Be a group favorite in the rebirth era

Chapter 122 He feels that he has dug a treasure

Chapter 122 He feels that he has dug a treasure

Before coming to this county, Sheng Qingyang didn't understand many things, let alone had any contact with them.

Although he didn't live a dandy life before, he was relatively free and comfortable.

But he has always been a person who strives to do well in everything, and he doesn't want to let those people in the imperial capital laugh at him.

Therefore, after being transferred here, he put aside the comfortable life before, and personally took people to the commune to go to the countryside, and went to various factories to learn about the situation.

I hope to find an economic road suitable for the development of Nan County, not only for himself, but also hope that I can do something practical here once in vain.

It's just that this place is too backward and poor compared to Kyoto, and the county can't find a suitable way to develop.

He did have some ideas, but he would encounter considerable obstacles in implementing them, so he wanted to start with other aspects first.

Hearing that Huo Kai praised how formal Song Chujian's farm is, he thought about investigating it.

After coming over that day, not only did he not disappoint him, but he was pleasantly surprised, and this surprise was confirmed today.

I really didn't expect such a village to build a breeding farm so well. Although scientific breeding methods have been advocated all the time, there are too few that can be done now.

Song Chu smiled lightly: "Thank you for the compliment, we still have a lot to improve, we can only keep working hard to improve."

"Leaders, now that the tour is over, please rest in our conference room." She made another gesture of invitation.

Sheng Qingyang smiled and nodded: "Okay."

The construction of the farm was all planned by Song Chu, so a meeting room that could accommodate dozens of people was also built.

I also replaced the office chairs from the furniture factory, giving people a very formal feeling.

As soon as Sheng Qingyang and the others sat down, Song Ping led someone to bring up the brewed tea.

After taking a few sips of tea, Sheng Qingyang looked at Song Chu and said, "Comrade Song, your farm is very successful and successful. You are doing very well, and it is very worthwhile for other farms to learn from."

Song Chu said with a smile: "Thank you for the affirmation given to us by the leaders. The farm's success today is inseparable from our workers. If there is something that other farms can learn from, we will not be stingy and will share it with you. experienced."

She never wanted to turn the farm into a monopoly industry. After achieving the goal of making the whole village rich, well fed and warm, she would not mind helping to drive other villages, or even the entire county.

Sheng Qingyang was very surprised. He didn't expect Song Chujue to be so enlightened. Before he took the initiative to bring it up, she said what he thought.

Having met so many outstanding lesbians, he felt that Song Chu was the most charismatic and broad-minded.

Otherwise, if it is changed to many places, the head of the farm just wants to hide the method, and there will be no way to exchange and share it.

"Comrade Song's awareness is very high, which moved me very much."

"Then I'll organize people from two other large chicken farms in the county to visit and share their experience. Do you think it's okay?" After comparing the farms on Song Chu's side, he felt that the other two chicken farms Large chicken farms need a lot of improvement.

Song Chu nodded generously: "No problem, just let me know in advance."

Sheng Qingyang smiled and said, "I'll thank Director Song first for them."

"Master Song, do you think there are more chicken farms like this in other villages in the county?" He asked for advice.

Song Chu thought for a while and said, "It can be rebuilt, after all, there is a shortage of meat in the market now."

"It's just that if it is going to be built, all kinds of work must be done well, especially in terms of sanitation and epidemic prevention/epidemic prevention, otherwise once the chickens and ducks get sick, the infection and mortality rate will be very high."

"Our chicken farm sprays some medicines to prevent the growth of bacteria every week, and regularly feeds the chickens with medicines to prevent diseases."

"By the way, there is also the need to consider the feed. We use the oil residue and tofu residue from the oil extraction workshop to feed the chickens, ducks and pigs here, and we also raise a lot of earthworms with cow dung. The nutrition can keep up, so it will Looks so good."

It was easy to start, but Song Chu had to bring up the main reason for their success.

Sheng Qingyang personally took out his notebook and pen and wrote down these questions, "The question you mentioned really needs careful thinking."

It can be seen that Song Chu really communicated with her without any secrets, which raised his impression of her to another level.

"Master Song, if we open a few more similar farms in our county, can you send some technical consultants to guide them?" Sheng Qingyang felt that opening a farm would be a way out for development.

Song Chu smiled lightly: "Yes, we are very supportive of the county's decision. It is nothing if our village develops. I believe it will be better if the entire county develops."

"If you want to build a breeding farm, you can actually open some additional industries, such as bean products farms, wineries, etc. The bean dregs and distiller's grains can be used to feed livestock, and they can be recycled in a chain." She thought for a while and gave suggestions.

Sheng Qingyang memorized it all, "You can talk about it in detail."

He found that Song Chu had special ideas, and they were more in line with the development and reality. He felt that he had dug a treasure.

Song Chu was not stage-frightened either, and began to talk eloquently.

"Many villages in Nanxian County produce soybeans. Soybean factories can actually be opened in the county town. Not only can soybeans be purchased in the villages to make farmers more wealthy, but they can also provide feed for farms."

"Soybean factory can produce tofu skin, yuba, fermented bean curd and so on. Fermented bean curd can be divided into vegetarian and oily."

"The taste of fermented bean curd is adjusted and sold in glass bottles. Maybe it can form a special food economy in our county and make it a brand."

"For example, when people in other places, or even the whole country, mention fermented bean curd, the first thing that comes to mind is Nanxian fermented bean curd."

It's like when later generations mention tempeh and chili, they think of Laoganma.

Sheng Qingyang felt that Song Chu's thinking was very clear, and it suddenly gave him great inspiration. He listened with gusto, "Continue."

The other people who followed him didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking that such a little lesbian can start the farm very well.

I really didn't expect that she could express such a profound and insightful opinion.

Now they think about it, if one day people across the country mention fermented bean curd, they will immediately think of Nanxian fermented bean curd, and they can't help but get excited.

Song Chu smiled and said: "In fact, the idea of ​​​​running other venues is the same. For example, wineries can also be made into a brand. For example, not only liquor, but also beer and wine."

"If it's done well, there may be opportunities for export. Foreigners can make money from us, and we can make money from them in turn."

Speaking of this, Sheng Qingyang and the others all showed longing looks on their faces. If this is the case, it would be so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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