Chapter 382
Xi Jinchen took out a handkerchief from somewhere and gently covered Yiqi's mouth and nose, "Otherwise, forget it, in fact, I can..."

He wanted to say that he could continue to investigate among those fraudsters one by one, and there would always be results.

But Yiqi shook his head and refused, "They have taken so much money, it's too difficult to make them vomit. If we can find Yan Ruofan's widow, it might be better to change the direction."

They went door to door according to the name Yiqing told them, but they only went to two or three houses before they were told that this person had never appeared here.

Yiqi didn't have any hope at all, and now he was completely desperate when he heard this answer.

"Perhaps she changed her name." Assistant Hong said, "Since she is afraid of being hunted down, she must not dare to move her residence again. Maybe she changed her false name."

Yiqi nodded and continued to search.

If she is really still there, they will definitely react when they mention this name, at least fear.

She has been hiding in hiding for more than 20 years, and she lives in fear day and night. Even after many years, it is impossible not to be afraid.

What was waiting for them was nothing, Yiqi was about to lose heart when he suddenly noticed a dilapidated small house in the corner.

Although this is a small village, almost every household has tile-roofed houses. In comparison, this house is a bit too dilapidated.

The walls were still covered with yellow mud, and the roof was piled with hay. Not to mention the residents, even the old objects that were not in use would be worried about being wet by the rain.

But Yiqi's intuition told her that there must be someone she was looking for here.

She walked straight towards the thatched house, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

"Hey girl, what are you doing there?" An enthusiastic aunt who was feeding the chickens ran over, "There lives an old lady who is crazy, and she relies on us to deliver some food for her daily life. The inside is dirty. Very well, don’t go in.”

Crazy old lady?This seems to further confirm Yiqi's conjecture.

"No one cares about her?" Yiqi asked suspiciously.

The aunt sighed, and seemed to be extremely sorry for this incident, "She originally had a son, but a few years ago his son went to work in the city, and when he came back, there was only an urn left. Oh, the old lady was on the spot. I'm going crazy, I can't live in a good house, I insist on hiding in that shack, and I'm blind from crying..."

son?Yiqing directly said that Yan Ruofan had a widow, but did not say that he had a son.

The aunt turned her head and pointed to another house for Yiqi to show, "The old lady was pregnant when she came here. She was quite rich when she came to our village. She was the first to build a tile-roofed house in our village, and she gave birth to a baby later." I have a son. I just don’t know why the mother and son never leave the village, the son still likes to play mahjong with the children in the same village, and the money is gradually lost..."

Yiqi's heart beat wildly uncontrollably, isn't this the person she was looking for!

"But why did her son die?!" Yiqi asked eagerly, pulling on the aunt's sleeve.

"We don't know either, we just know that he went out to work, and his death is unclear." The aunt shook her head and sighed, "Even after the old lady went crazy, she always said crazy things. She said everything was not peaceful outside. This child is very It's okay to say, alas... you said that this world is not peaceful?"

Xi Jinchen's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized something.

"Auntie, when did his son die?"

"It's just..." Aunt frowned and recalled carefully, "It's only half a year."

Half a year!

Yiqi and Xi Jinchen looked at each other, and rushed towards the thatched hut at the same time.

As soon as they opened the door, the two were persuaded to leave by the unpleasant smell coming from inside.

This smell is very familiar, it is the smell of all kinds of excrement after all kinds of food rots.Xi Jinchen frowned, Xu Yan made such a mess of the house where he was detained, but one did it on purpose, and the other was really crazy.

Thinking of this, Yiqi couldn't help feeling sad.

Even if Yan Ruofan deserved to die, what did their mother and son do wrong to suffer like this?
It was pitch black in the thatched house, and following the light at the door, Yiqi could barely see the mess inside. There was a dilapidated small bed in the innermost place, and a cabinet next to the bed, and there was nothing else .

The bed was covered with a thick but worn-out quilt, and there was a lump under the quilt. It should be the person they were looking for.

Yiqi took a deep breath, and walked to the bed while carefully avoiding the things on the ground.

"Auntie... Auntie?" Yiqi tried to call the person under the quilt twice, but she suddenly exploded, lifted the quilt and glared at Yiqi, which made Yiqi collapse on the ground in fright.

"Xiaoqi!" Xi Jinchen rushed up to help Yiqi up.

"Her... her eyes..." Yiqi tremblingly pointed at the old lady.

Xi Jinchen turned his head in doubt, only to find that the old lady's eyes were white, obviously cataracts.

"Be careful." Xi Jinchen blocked Yiqi behind him, lowered his body slightly, and met the old lady's hollow eyes, "Auntie?"

The old lady tilted her head, as if she was looking at Xi Jinchen.It appears that she is not completely blind and can still see some things.

"Xiaohu!" The old lady suddenly hugged Xi Jinchen and cried bitterly, tears rolling down her cloudy eyes, "My son! My son! They all say you are dead!"

It seems really crazy...

Yiqi couldn't bear to look straight away and turned her head away, her heart felt sore, tears welled up unconsciously.

Xi Jinchen was stunned for a moment, then reached out and hugged the old lady back, he comforted the old lady very patiently.

"Don't cry, Mom, I'm back, I'm not dead."

Yiqi finally couldn't bear it anymore, covered his face and ran out of the house.She stood under the sun and looked at the sky, trying to hold back her tears.

The old lady was really crazy. She didn't know that she was holding a stranger she didn't know at all, not the son she missed day and night.

The warm-hearted aunt came over suspiciously, "Girl, what's your relationship with that old lady?"

Yiqi forced a smile at her, "She is my father's friend."

"So that's the case." The aunt nodded knowingly.

Before the words were finished, Xi Jinchen also walked out, his complexion seemed not very good.Xi Jinchen walked up to Yiqi and shook his head at her.

"No, it's too crazy, I can't ask anything."

Yiqi glanced into the house in embarrassment, they were just guessing, but they couldn't ask anything, so they couldn't be sure if she was Yan Ruofan's widow.

For a while, the scene fell into a stalemate again.

(End of this chapter)

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