Chapter 420
It's just that although he was puzzled in his heart, he felt that Fan Yiyao was not like the daughter of the man in his mind.

But he didn't dare to show any expression on his face, so he hurriedly said:

"The subordinate did throw Yun Ranran off the Broken Soul Cliff, but it's just that Yun Ranran was lucky enough to come back alive.

But please rest assured, Miss Fan, this subordinate will never let that Yun Ranran hurt you any more.

Tonight, my subordinates will take people to the Duke Yun's mansion to kill Yun Ranran, so that Yun Ranran will never see the rising sun again. "

"Huh! I hope you can really kill Yun Ranran tonight. If you can't kill Yun Ranran, I will definitely report this matter to my master and let my master punish you severely !"

After finishing speaking, Fan Yiyao slammed down the curtain of the car in front of her, blocking the figure of the man in the cloak outside.

The cloaked man watched Fan Yiyao's carriage slowly drive away, and then he slowly stood up.

He glanced at Fan Yiyao's carriage, and then told a man in black beside him:

"Arrange to go on, break into the Duke Yun's mansion tonight, and go assassinate that Yun Ranran!"

The man in black beside him frowned slightly, and said with some hesitation:
"Master Wen, it might be inappropriate to break into Duke Yun's mansion to kill people, right?
If the guards of Duke Yun's Mansion find us, what should we do if we encounter something inside? "

Besides, Yun Ranran was surrounded by several good martial arts masters and a very powerful blue python. He was really worried that something unexpected would happen when they broke into the Duke Yun's mansion to kill people.

And one more thing...

The man in black glanced at Hall Master Wen in front of him, and said again:
"Also, Hall Master Wen, Miss Fan just had an unpleasant quarrel with Yun Ranran in the square today, if Yun Ranran died tonight, others would inevitably guess that it was Miss Fan who did it.

At that time, Miss Fan's reputation will probably be even worse. "

"..." Hall Master Wen's eyes flickered slightly, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

He slowly put his hands on his back, and said quietly:
"But didn't you see what Miss Fan looked like just now? She couldn't bear even Yun Ranran's life in this world.

If we don't kill Yun Ranran tonight, then maybe tomorrow, she will sue the pavilion master and let the pavilion master kill us. "

After a slight pause, he continued:

"As for whether we will encounter any trouble in the Duke Yun's mansion, we will not know until we break into the Duke Yun's mansion.

But I believe we shouldn't run into any trouble.After all, with our strength, ordinary people simply cannot compete with us.

And after killing Yun Ranran, we can frame it.We can blame this matter on others and let others bear the blame. "

I heard that Yun Ranran offended Yao Shilang before, so he could rely on Yao Shilang for the assassination tonight, let Yao Shilang take the blame...

The ugly hour of the night is three quarters.

In Yun Ranran's courtyard, a group of men in black with their faces covered suddenly broke in.

As soon as the group of men in black broke into Yun Ranran's courtyard, they quickly rushed towards the main house in the courtyard.


They hadn't rushed to the door of the house yet.

The door of the room was suddenly opened, and then a horrified blue python rushed out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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