Chapter 708 Compromise
With a slap, a team of extraterrestrial law enforcers capable of destroying a small country with ease is wiped out.

Among the crowd, there were visitors from outside the sky. They were of high life level and powerful, but their handsome faces were extremely pale at the moment.

After all, the extraterrestrial law enforcers are extremely outstanding among the extraterrestrial visitors.

Especially the alien who has been questioning Lin Xuan, he was always smiling and calm, and his strong executor was his confidence.

Now, the executors are all gone, he is very nervous, for fear that Lin Xuan will come to trouble him.

"As expected of our patron saint!" The earthling who was targeted by the executor for speaking for Lin Xuan said, very excited.

"How could the aliens lose?"

There are also earth evolutionists who have been baptized by extraterrestrial visitors, who seem to be very puzzled. In their eyes, the omnipotent extraterrestrial executors are easily exterminated by the earthlings?

These days, they have received too many benefits from aliens, gradually assimilated, and sometimes even forget that they are an earthling.

Fortunately, there are still many rational people who can tell right from wrong.

"The aliens are aiming at the patron saint of the earth, and we officially question their so-called 'friendliness'!"

Many people spoke out like this, and the incident here quickly spread all over the world through the Internet, setting off a wave of controversy.

"The patron saint is back, great, I will always support him!"

"He saved us, and I'm always on his side. Aliens are aliens after all. Who knows what they want to do under the banner of 'friendliness'?"

"Have the visitors from space not done enough for us? The patron saints have contributed a lot, but we can't be hostile to them."

"If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different! If you dare to attack the patron saint, I will break up with all friends from outsider!"

"I can see the friendliness of the aliens. The law enforcers are just doing things according to the procedures. But he, who disobeyed the law, destroyed them and our benefactor instead."


Opinions are polarized, debate is escalating again, and even heads of state are starting to speak out.

At this time, the support called by the law enforcement officers from outside the sky arrived, and densely packed aircraft surrounded Lin Xuan.

Huaxia Yanjing, Gan Bo and the three elders were immediately overjoyed when they got the news.

"If he comes back later, the earth will probably be peacefully occupied by this group of hypocritical aliens. We rushed to the scene as soon as possible. Support him at all costs!"

"The team is back, what do you say?"

The members of Yanhuang were extremely excited and cheered happily.

"What else can I say? Go, go join the main team! Damn it, I've been annoyed by those shitty visitors!" Li Shijie yelled.

"Are you jealous of their handsomeness?" Huo Zhan said suddenly.

Li Shijie snorted coldly, "Aren't you jealous?"

"Jealousy!" Huo Zhan yelled loudly, "Let's go, beat them with the captain!"

"Call all the brothers from the Anti-Alien Alliance!"

They just felt their blood boiling. After nearly a year, they finally had the opportunity to fight with Lin Xuan again.

Kunlun, the five great sects.

"Aliens slander martial arts, saying it is a low-level means of evolution, should we swallow it?"

"Of course not!"

"What should I do?"


One hair will affect the whole body, and some people on the earth who are dissatisfied with the extraterrestrial visitors will all take action.

Previously, the aliens had established a prestige among human beings that could not be ignored.Furthermore, their technology is powerful and their strength is impressive.

Therefore, they dare not act rashly.

But now, with Lin Xuan's return, they have confidence.

Originally, the law enforcers surrounding Lin Xuan were planning to launch an attack, but they were suddenly ordered to retreat immediately!

Immediately afterward, an apology statement was issued: the law enforcement officers have a heart of steel, they only follow the procedures, they don't know how to adapt, and they hurt the friendship between us and the earth.For this, we make a solemn apology, and hope that the patron saint of the earth can let the past go.We come here with good intentions and only hope to help the earth to achieve full evolution.

At this time, Lin Xuan's friends also arrived one after another.

The three elders told them that they were compromising.

Seeing the old man, Lin Xuan was in a good mood and said, "A compromise is fine. Since you are here to help the earth, then remove all law enforcement officers. The earth is up to us to maintain."

In the air, a huge screen appeared, inside which was a middle-aged man with a majestic face.He was wearing a battle armor, tall and mighty, and his face was as handsome as other visitors from space.

"Our law enforcement officers are very efficient and can effectively help friends on Earth to fight crime and manage various affairs."

Lin Xuan said coldly: "As I said, the earth is up to us to maintain. We manage our own affairs, and it is not up to outsiders to intervene."

"That's our opinion too!"

Gan Bo, Sanlao and other Huaxia executives spoke up to support Lin Xuan.

"Alien friends, it is our wish to be friendly with you, but we have no habit of letting other people take care of our own affairs."

Other heads of state also spoke out immediately through communication means.

The extraterrestrial law enforcers forcibly intervene in the affairs of the earth. They have negotiated for this, but the attitude of the other party seems peaceful, but in fact it is tough.

The leaders were very troubled, but because of the strength of the other party, they could only compromise.

Now, the aliens are obviously afraid of Lin Xuan's power, they must seize the opportunity to completely take back the management rights of the earth.

At best, these so-called friendly aliens can be driven away.

On the big screen, that mighty figure fell silent.

In the densely packed crowd, there were also heated discussions.

"With the law enforcement officers here, we live very comfortably, why should we let them go?"

"You got kicked in the head by a donkey? You shit yourself, and let someone else wipe your ass? It seems that you have benefited from them too much, and you are no longer a human being on Earth."

"This brother's words are rough and not rough. I agree with the patron saint. It's okay to get along with each other, but some principles must not be exceeded!"

"Don't be silent, talk quickly, if you don't withdraw, we will wipe them out!"

The members of Yanhuang spoke out, very domineering.

If you don't drag a little bit, you will be sorry for the captain's unpredictable strength.

Lin Xuan glanced at the group of people and grinned, "You guys really haven't changed at all."

In the vast sky of the Pacific Ocean, in the huge battleship, the Silin people, the so-called aliens, are actively preparing for battle.

Top-notch technological weapons and powerful evolutionary life are waiting for instructions.

"Captain, is there an attack?"

A plump and slim figure was quietly transmitting a sound to the captain who was negotiating with Lin Xuan and others.

The captain looked at the coveted Earth powerhouse, and finally landed on Lin Xuan, sighed, and replied, "It's not the time yet."

"We're going to remove the enforcers."

On the big screen, the middle-aged man spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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