Chapter 1224 Engagement Rings
Whether it was unintentional or intentional, those Maybachs all stopped neatly in front of the two of them.

The car body was only one meter away from them, so both of them saw this vigorous scene very intuitively.

I saw a few men in black suits getting out of the front and back four cars. They were wearing the same headset, obviously bodyguards.

The one at the head seemed to be their leader. She held up an equally black umbrella and stood by the back seat of the lead car.

Then she bent down and opened the car door respectfully.

"Miss Wang, please get out of the car."

Then, a foot wearing exquisite high-heeled shoes was exposed inside the car door, followed by a woman's tender and slender calf.

Yiqi couldn't help but look sideways, and saw a woman in a red dress getting out of the car. Her skin was snow-like and her hair was like a waterfall. It's a pity that the bodyguard covered her face tightly with an umbrella. So Yiqi didn't see her face.

Miss Wang?Yiqi frowned slightly.

"Is there any top player in this circle whose surname is Wang?"

Zhao Yongning shook his head, "It seems not, but it may not be a top star, maybe some people like their own ostentation."

The two looked at each other, knowing each other well.

"But judging by her attire, she should be one of the best female stars, right? There are not many people who can look so good in a red dress." Yiqi sighed.

Although she didn't see her face, her figure was clearly visible.I saw her walking with a lot of posture, and her figure was also protruding forward and backward. Although she was wearing a tight-fitting dress, it gave people a feeling of swaying and windy. Presumably such a person would not look like that. Where is the difference.

But Zhao Yongning disdains this very much, perhaps because she has seen too many celebrities, so in her eyes, beauty is just a commodity.

She curled her lips, "Dressed up like this in the middle of the night, those who don't know think it's a female ghost escaping from somewhere."

"Keep your voice down..." Yiqi quickly raised his index finger and put it against his lips, "Stop talking."

Only then did Zhao Yongning shut up, and she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"Ma'am, let's go in first."

Yiqi took Zhao Yongning to the front desk first, and she wanted to check in for Zhao Yongning, but they had to queue up.

Because the Miss Wang who just got out of the car was surrounded by more than ten bodyguards, and these bodyguards seemed to be staying in this hotel, so a group of people gathered together, Yiqi and Zhao Yongning could only be forced to Standing on the periphery.

"This Ms. Wang is really generous. What is the origin? Why do even the bodyguards live in such a high-end hotel?" Zhao Yongning whispered to Yiqi and shook his ears.

"Isn't it good to be kind to your subordinates?" Yi Qi shrugged and smiled at Zhao Yongning.

Zhao Yongning really didn't understand, let alone understand, she couldn't help curling her lips again.

She tilted her head and looked at the woman surrounded by the crowd through the gap.

She wore a pair of sunglasses on her face, probably because she had a small face, but the sunglasses covered half of her face.

From Zhao Yongning's perspective, only her small chin and delicate lips can be seen.

I don't know how beautiful this beauty is, I want to wrap myself up when I go out.

Finally, that group of people left in a mighty way, and Yiqi was able to check in for Zhao Yongning.

Unfortunately, when they were about to get on the elevator, they met again.

Because this woman brought too many people, she kindly asked a group of her bodyguards to take the elevator up first, while she and the other two waited below.

Yiqi sized up the woman's eyes, but thought she was quite interesting.

Under normal circumstances, when there are not enough people in the elevator, the boss will let the boss in first, but this boss seems to be very kind, which is really unusual.

Yiqi couldn't help but look at her twice more, just as the woman turned her head, the two caught off guard and looked at each other.

Yi Qi was a little embarrassed, she always felt like a voyeur at the moment, so she turned her head away quickly.

The woman standing not far away suddenly chuckled, Yiqi slightly raised his eyelids to look at her, but the woman just shook her head helplessly and said nothing.

Yiqi's face suddenly became hot, and it was really embarrassing to see others secretly.

The elevator finally arrived, and they entered the elevator one after another.Yiqi raised his hand, and was about to press the elevator button, when the woman's bodyguard also extended his hand.

The arms of the two touched each other, and they were a little embarrassed when they looked at each other.

Yiqi was taken aback for a moment, and just as he was thinking whether to withdraw his hand, the woman standing aside suddenly spoke.

"Arong, let this lady press first."

The bodyguard named Ah Rong was very obedient, he immediately withdrew his hand, and even nodded slightly to Yiqi, signaling her to come first.

Yiqi was very embarrassed, and she quickly pressed the floor she was on.

"You do it."

Yiqi smiled at Arong embarrassedly, but Arong didn't move, he just explained to Yiqi calmly.

"Our Miss Wang also lives on this floor."

"What a coincidence, hahaha..." Yiqi smiled awkwardly, but no one seemed to find it funny.

Yi Qi had no choice but to withdraw the smile at the corner of her mouth silently, she scratched her head, her face was burning.

Strange, has she not returned to the entertainment industry for too long?Why do I feel uncomfortable all over my body.

Finally reached the floor, Yiqi took Zhao Yongning's hand as if fleeing and left the elevator.

The woman who lived on the same floor walked leisurely behind, and the only sound of her high heels echoed in the corridor.

But at this moment, Yiqi only thought about what Zhao Yongning said.

Wearing red clothes in the middle of the night, really looks like a female ghost...

Yiqi actually had the feeling of being chased by a ghost, and she couldn't help speeding up her pace.But just when she was about to touch the handle of the door she locked, the woman behind suddenly stopped her.

"Miss Yi, you dropped something."

Yiqi turned his head and saw the woman squatting down herself, picked up something on the ground, and then walked towards him.

She handed the small silver ring to Yiqi, "Miss Yi, things like wedding rings shouldn't be thrown away lightly, you should keep them carefully."

Yiqi looked at the ring that the woman handed her, and suddenly felt sore.

This is the engagement ring that Xi Jinchen gave him. When Xi Jinchen confessed to himself, he was afraid that he hadn't figured it out yet, so he only gave him the engagement ring.

Although the two later bought another wedding ring, Yiqi still likes this one the most.

(End of this chapter)

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