Chapter 578 Aircraft Accidents
"you wanna die!"

Zhang Rong stood up abruptly, his facial muscles were almost twisted together, looking horrifying.

"Who is looking for death?"

A cold voice sounded, extinguishing the great anger in Zhang Rong's heart, and making him shiver all over.

A young man stood in front of little Lolita, with his hands in his pockets, his gaze as cold as a blade, his whole body exuded a bone-deep coldness, which made people dare not be presumptuous.

Zhang Rong was stunned for a while, then came back to his senses, and shouted: "This kid is tricking us! Who are you, his guardian? I need your apology and compensation!"

"Apologize and kneel down! The compensation will be millions!"

Yang Mei also stood up, and stared at Wei Duoduo fiercely, which didn't look like the kindness she showed at the beginning.

"No apology, because she was right." Lin Xuan touched Wei Duoduo's little head, as if to praise her for a good job, and the latter blushed, "I can give you some compensation."

"How can there be no way..." Zhang Rong hesitated to speak, he found that everyone in the waiting hall was staring at him with unkind eyes.

Public wrath cannot be committed!

Zhang Rong clenched his fists tightly, finally sighed, and said unwillingly: "I hope your compensation can satisfy us."

"Mr. Lin, let me come." Li Li walked over and took out a black card that was shining with crystal luster.

"No, I happen to have some here, so I'll pay them." Lin Xuan stopped Li Li, searched in his pocket for a long time, and finally took out a crumpled dime.

"Thank you for taking it away." Lin Xuan handed over the money with a look of pain on his face.

Yang Mei was so confused that she didn't pick it up at all, "You are a beggar, take it away!"

"Don't pull it down, I'm still reluctant." Lin Xuan said helplessly, this dime was picked up on the road by chance, and it belongs to the commemorative edition that the bank has not issued for a long time.

"Forget it, that's the end of this matter." Zhang Rong glanced at them coldly, and pulled his wife away.

"Honey, what's the matter? It's not like your style. I'll make a phone call and they won't even be able to get on the plane!" Yang Mei looked resentfully.

"Why are you calling!" Zhang Rong deliberately whispered, "The status of those people is not necessarily lower than ours."

"What?" Yang Mei was stunned.

"That person just took out the Supreme Black Card, which can be used for unlimited overdraft, and it is a status symbol. Even my father is not eligible to apply for that card." Zhang Rong said in a deep voice.

Yang Mei was shocked, "So, we have offended someone we can't afford?"

Zhang Rong shook his head, "You can't say that. The social relationship is complicated, and we may not be able to defeat them. However, there is no need to add a powerful enemy to yourself because of such a trivial matter."

The plane took off, next to the three of Lin Xuan was an old man in his sixtieth year.

The old man is funny, wears sunglasses and a cowboy hat, and likes to tell nasty jokes, but Little Lolita and Lin Xuan have become his loyal listeners.

Li Li sat on the side, his face turned red. As a simple and honest young man, he wanted to hear it but dared not.

"Grandpa Hua, come one more!"

More and more passengers are attracted by this funny old man.

As an old man who loves to travel and make friends all over the world, it is hard to give up his hospitality.

For a moment, the entire plane was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"It's pretty good." Lin Xuan laughed heartily, grateful to this fashionable old man.

After owning the system, he is farther and farther away from the life of ordinary people.Although I gained a lot, I also lost a lot. I have never been immersed in the joy of jokes with everyone like now.

There were only two people who were out of tune with this cheerful atmosphere.

Coincidentally, Zhang Rong and Yang Mei were also passengers on this plane. Seeing the crowd laughing, they were extremely disdainful.

"A bunch of bumpkins." Yang Mei snorted coldly.

Zhang Rong closed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry about them, anyway, we're almost on Hong Kong Island."

At this moment, there was a violent vibration from the plane, everyone was shocked, and broke away from the joy in the dirty jokes.

"What happened?" Someone exclaimed.

It was pitch black outside the originally bright window, and the heavy rain hit the window. Even though the sound insulation effect is excellent, you can still hear the howling wind outside.

Soon, the announcement on the plane rang.

"Passengers, please pay attention. There will be an unidentified strong turbulence on the plane. Please fasten your seat belts and don't move around!"

The stewardess also came out to comfort some timid people.

"It's nothing, I've encountered this kind of situation before." Some people calmed down, the plane is a machine with modern excellent technology, and it's just a mere unidentified airflow, and it can generally pass safely.

Suddenly, the lights on the plane flickered at a strange frequency, and panic spread instantly.

"This is thousands of meters above the sky, if you fall, you will be smashed to pieces!" Someone started screaming.

"Stewardess, what happened?" Someone asked the flight attendant.

The stewardess was also in a state of desperation, she didn't know why, "Maybe the current is not stable, please don't worry, the plane is still flying safely..."

Before she finished speaking, the plane vibrated again.

This time the vibration was more severe than last time. The plane's fuselage was seriously tilted. The stewardess lost her balance and was about to fall to the ground. A powerful big hand supported her.

"Thank you." The stewardess thanked her, and she couldn't help but blush when she saw a handsome young man supporting her.

But the young man's attention was completely outside the window, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

"It seems... to be related to the so-called heaven and earth mutation."

Lin Xuan looked serious, he didn't think it was an ordinary plane accident.

"Sir? Sir?"

"Huh?" Lin Xuan came back to his senses and found that he was hugging the stewardess tightly, and let go of her hastily, "I'm sorry."

The stewardess lowered her head, "It's okay."

The plane was shaking more and more violently, and many passengers were trembling, with fear written in their eyes, and they could only relieve their stress by screaming loudly.

"Hurry up and find a way!" Yang Mei yelled at the crew, "I will definitely complain to you later!"

The crew members were crying, "This is the first time we have encountered such a weird situation. It lasted at most a few seconds before."

But this time, it has been more than 1 minute.

At this moment, a piece of news that made everyone tremble all over came.

"Passengers, I am the captain. I regret to tell you this news. The plane is out of control. Please prepare for skydiving. If there is a crash, please skydive immediately to find a chance!"

Silence, deathly silence.

The next moment, screams of panic echoed throughout the plane.

"Husband, are we really going to skydive?" Yang Mei cried sadly.

Zhang Rong was hesitating when another piece of news came.

"Sad news to everyone, there is a shortage of parachutes on this plane."

"Jump! Jump now!"

(End of this chapter)

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