Chapter 511 Three Guardians

In the courtyard of the Edward family, corpses were strewn all over the field, blood flowed like rivers, and there were broken limbs everywhere.

If you stick out your tongue, you can even taste a faint smell of blood from the air.

The sky seemed to be dyed red, and a wave of resentment drifted away.

Someone was lying on the ground dying, staring blankly at the indifferent young man in the center with terrified eyes, feeling hopeless and feeling that the end is coming.

These people are the Excalibur team of the Aslante family, equipped with special weapons with super lethality.

When they came, they were very excited, thinking that this mission would be easy, and when they surrounded Lin Xuan, they kept clamoring for him to kneel down and admit his mistake.

However, the moment Lin Xuan moved, they knew that they had made a mistake, a big mistake!
What kind of shit special weapon!
In front of that monster, it was nothing more than a dead branch picked up by a child when they were fighting.

What kind of shit Excalibur team is as fragile as a piece of waste paper that can be easily torn apart!
Less than ten seconds after the start of the battle, the Excalibur team was almost wiped out, leaving only a few survivors lingering.

"In the name of God, devil Satan, go to hell!"

A survivor's expression was grim and distorted, and the port of the special weapon in his hand condensed light waves, which shot out loudly, and the fiery air waves scattered in all directions.

Lin Xuan's pupils were pitch black, as cold as a knife, and when he gently raised his hand, the light wave collapsed.

Then, he clapped again.

The completely desperate survivor was directly photographed into a puddle of meat.

"God, please redeem me, Satan came to the world to kill in the world."

The rest of the survivors completely gave up the idea of ​​resistance and began to pray silently.

Lin Xuan is not a devil, he is an avenger, he doesn't like to kill, everything is forced by two nobles.

Self-inflicted sin, do not live!
They touched Lin Xuan Nilin and affected the whole clan.

Lin Xuan grabbed it, and a survivor flew over.

"Where is the top of your family?"

Hearing You Leng's voice that seemed to come from the depths of hell, the man trembled all over and couldn't say a word at all.

"Don't tell me? Then go to hell."

Lin Xuan was indifferent, his strength gushed out, and the man exploded into a cloud of blood.

"do you know?"

He captured another survivor.

This person's reaction was even more violent than the last person's, and he was so frightened that he was out of his wits.


Lin Xuan said a word lightly, and continued the previous behavior until there was only the last person left.


At this moment, Lin Xuan noticed something unusual.

He has been wearing the ring that Wei Tianzheng gave him on his finger. The ring is crystal clear and white, but at this moment it is dyed a faint black.

"Resentment." Lin Xuan felt it carefully, frowning slightly, he felt this kind of thought from the blackness.

He scanned his surroundings, looked at the wreckage on the ground, and confirmed that the resentment was emanating from them.

They were not willing to leave like this, they wanted to follow Lin Xuan and watch him die.

"In this case, you should absorb them all." Lin Xuan looked at the ring lightly, guessing that it might be the same as the mysterious jade pendant, which would melt into his body after undergoing a qualitative change.

This was something to be happy about, but Lin Xuan was not happy, the killing made him irritable and cold.

He took a deep breath, dispelled the emotion, looked at the last survivor, and asked, "Tell me the high-level positions of the two noble families, and I won't kill you."

The man's eyes lit up, and his mood suddenly became excited. The death of the people around him made him despair, and now seeing hope, he was naturally desperate.

"I said, I said it all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a mouthful of blood spewed out wildly.

"As a member of the Excalibur team, you don't even have the consciousness of dying, and there is no need for you to continue to survive."

Lin Xuan's violent emotions that had just been suppressed broke out suddenly, and coldness overflowed from the dark pupils, and he suddenly looked to a corner, where the camera and speakers were operating.

"I'll be looking for you right away."

In the closed meeting room, the big screen turned white after these words sounded.

The high-level people were silent, and the opponent was stronger than they imagined.

"We must send this murderous maniac to hell!"

Aslant Irene was furious, and her beautiful face was distorted. Excalibur was one of the most powerful weapons of the Aslant family, but Lin Xuan completely wiped it out.

This beautiful woman's heart was bleeding, and when she saw that the man wanted to betray, she released the poisonous potion in the body of the Excalibur team member without hesitation.

She said that Lin Xuan was a murderous maniac, but she didn't know that they were the ones who turned him into this kind of person. Song Xian and his wife were seriously injured and almost died, which completely detonated Lin Xuan's negative emotions.

Edward Marlowe comforted him, "He must die badly. The three guardians of our family are about to come."

Some people also echoed: "The top killers are coming soon."


"Since no one told me where the upper floors are, I'll turn the island upside down, starting with this building."

Lin Xuan turned around, looking at the magnificent building with an elegant atmosphere, his eyes were ruthless.

He raised his fist, blazing light flickered, and fierce energy surged around him.

With a punch, everything passed by the fist mark was wiped out, and the bluestone floor was cracked inch by inch.

Following this trend, huge buildings are destroyed.

At this moment, three figures descended from the sky, exuding golden radiance, and condensed into a huge wall to resist Lin Xuan's punch.


Cracks spread, and the wall eventually shattered, but Lin Xuan's fist marks disappeared without a trace.

The three figures were filled with golden light, with blond hair and blue eyes, and they were extremely holy, like gods in Greek mythology.

"We will destroy any invading devil and let him go to hell and suffer from karma!"

The three people uttered their voices at the same time, like Sanskrit sounds, like bells, like thunder, echoing everywhere, disturbing people's minds.

"Are you gods?" Lin Xuan was not affected at all, and looked at the three of them indifferently.

"We are not gods, but we will perform our duties for gods." The three looked arrogant. As the three noble guardians of the Edward family, how could they put a yellow-skinned young man in their eyes.

After the last word was pronounced, the golden light around the three of them suddenly shone brighter, even surpassing the sun, and it was extremely dazzling, covering Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a powerful force from the golden light.

Sure enough, wherever the golden light passed, the vegetation was burned, the ground was scorched black, and the golden light had terrifying heat!
"We are the spokespersons of the Sun God!"

The three of them spoke, ethereal and sacred, as if the gods were reading from the sky.

The golden light dissipated, and the three of them looked indifferent and arrogant. They nodded slightly when they saw the scene they were expecting.

"The devil is dying."

"Our mission is complete."

"Take him to where the patriarch is."

Lin Xuan half-kneeled on the ground, his clothes burned, exposing his scorched and bloody skin.

(End of this chapter)

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