Chapter 406 is already out?
Probably because Liang Lixia has done a lot of surprising and unexpected things in the past year. Compared with him, he has not lived in school, but rented a house with his classmates, which does not sound so unacceptable.

In addition, she has always performed very well, and she has never made her family worry about it. The results of this year are also obvious to all, and she can't bear to blame her.

Not to mention that there was a brother next to her to intercede for her, and promised that living off-campus would not have any impact.

So this matter was surprisingly covered up like this, and it didn't affect the good atmosphere at home at all, and there was even a surprise—her father was willing to help her continue to apply for the next semester and still not live in school, as long as she could keep it. The status of the key class, don't be squeezed into the ordinary class because of this influence.

Liang Lixia couldn't help but laugh when he thought that she was still struggling with the key class before, but now she was determined to keep it.

There are always gains and losses, she can't ask for everything to go well, and she doesn't want to enter the key class because she is afraid of being forced to live in school, so it doesn't matter if it is resolved now.

After dinner, the family of four chatted and watched the stars together in the yard, talking about the latest trivial matters, and resumed the long-lost leisurely life.

The two adults had to get up early to go to work tomorrow, so they went to wash and go to bed after ten o'clock, leaving the two brothers and sisters still sitting quietly.

"Thank you very much, brother." Liang Lixia said suddenly.

Thank you for understanding her, for being willing to stand by her side, and to say many good things for her.

Liang Lidong looked at the night sky and smiled: "I don't want you to thank me, but I just hope that one day, you will be willing to tell me everything like you did to Gu Changan."

"..." This is not so easy, but if he can fully understand and support her by then, he can still confess everything, Liang Lixia also turned his head to look at the sky, "There will be a day."

Hearing this, Liang Lidong couldn't help saying angrily: "Can't you coax me?"

If you want to say it, you should say that you will definitely do it in the future, instead of waiting until the day you don't know when.

Liang Lixia shrugged and said, "Don't lie about this."

With a low cut, Liang Lidong stood up and said, "Go back and rest."

After speaking, he started to tidy up the tables and chairs in the yard.

"Yeah." Liang Lixia responded, and stood up to help.

After tidying up, locking the doors and windows, and going upstairs, Liang Lidong said again: "Lixia..."

"Huh? Why?" Liang Lixia stopped and looked back at him.

Liang Lidong coughed twice, and asked hesitantly, "Tell me the truth, how much money do you have now?"

How much money?Liang Lixia blinked at first, and then said in a bit of a dilemma: "I really don't know about this. There will be a quarterly meeting in two days, and I will tell you after I have a look at the ledger."

Now the few stores have a lot of income, but they also have expenses, and the cash flow is in Shao Qi's hands. She doesn't ask much, and she really doesn't know how much money she has on hand.

Liang Lidong felt a little broken... wonder how much money he has?That means, it has reached the point of innumerable?

If it was Gu Changan who said this sentence to him, then there is nothing to be surprised about.

But this person is Liang Lixia, his own sister... Even though she knew she had done a lot of things, she still didn't expect it.

No, I must have thought of it a little bit, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of asking such a question.

He thought he had worked hard enough, but he didn't expect it to be completely worthless. Liang Lidong smiled wryly in his heart, but he said in a daze, "So, good night then."

"Good night." Of course, Liang Lixia couldn't think that his brother was thinking badly. He was still thinking about how much Yangshan Village's expenses accounted for, and whether the recent profit was enough. After returning to the room, he entered the space and put The rest are left behind.

The parent-teacher meeting started at nine o'clock. That day, the father and daughter arrived in the city early on the first bus in the morning, and went to have a good breakfast leisurely before entering the school with the others.

I only came here once at the beginning of school, but Liang Liguo still remembered the way. Without Liang Lixia saying anything, he led her all the way to the teaching building of the first grade of high school. After reaching the second floor, he turned right and found the classroom of the sixth class. .

Since it is a parent meeting, it only needs the participation of parents.

Leading his father to find his own seat and sit down, Liang Lixia looked at the vacant seat in front of him. After thinking about it, Liang Lixia still said: "Dad, the one sitting in front is the classmate who shares the rent with me."

She just mentioned a little bit like this, and didn't say anything further. Liang Liguo was startled, and nodded as if he understood but didn't understand: "Okay."

"Then I'm going out, and I'll come back when it's over." Liang Lixia smiled, didn't look at anyone in particular, and hurried out of the classroom without looking sideways.

Originally, she thought that since Lu Weiwei hadn't arrived yet, it wouldn't be too late to meet again after the end, but she never thought that she would run into each other as soon as she went out.

Liang Lixia was slightly taken aback, and subconsciously looked at the person next to him.

It was a man in his forties. He was tall, slightly fat and had a beer belly. He had an amiable appearance. He was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, showing a bit of a businessman's air.

Seeing her, the man smiled slightly: "Vivi's classmate, hello."

"Hello, Uncle." Liang Lixia came back to his senses, stepped aside, and smiled at Lu Weiwei, "Go in first."

"Well, you wait first." Lu Weiwei didn't rush to introduce, and after she took the man in and settled him down, she came out quickly and said, holding Liang Lixia's arm, "We don't have anything to do here, let's go to the studio."

Glancing at the somewhat understanding father and the helpless Father Lu, Liang Lixia shook his head, and followed them to the studio without saying anything.

However, the two of them didn't stay in the studio for long, when they saw people coming and going from time to time on the bulletin board on the other side of the teaching building, as if they were looking at something.

Lu Weiwei didn't care about it at first, but then she thought of something and said, "Is that the result announcement?"

"Huh?" Liang Lixia just sent a text message, he was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said, "It might really be."

At the beginning of the semester, the grades and class placement were also announced there. Could it be that the results of the arts and science class placement have already come out?

The two looked at each other, then got up and walked over together in a tacit understanding.

Because many people left after seeing it, they squeezed to the front without much effort, and couldn't help smiling when they saw the posted notices.

Sure enough, it was the results of this final exam, which took up half of the wall according to the grade ranking, and the other half was the arts and science class of the second year of high school. The three key classes were Class [-], Class [-] and Class [-].

Liang Lixia first found his place in the grade rankings, and then silently ran to the class division to take a look. After confirming that it was correct, he stepped back without any surprise or joy, watching Lu Weiwei, who was a little excited, squeezed out from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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