Chapter 1243 Something is wrong

Yiqi has been quietly leaning on Xi Jinchen's arms, she knows this moment is hard-won, so as long as she touches him, Yiqi is reluctant to let go.

The two stayed together for an unknown amount of time before reluctantly parting, "That's right." Yiqi wiped the corners of his moist eyes, "I've been telling you something, I've been thinking about Alina these days. I always feel that something is wrong, but I have no chance to tell you."

"Speak slowly, don't be in a hurry." Xi Jinchen stroked Yiqi's back, motioning her to speak slowly.

Yiqi pondered briefly, and then opened his mouth after clearing his mind.

"Don't you think Alina's behavior is abnormal?"

"how do I say this?"

"Pengpeng is our adopted son. Alina took Pengpeng away privately. As his adoptive parents, we are qualified to hold Alina accountable. And the main reason she left at that time was to avoid our investigation of her. , if this is the case, why does she take a child away? Isn't this a burden to her? "

Xi Jinchen raised his eyebrows, as if he felt that Yiqi's words made sense.

"Unless this child has special meaning to Alina." In the depths of the corridor, an old voice suddenly sounded.

Mr. Xi walked out slowly with Aunt Zhou's support, Xi Jinchen quickly stood up, and bowed his head respectfully to Mr. Xi.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I made you rest because of the noise."

Mr. Xi snorted, "When did you kids stop?"

Xi Jinchen's face became even more embarrassed, "We didn't want to disturb Grandpa."

"Then you mean that as your grandfather, you can only stand by and watch when your grandchildren are in danger?"

Mr. Xi glanced at Xi Jinchen coldly, his tone a bit reproachful.

Yiqi hurriedly stepped forward to support Mr. Xi, "Grandpa, don't blame him, we are afraid that you will worry."

Mr. Xi looked at Yiqi, and his cold eyes finally eased.

"Ah Chen, you are really getting more and more outrageous now. You are not as sensible as your grandson's daughter-in-law."

"Yes, what grandpa said is correct." Xi Jinchen immediately lowered his head and laughed along with him, "Then grandpa, do you mean that Pengpeng is very important to Alina?"

"People don't make decisions for no reason." Mr. Xi said meaningfully, "I think you should check Pengpeng's life experience as soon as possible, maybe you can find something."

Yiqi turned his head and looked at Xi Jinchen, there was a different meaning in his eyes.Maybe Mr. Xi is right, they can really dig something out of Pengpeng.

The time to get together is always short, after a quick visit to Yiqi, Xi Jinchen is about to leave again.

When he was dragged into the car by Assistant Hong, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Yiqi. As soon as he saw him from afar, he knew that Yiqi's eye sockets were already a little red.

To be honest, he was reluctant, but had to leave again.

Old man Xi spoke leisurely with his hands behind his back.

"Okay, granddaughter-in-law is so close to me, I will take care of her. But you, you must take care of yourself in the country, and let me know as soon as possible if there is anything, don't make up your own mind like before."

Xi Jinchen's eyes were complicated, he lowered his eyebrows and lowered his head pleasingly.

"Yes, Grandpa."

"Okay, sir, let's go!" Assistant Hong pulled Xi Jinchen, he was afraid that if Xi Jinchen didn't leave, he would simply stay here and film with Yiqi here.

Xi Jinchen reluctantly forgot to take another look at Yiqi before getting into the car.Seeing the car in front of him leaving in the dust, Yiqi felt a little dazed in his heart.

Sometimes, they do have to separate.

Mr. Xi turned his head and stared, "Yiqi, don't worry, Ah Chen is a smart man, so you don't have to worry too much, some things will come to a conclusion sooner or later."

"I know..." Yiqi lowered her eyes and wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes where Mr. Xi could not see.

The return journey took more than ten hours, and Yiqi finally breathed a sigh of relief after receiving a text message from Assistant Hong that they had landed safely, as long as they arrived safely.

Assistant Hong put down his phone, and took a careful look at Xi Jinchen.

"Sir, shall we go straight home?"

Xi Jinchen put his hands on his knees and knocked one after another.He frowned slightly, as if in thought.

After a while, he spoke.

"No, let's go directly to the village where Pengpeng used to live. I always feel weird there."

It was already dark when they arrived at the dilapidated village. In the near winter, there were no people on the road in the village, so no one noticed their arrival.

Based on his memory, Xi Jinchen found Pengpeng's former home, which the village chief once said.

But after reaching the door, Xi Jinchen suddenly frowned.

Assistant Hong noticed that something was wrong with Xi Jinchen's expression, so he hurriedly asked.

"What's the matter, sir?"

There was a strange light in Xi Jinchen's eyes, and he pointed to the small courtyard.

"Why is the light on in here?"

Assistant Hong scratched his head, "Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Of course not." Xi Jinchen said, he opened the courtyard door and walked in. "At that time, the village chief told me that Pengpeng had no relatives."

Assistant Hong paused.He stared blankly at the back of Xi Jinchen's head.Suddenly, Assistant Hong's heart beat wildly, as if he understood something. "

He rushed forward and pulled Xi Jinchen away just as he was about to push the door open.

"I'll still come."

His expression was a little vigilant, as if he was afraid that he would find something terrible inside after opening the door of the dilapidated wooden house.

He opened the door carefully, and probably only saw a little bit of what was inside.

It turned out that what was vaguely revealed on the glass was not the light, but the candlelight.

Through the narrow gap in the door, Assistant Hong saw an almost ancient old man lying on the bed.

Because of her age, most of her hair has fallen out, and the rest of her hair is also gray.

The light in the room was too dim, and Assistant Hong could barely tell that an old woman was lying inside.

Assistant Hong gasped. Is there no one to take care of such an old man?

He turned his head and looked at Xi Jinchen with a complicated expression, "Sir, shall we go in?"

"Since you're here, don't hesitate any longer."

Xi Jinchen stepped forward and opened the door first.

The old woman inside was dizzy and her hearing was no longer sensitive.It wasn't until she felt a shadow over her head that she realized that someone had come in.

Before the two of them entered, the old woman was gnawing on a piece of hard pastry.When she raised her head blankly, the corner of her mouth was still covered with cake scum, and a strand of saliva was drawn into a silver thread, hanging between the corner of her mouth and half of the cake in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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