After dressing as a female match, I counterattacked

Chapter 739 Zhiyun takes over the soul pawn shop

Chapter 739 Zhiyun takes over the soul pawn shop
As he walked, Zhiyun didn't know how far he had traveled.

Until she finally saw the 'mirage', the hope and joy in her heart were pulled back by the last sober reason in an instant, and Zhiyun told herself in her heart: fake, it was a mirage.

But her feet still walked over there involuntarily.

The sun made her dizzy, and her vision was not so clear.

The lead on her feet made her walk slower and slower.

It wasn't until she finally approached that Zhiyun could see clearly that what was in front of her... seemed to be not a mirage, but a place like an inn.

She moved her chapped lips due to lack of water, then stepped onto the wooden steps and entered the inn.

Su Jiuxing, who was in front of the counter, came over and asked, "Staying here?"

Zhiyun: "..."

Su Jiusheng came to Zhiyun, looked her up and down, "Looking for someone?"

Zhiyun: "..."

How did she know what she was here for.

She only thought that this was a mirage, and she couldn't help walking towards it under her feet.

Seeing a real person appear in front of her eyes, Zhiyun couldn't tell whether all this was imagined by her or not.

"Where is this place?" Zhiyun asked the other party in a dry voice.

Su Jiusheng raised his finger and pointed to the back: "The Lucky Cat Inn."

Having never heard of such an inn, Zhiyun was puzzled.

But this person is talking to her, maybe this is not a mirage, but a place that really exists.

"Then... what is this place?" Zhiyun frowned and continued to ask.

Su Jiuxing carefully sized Zhiyun several times, then turned and walked inside, saying, "Blank land."

Blank space?

What kind of place is the empty space?
Su Jiusheng went in, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhiyun looked around and saw that this was a quaint inn, built in a desolate desert, which made her think it was a mirage.

Seeing the teapot on the table, Zhiyun wanted to pour a glass of water to quench his thirst.

She needs to drink a lot of water.

But when she stretched out her hand, she realized that she couldn't touch these things, whether it was a teapot, a water cup, or a bench or table, she couldn't touch them. Once she stretched her hand over, there was nothing and she couldn't touch anything.

After a while, Su Jiusheng came out and came to Zhiyun with a book in his hand.

Seeing that she was at a loss for the things she couldn't touch, Su Jiuxing told her: "Be patient, you can't touch those things."

Zhiyun frowned and turned around, "Am I really dead?"

Su Jiusheng took a book from the counter at the front desk, opened it to read, and said, "Let's not say whether you are dead or not, you answer my question first, and then I can judge whether you are dead or not."

After flipping through several pages, Su Jiuxing found it, browsed it roughly, raised her head from the book and asked her, "Are you the next steward of the soul pawn shop?"

Zhiyun: "..."

Did not hear the answer, Su Jiusheng asked again: "Are you the one chosen by Jin Mang?"

Zhiyun: "..."

Su Jiusheng continued to ask: "After Jin Mang chose you, did he talk to you?"

Zhiyun: "..."

It's not that she doesn't answer, it's that she can't answer a word at all.

She is very thirsty and wants to drink water. She seriously suspects that she is already dehydrated. If she doesn't drink any more water, she will die of thirst...

"Why don't you talk? I'm asking you." Su Jiuxing wasn't impatient, obviously patience was good.

(End of this chapter)

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