi'er didn't care about Hua Zixu's distorted face, resentful eyes, and anger... After waking up the man, after asking a few words, he ordered him to send him back, saying that he had stolen the wrong thing, and stole it again. !

Hua Zixu was half dead from exhaustion, after stealing back and forth more than ten times, finally, Wang Zhier took the stolen person away, nodded and said: "This time, I finally stole the right person!"

Huazixu's legs went limp, and she collapsed on the ground... If she had known that the person she wanted was the smelliest and the person who didn't like taking a bath the least, he would just steal this and forget it.

But he walked in front of the porcelain kiln craftsman several times, and was almost smoked to death, so he bypassed him several times and stole others...

Hanako went out with limp legs and lay down on the bed.

Wang Zhier looked at the craftsman. It was a man whose whole face was hidden in a beard. He was kidnapped in the middle of the night. He was a little scared at first, but after being asked a few words by Wang Zhier, he did not hesitate shocked.

"The official specially asked the villain to come. I wonder if there is any errand for the villain to do?" He said.

"You are Hu Ye?" Wang Zhier said.

When she gambled with the guards, she heard the name of this man several times, saying that he is the most skilled craftsman. Thin and transparent, bright as jade, he was originally from a family of ceramics, and the family was also a big businessman. Because he offended local officials, he was convicted for no reason and sent to Julutai to work.

The rough jade was carved by his hands, leaving the most leftovers, so he didn't suffer much in Julutai, but was guarded by a group of guards.

Hu Ye raised his face, brushed away the beard covering his face with his dirty hands, and snorted, "That's right, the Caomin is Hu Ye! Does the official want the Caomin to carve a jade pendant for the official? Yujie, just tell the grass people directly, why bring the grass people here?"

At this time, Wang Zhier was wearing the clothes of the head of the bodyguard, and her face was covered with an ordinary face.

These guards often asked Hu Ye to do private work, but Hu Ye didn't find anything wrong with Wang Zhier.

For professionals like Hu Ye, Wang Zhier respects them quite a bit. In modern times, such people are senior technicians, scientists and the like.

She smiled and said to Hu Ye: "Master Hu, I know you are very good at making porcelain, but I wonder if you have ever made a kind of transparent porcelain? It is as transparent as lake water."

Hu Ye glanced at her and sneered, "How can anyone in this world burn such a thing? Is the official joking?"

That's right, Wang Zhier wanted him to burn glass.

Fortunately, in this dynasty, although it was distorted, there was no glass yet.

Wang Zhi'er said: "Master Hu, I'll give you these kinds of materials. You can burn them according to my method. If you modify your porcelain kiln, you will surely be able to produce the kind of porcelain I mentioned..."

Hu Ye's hands were trembling. He was obsessed with firing porcelain all his life. He also wanted to make porcelain as transparent and hard as jade when he learned to carve jade. , how could he not be excited?
With trembling hands, he took the paper from Hong Hong's hand, in disbelief, "With sand, plant ash, quicklime, and yellow dan, you can burn that thing?"

Wang Zhier said: "You will know after you try it?"

Hu Ye ran out excitedly, wanting to go to the porcelain kiln to try this skill, but when he was leaving, he remembered to ask, "The official will not give this prescription to Cao Min for nothing, what does the official need Cao Min for? "

And cautiously said, "Master, the grassroots don't have money!"

Wang Zhier is very satisfied with Hu Ye, and knows that this kind of talent is really doing practical things, only pursuing technology, and not asking about other things!

Wang Zhi'er said: "I don't want your money, as long as you succeed, you can burn something for me!"

Hu Ye nodded again and again, "Don't worry, the official, the grass people will do their best!"

Wang Zhier nodded, let Honghong call Hua Zixu to come in, and let Hua Zixu take him to the residence again.


Wang Ziqin has been paying attention to Wang Zhier for two days.

Wang Zhi'er would disappear for a while every day, and as soon as she disappeared, Hong Hong and Hua Zixu disappeared, leaving only him guarding the sleepy Li Jiong.

He started to tremble with fear, wondering if his sister is planning something big again?

Every time she makes such a calculation, someone will be unlucky, and he has been unlucky several times!
Therefore, he stared at Wang Zhi'er, and when he saw Wang Zhi'er came out in the costume of the chief guard, he followed.

"Sister, you go out, it's just right, I have nothing to do, I'll be with you." Wang Ziqin said.

Wang Zhi'er smiled and said, "Brother, I was just about to ask you to go with me, so here you are, let's go, let's go together."

Wang Zhi'er took an ingot of silver in her hand and threw it up.

Wang Ziqin muttered again, and said suspiciously: "Sister, go out as soon as you go out, what are you doing with the money?"

Having said that, the footsteps did not stop.

Wang Zhier took another bundle from the wooden bench and handed it to Wang Ziqin, "Take it."

Wang Ziqin took the bag, and as soon as he took it, the bag sank, making him almost miss, "What's in the bag, it's so heavy?"

Wang Zhier smiled mysteriously, "Good thing, you will know when the time comes."

After speaking, he walked out.

Wang Ziqin followed with the burden on his back.

The two came to the place where the guards gathered to gamble again, and Wang Ziqin hurriedly stopped him, "Sister, do you want to make a fortune from them again? No way, sister, if they hold grudges, sooner or later we will show up."

Sure enough, when the guards who were having a good time betting saw Wang Zhier, they all swept over with anger in their eyes.

Wang Zhier stood at the door and said hello, "Don't gamble today, don't worry!"

The guards had a smile on their faces and said, "Brother Zhu, what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Tao Cheng!"

As soon as the words fell, Tao Cheng came out from the corner, hurried to Wang Zhi'er, pulled her aside, and said, "I sold all the goods last time to you, a total of 500 taels of silver, minus the 50 taels I gave to you." Two, the remaining 450 taels are yours."

Wang Ziqin was tongue-tied, thinking that such a little leftover material sold for more than 400 taels. The things used in Julutai are really good things!

Wang Zhier looked at Tao Cheng for a while, then smiled and said: "Brother Tao, let's do business in the future, I will set a price, I will only charge what I need, how much you can sell, and I will give you the rest, I don't want it either, Don't tell me you're going to get [-]% off."

As soon as Tao Cheng heard it, he knew that this surnamed Zhu was powerful, and he knew the trick in the price. Yes, he sold these corners for 600 taels, but the price was not up to him!
(End of this chapter)

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