Chapter 182 This princess is the creator

"Wait a minute!" Ren Jian waved his hand to interrupt the little princess's complaint, and then looked at Maxson solemnly: "Since the outbreak of the virus, besides transforming biological infections into zombies through viruses, have you ever heard Did you say that there are other ways to create new zombies?"

Maxson shook his head: "There is no other way, only creatures infected by the virus can become zombies, otherwise no new zombies will be born."

"That is to say, when the creatures in this world are infected by the virus and become zombies, the zombies will starve to death due to lack of food. In addition, they have no reproductive ability, and this race may die out in a few years! Is that right? Wrong?" Ren Jian said thoughtfully.

"Oh my god, the key point of this mission is not to allow us to save the zombies?" The little princess exclaimed in disbelief.

Chen Nan patted his head, and said helplessly, "I'm afraid that's right!"

"We are not the gods of creation, the creator, how could we save them?" The little princess looked frustrated, "This game is over, we are going to be trapped in this disgusting world!"

Ren Jian looked at the little princess Chu Yu thoughtfully when he heard the words, Chu Yu's heart was trembling with those straight eyes, he stepped back unconsciously and said: "I said bitch, you can't because I’m going to be exiled here if I fail the mission, so the beast is going to do something nasty to me, right?”

Ren Jian didn't answer her words, but asked a little excitedly: "There should be alchemy methods in your encyclopedia of cultivating immortals, right?"

The little princess nodded suspiciously, a little confused, "What's the use of that?"

"Then can you refine a kind of elixir that can spread in the air like a virus, which can not only develop their wisdom, but also improve their ability to reproduce?" Ren Jian asked nervously.

"I can try, but." The little princess said hesitantly.

"But what? Are there not enough materials? I still have a lot of alchemy materials here." Ren Jian asked immediately.

"It's not about the materials. The young master gave me a lot of precious materials at the beginning, but I need a lot of zombies for research, and I don't know if I have enough time." The little princess said with some lack of confidence.

"Let's leave the zombie problem to us, you just need to settle down and do research!" Chen Nan made a confident decision.

A large abandoned basement was filled with all kinds of zombies, ranging from ordinary zombies to crawling ones, and even a few large zombies called tyrants by Maxson. Pieces of zombie organs were cut everywhere. , The smell of blood filled the entire basement.

The excited little princess is cutting up a zombie dog with a flying sword. It's really hard to believe that she is the sweet and lovely little princess Chu Yu with the appearance of this mad scientist.

"Hahaha, this princess is indeed a genius, the last problem has finally been solved, and now the furnace can be used for alchemy!" Stretching her waist, Chu Yu said to herself excitedly.

"Chu Yu, are you happy to see that we have caught another licker for you?" Chen Nan and Ren Jian walked into the basement.

I saw Maxson standing beside Chu Yu holding a basin of warm water, and the little princess was scrubbing her arms with a satisfied face.

"Chu Yu, have you finished the experiment?" Chen Nan smiled when he saw this.

"Well, for a genius like this princess, spending three days on research is considered overtime. Now I'm going to start alchemy. You all go out and protect me. Don't let anyone come in to interfere with me!"

Chen Nan nodded when he heard the words, and then dragged Maxson and Ren Jian out together.

"I said, Old Mai, why are the human beings in your world so weak? Don't they know how to cultivate?" With a rare moment of free time, Chen Nan was in a good mood and chatted with Maxson.

Through this period of contact, Maxson also understood that the three of Chen Nan are not from this world, and said helplessly: "This is just the world of mortals, not the world of gods you came from. We don't know how to deal with it." Cultivation, but it is precisely because of the desire for power that the research on the t-virus came about, who would have thought that it would bring the world to its end."

Looking at Maxson with a bitter face, both Chen Nan and Ren Jianju sighed. They have no ambition to gain power, but they don't have the strength to control it, so they can only go to destruction in the end.This world taught them a lesson with the most real examples, which also made the two of them pay great attention to the foundation and accumulation in their future practice, so as not to end up with an unstable foundation and annihilation.

Time passed quietly while the three of them chatted one after another. When the first stroke of sunlight in the morning shone on the three of them, the tired little princess walked out of the basement. The meaning of excitement can't be concealed anyway.

"Hahaha, the time to witness the miracle is coming, this princess will become the creator!"

Walking out of the room, Chu Yu took out a pill exuding a faint fragrance with a pious face, and then crushed it under the watchful eyes of Chen Nan and the other three.

When the elixir was crushed and dissipated in the air with the breeze, there were bursts of roars from the originally silent city, and countless zombies rushed towards Chu Yu as if they had made an appointment.

"I said, that, little princess Chu Yu, you must have made a mistake, right?" Chen Nan looked at the crowd of zombies in front of him, and asked with some uncertainty.

"It should be. That's right. Did I put the wrong medicine?" Chu Yu also began to doubt himself at this time, and lost the confidence he had when he first came out.

There was no attack or other reaction, the overwhelming crowd of zombies surrounded them, just watching them quietly.

Then a zombie with a strong figure that looked like a leader came out more and more. After roaring loudly a few times, countless zombies fell to the ground in an instant, yelling something in their mouths.

Although Chen Nan had never heard the words of the losers, the meaning they expressed was clearly conveyed to the minds of Chen Nan and the others: God!god!god!

"Did you hear that? Are they calling me a god?" The little princess Chu Yu looked proud, as if she had accomplished a great cause.

"God! God! God!"

After the losers worshiped the gods for a while, they stood up one after another, and then under the watchful eyes of their gods, they began their great task of multiplying future generations.

"Ouch!" Chu Yu was completely stunned by the scene in front of her, and when she realized it, she ran to the side in disgust and vomited.

Can you imagine a group of scary-looking zombies with missing arms and legs, and even some half-headed zombies who are serious in public and reproduce sports scenes?

"Although they are carrying out a great cause, but this picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it, oops, I'm sorry, I'm going to vomit for a while!" Maxon ran to the side with a constipated expression and vomited stand up.

Chen Nan: "Junior bitch seems to be very interested in the scene in front of me?"

Ren Jian: "Didn't the scum brother also watch each other with great interest this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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