Chapter 1350 The Funeral Begins
The funeral began as scheduled.

The inside and outside of the church were surrounded like iron barrels. Assistant Hong personally guarded the door, letting in all the people who should be let in, and not letting anyone who shouldn't be let in.

Of course, there is no one who shouldn't be let go. The news of Yiqi's death is still a mystery. Although he doesn't know how Yi Zhentian heard about it, at least it hasn't spread widely.

Therefore, those reporters who love to catch wind and shadows did not come, but some staff members curiously poked his head to look in, and even wanted to sneak in, but they were all blocked by Assistant Hong.

Xi Jinchen was neatly dressed, looking extraordinarily decent, and his demeanor was the same as usual, except that his face was a little haggard.

But the people who entered all showed surprise, because they saw Xi Jinchen wearing a red suit.

Even white was not allowed to be seen at the funeral. When everyone came, they were all wearing black clothes. However, Xi Jinchen, as a pillow person in Yiqi, was wearing red all over his body. It is hard to avoid people guessing that he is really crazy. up.

After Zhao Yongning entered the arena, he couldn't help but leaned over to Assistant Hong, "Are you serious, sir? Why did he come here dressed like this?"

"Of course he has his own arrangements." Assistant Hong sighed helplessly, "You go in and help out first. Although not many people came today, I'm afraid the scene will be out of control if you cry later. You go to persuade everyone first, let everyone So sad."

Zhao Yongning nodded thoughtfully, "Don't worry, I will make arrangements."

The people who came were nothing more than a group of friends they knew well, counting only a dozen, but everyone had a sad expression on their faces.

Li Jiayi had been crying out of breath as early as last night, she didn't even have time to wash her face when she went out, and now her delicate face was covered with dry tears.

Liang Yihe supported her, without saying a word, walked heavily into the venue.

The moment she saw Xi Jinchen, she was also stunned, her footsteps paused for a second, and Li Jiayi raised her head in doubt.

She didn't know how to describe how she felt when she saw Xi Jinchen.

Grief, anger, surprise, doubt.

But it was not enough to describe her mood at the time.

It's just that for a moment, she had the urge to rush up and beat Xi Jinchen severely.

But she still held back, she knew who Yi Qi cared most about before she was alive, and she didn't want to cause trouble before her soul.

At least for the last journey of her life, she couldn't let Yiqi go without peace of mind.

Li Jiayi covered up the anger rolling in her eyes, and lowered her head slightly, but Xi Jinchen walked in front of her on her own initiative.

"Thank you for coming."

Li Jiayi froze for a moment, she seemed to be hallucinating, why did she hear a sense of relaxation from Xi Jinchen's tone just now?

Li Jiayi finally couldn't help raising her head, and saw a smile on Xi Jinchen's face.

"You..." Li Jiayi finally couldn't hold back her anger, her hands were trembling, and Liang Yihe quietly pinched her wrist.

"Do not impulse."

Xi Jinchen smiled wryly, "I know you don't understand me."

He spread his arms, exposing himself in a bright red suit in front of Li Jiayi.

"I have owed her a wedding for so many years. I have persuaded her many times and wanted to make up a wedding with her, but she has never agreed. Now that she is gone, I will never see her again, so I I want her to see me at my best."

The anger in Li Jiayi's slowly restrained eyes gradually turned into grief.

"Sorry." Li Jiayi lowered her head guiltily, "I just..."

"It's okay." Xi Jinchen shook his head, "Let's all be happy, think about it, when Xiao Qi lived in this world, there was never a single day of peace, and now that she's gone, she can finally sleep well Sleep."

The last sentence, Xi Jinchen said very lonely.

He was ashamed of Yiqi, and he should never have trapped Yiqi in these grievances and grievances.

Sometimes I think about it, without him, Yiqi's life would not be the same even if it was difficult.

It's a pity that he still didn't understand it at the time, he was unwilling to let go, and always felt that if the two of them stayed together, no matter how hard the days were, they would pass.

Now reality has dealt him a severe blow, and he has paid the most painful price for that little obsession in his heart.

If there were no relatives at home, Xi Jinchen really wanted to die with Yiqi.

Li Jiayi finally couldn't help crying, she patted Xi Jinchen's shoulder with difficulty.

"You must hold on, you are the only pillar of the family left."

She turned her head and looked around, "Why didn't Grandpa Yi come?"

Xi Jinchen turned his face away, as if he didn't dare to look directly at Li Jiayi.

"He... he's sick and in the hospital."

At the same time, the unconscious Yi Zhentian opened his eyes as if he suddenly felt something.

The pungent smell of disinfectant made Yi Zhentian completely awake. He turned his head dully and looked at the needle on the back of his hand. Then he suddenly realized that what he knew before he fainted was not his fantasy, but real.

Yi Zhentian suddenly became emotional, he pulled out the needle in his hand, and stumbled out of bed.

After rushing out the door, he tilted his body and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Yi Yingying was on the way back, she saw Yi Zhentian's shaky figure from a distance, she couldn't care about anything for a moment, dropped the lunch box in her hand and rushed up.

Fortunately, Yi Zhentian didn't fall to the ground again, Yi Yingying hugged Yi Zhentian's old body in shock.

"Grandpa! Grandpa, calm down!"

"Why are you still calm?" Yi Zhentian roared, "Where's Xi Jinchen? Where's Qiqi? And that lackey next to Xi Jinchen, where are they all?!"

Yi Yingying's expression was complicated, she opened her mouth, but remained silent again.

But her subtle expression still couldn't escape Yi Zhentian's eyes, Yi Zhentian understood something instantly, he grabbed Yi Yingying's shoulder.

"What's the matter?"

She seemed to have spent all her energy to ask this question, and suddenly tears filled Yi Yingying's eyes.

"Grandpa, elder sister's funeral has already begun."

Xi Jinchen stepped onto the stage under the gaze of everyone, and after thinking for a moment, he spoke slowly.

"It's a pity to meet you on such an occasion."

The audience was silent, and everyone was crying silently. It was difficult for them to face this ending.

Xi Jinchen paused for a moment, his voice suddenly choked.

"The people who are here today are all important friends in our lives. I have to tell you a sad news that my wife Yiqi has passed away."

Those people who had tried their best to control their emotions finally couldn't help but burst into tears. Li Anan leaned against Li Chengzhe's arms almost fainting, and Li Chengzhe hugged her shoulders hard.

"Don't cry, don't let her go uneasy."

"Is she going to leave now at ease?"

The door was suddenly kicked open by someone, Yi Zhentian stopped at the door, glaring at Xi Jinchen from afar.

(End of this chapter)

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