Chapter 31 Departure
Approaching the cottage, Miss Duan walked in front to lead the way, and she felt a little embarrassed when she saw Taihua and others dressed in dignified and gorgeous clothes.

"That. In fact, our cottage is relatively poor, and there are not hundreds of people. There are only a few exorcists in the village. You won't look down on me because of this." Miss Duan looked at the crowd eagerly, to be precise, she looked at the people in the crowd Chen Xuanzang looked expectant.

Sure enough, Chen Xuanzang persuaded with a righteous face: "Miss Duan, don't feel embarrassed about it. Now that demons are in power, subjugating demons and eliminating demons is what the exorcist pursues for me. Mere money is something outside of me, so it's not worth mentioning at all."

Looking at the considerate Chen Xuanzang, Ms. Duan felt that she had finally met the one she was destined to be.Seeing her face like a peach blossom, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she might have already recommended herself as a pillow and threw herself into her arms.

Mr. Xiong Ba coughed lightly, and interrupted Aunt Duan who was a nymphomaniac: "Miss Duan, you don't know. We are rich people, and my wealth alone is more than that of the entire fishing village before. , Money is like floating clouds to us, we never care about these external things.”

He obviously spoke in a modest tone, but for some reason Taihua always felt that Mr. Xiongba looked more and more like a nouveau riche: he looked like he was very rich and came to hug his thigh.

Sure enough, the bosses' personality of pretending to be compared can't be changed no matter what.

Miss Duan turned her head suddenly, her eyes sparkled: "Do you have a lot of money?"

Xiongba made her feel scared: "That's right, I have a lot of money."

"And it sounds like you don't care about money at all?" Miss Duan asked.

Mr. Xiong Ba seemed to understand, and said with a smile: "You can also say that."

"So, is there anything you particularly want to obtain or accomplish? Tell me, although there are not many people in our Duanjiazhai, all of them are excellent in martial arts, and they will definitely be able to do it for you." Miss Duan had a look in her eyes. Looking at that inexplicable flash, he said eagerly.

Xiongba looked at her with a smile on his face: "It sounds like you are short of money?"

"Yeah, I'm a woman who needs to provide for the needs of the entire village, and I'm under a lot of pressure."

Mr. Xiongba raised his airs and pondered for a while: "Actually, I don't have anything I want, or what I want to accomplish."

Miss Duan was a little anxious, but also a little disappointed: "Really? Please think about it again, okay?"

Seeing that the fire is almost ready, the old man Xiongba no longer has any control, and said with one finger sweeping the floor: "Although I have no wishes, my companion is determined to save demons. If Miss Duan can help us find a powerful Monster, how about giving you 500 taels of gold after the matter is completed?"

Miss Duan looked surprised: "Okay, I heard that there is a pig demon Zhu Gangli not far away. He has a very evil spirit and killed countless people. I just took the task to get rid of him. I don't know if you dare to kill him." dare not..."

Xiongda was secretly happy, and clapped his hands together: "Okay, I will choose this pig demon, so that I can live up to Master Bujie's powerful Dharma practice, and I can fully display my strengths."

Seeing Mr. Xiongba make a decision, the sweeping monk just glanced at him indifferently, and there was no other expression on his face, making it impossible to see what was in his heart.

Taihua watched this scene from the side and secretly slandered, Xiongda, do you really have to catch someone?Be careful that the old monk sweeping the floor will put on small shoes to make you trip up.

Then everyone entered Miss Duan's cottage, and saw five funny men in the cottage.

At the beginning, these few people heard that Taihua and the others subdued the fish demon, and felt that their business had been robbed, so they were gearing up one by one, wanting to teach Taihua and others a lesson.

Miss Duan looked at the five of them helplessly, feeling very ashamed. After kicking them away, she felt a little better.

"Villager, why did you kick me? They are our competitors, and they are here to grab business!" the boss and the second murmured.

Miss Duan was about to be annoyed by him, knowing that she couldn't be too subtle when talking to such bastards, she slapped them in front of their eyes: "500 taels."

The boss and the second child suddenly became pleasantly surprised: "500 taels?"

Miss Duan added two more words: "Gold!"

The eldest brother and the second child looked at each other in surprise, hugged each other directly, and jumped up cheering.

"A pair of live treasures..." Miss Duan shook her head helplessly, and said to Taihua and the others, "Come with me, the reception is not good, I'll make you laugh."

"Where is it?" Grandpa Xiongba said politely to her, and a group of people followed her to a house that was fairly clean and a bit more dignified compared to the surrounding short houses.

Not long after they sat down, Miss Duan's five main forces, the boss, the second child, the third child, the fourth younger sister, and the seventh child, all sat on one side.

"I just told the boss and the second brother that this time, Mr. Xiongba spent 500 taels of gold—"

The faces of the third child, the fourth sister, and the youngest Qi were shocked, and then ecstatic.

Miss Duan glanced at them, and continued with a smile from her heart: "Please help him to subdue the pig demon from our Duanjiazhai. You five are the most powerful brothers in our Duanjiazhai. When the iron blood system goes out, we must capture the pig demon!"

Looking back, Miss Duan said to Taihua and the others: "These five people are the five most elite fighters in our Duanjiazhai. As long as we have them, I believe it will not be a problem to deal with the pig demon."

Taihua thought in his heart: This girl is really a real person. We just asked her to help us find the pig monster. She will help us subdue the pig monster. It is not a problem. You let the pig monster It's true that getting rid of is not a problem.

With a smile on his face, Taihua asked: "Miss Duan, what's the matter with the iron-blood system?"

Ms. Duan explained: "The iron blood system is to inflate the airbags, and then generate power for the car by beating the airbags. Repeated beatings of the airbags can generate a steady stream of power and allow the car to move forward quickly."

Listening to this unreliable setting, and thinking about the scenes in the movie, Taihua gave up the pursuit of the idea speechlessly: just treat it as the legendary black technology...

Mr. Xiongba put a few pieces of gold on the table with a smile, "Ms. Duan and I hit it off right away, and the 500 taels of gold will be handed over to you first. Regardless of whether this matter is successful or not, just do your best. I don't want to People have been hurt or killed for things that are not yours."

After hearing what he said, Miss Duan stood up, hugged him heavily, and lowered her head: "Mr. Xiongba, you are a real exorcist, and I treat you like a villain." If you can't complete this mission, we really don't have the face to accept your gold."

The five people under her also clasped their fists in salute to Xiongba, it was obvious that Xiongba's words of thinking about them had deeply touched them.

Taihua and the others drank the tea with a smile, but did not speak.After all, Xiongda was also a character who had been the overlord of one side, and he was really good at this method of buying people's hearts. Just leave it to him to communicate with the characters in the plot.

After Xiongba and Miss Duan said a few more polite words, they asked, "Where is the pig demon? When are we going to go there?"

Miss Duan replied: "It's hard to say where the pig monster is in detail, but we know the general scope of the pig monster's activities, and we can definitely find it if we observe it for a while."

"Before that, I will trouble you to live in this section of the family village first. Although our Duan family village does not have any very good conditions, we can still eat enough and wear warmth."

"Miss Duan, you're being polite. We can arrange things easily. I hope we haven't disturbed the tranquility of Duan's village." Xiongba said politely.

After being polite again, Miss Duan arranged the board and lodging for Taihua and the others, and then hurriedly led her men to investigate.

There was nothing to say all night, and the bosses each found their own room or rested or practiced.As for Zhu Gangyan, the bosses didn't take it seriously. Even Miss Duan in the Jindan stage could fight with magic weapons, at best, she was a big monster in the Nascent Soul stage, facing a group of big bosses who were half-step gods Really nothing to see.

It wasn't until the evening of the next day that Miss Duan hurried back to the cottage, "Everyone, get ready, we're all going out tonight, and the pig demon should appear tonight."

Looking at the boss teammates who finally got a little interested, Taihua stretched lazily. It's time to meet this pig, and some questions in his heart should be answered!

(End of this chapter)

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