Chapter 480 Interrogation
The closure of the milk tea shop is another turning point in the case of Gu Xingzhe's son's death. The milk powder factory finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the matter doesn't involve them, they can do whatever they want. They vowed to cooperate actively to find out the truth. fierce.

But Yiqi was obviously not interested in this matter. She was really disgusted by the matter of the dye. Wouldn't people who make such money be struck by lightning?

Because Li Chengzhe had already told Lu Yao that he wanted him to work in Huayin, so Lu Yao has been working very hard these days,
The studio was originally planned to be built within a month, but under the operation of Lu Yao, it was completed in just three weeks.

Yiqi took a special look at it before finishing work, and found that it was very well built, almost exactly the same as the studio he worked on in France.

Yiqi gave Lu Yao a thumbs up approvingly, "Do well, and you will surely have a bright future in the future."

Lu Yao seemed very shy. Just as Yi Qi praised him, he couldn't help but blush.

"Miss Yi, I'm ashamed of you praising me so much"

Yiqi was amused by him, "This is the compliment you deserve, there is no need to be embarrassed."

Soon Yiqi started filming. Originally, the director wanted to replace Yiqi with the heroine after Cen Yali's accident.

However, Yiqi thinks that this is the first time she is filming an overseas movie, so she should keep a low profile, and although this small role does not play a large role in the whole movie, the complex plot of her body can be a good exercise for Yiqi acting skills.

The director had no choice but to sigh regretfully, but he assured Yiqi that if the film was successful this time, he would definitely invite some to be his heroines.

But no matter what, this is already very good news for Yiqi.

She has received too much negative energy in the past six months, and this kind of good thing is something that can make her feel happy.

Before the filming started, the director sent over the actors who played against Yiqi.

It was also the first time for these actors to experience such a situation, and they were also very curious about what kind of charm Yiqi possessed, which made the director treat her so favorably.

But they didn't dare to ask questions about it, let alone speculate about Yiqi, because what happened to Cen Yali had already taught them a big lesson.

Looking back later, they also felt that they couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.Because they were also there when Cen Yali slandered Yiqi on the set.

They were just a little bit short of participating in the bullying of Yiqi.

This kind of bullying and hegemony have never been uncommon in filming, but Yiqi gave them a very serious warning at the beginning this time, that is, never bully others easily.

Let alone make judgments on others based on their few words. Seeing is not necessarily believing, let alone hearing?
But after a few days, they finally understood Yiqi's charm and why the director liked her so much.

Because Yiqi's approachability and excellent acting skills are indeed her aura. Whether it is at home or abroad, even veteran actors with excellent acting skills are inevitably proud, but Yiqi is always indifferent.

She doesn't care much about the honors she has received, but she will carefully consider where she still has shortcomings, so as to improve.

She is also very concerned about the people in the crew. When they were filming in Yiqi, they were treated better than when they were abroad.

Some people even joked to Yiqi, saying that they planned to sign into her company in the future and would never return to France.

Yiqi could only laugh helplessly, these people always talk so funny.

Although Yiqi knew that they were just joking, but being able to get along so well with the crew made Yiqi very happy.

She couldn't help but think of Lu Hexuan, and the actors she and Lu Hexuan came into contact with when they were filming in the Northwest were also like this. If it wasn't for the avalanche, Lu Hexuan's death, and Xu Yan's incident, Yiqi would definitely get one Very pleasant harvest.

Too bad she didn't.

Ever since Lu Hexuan passed away, Yiqi has always been unhappy. It seems that since then, there have always been some very bad things in her life.

Although many things have been developing in a good direction in recent days, Yiqi still feels that his heart is blocked.

She didn't understand why, when Xi Jinchen saw her, she felt very worried all day long.

"Maybe it's because my weather is too hot?" Yiqi comforted Xi Jinchen.

She would indeed have this kind of problem in summer, she was weak all day long, and she couldn't even eat.

Yiqi always thought that it was because of the hot weather and many things that happened recently that made her feel depressed, so she didn't think too much about it.

Finally, a month later, the filming of Yiqi's new movie was also finished.

She personally sent those actors to the airport to wait for their flight. Before leaving, they were still reluctant to part with Yiqi, and they all hoped that Yiqi could reach a long-term cooperation with the director as soon as possible.

Yiqi and Xi Jinchen didn't have time to go home after sending the actors away. They had another important thing to do.

There is no clear clue about the milk powder incident, but the unscrupulous milk tea shop has been under investigation for more than a month.

Just now the police called and said that they had some clues about this matter, and asked Yiqi and the others to go there in person.

The two rushed to the police station, and when they entered, they saw several people being escorted in dejectedly. Each of them had a pair of gleaming handcuffs on their hands.

The bad luck on those people's faces seemed to tell Yiqi that they had committed something serious.

Yiqi couldn't wait to know the results of the investigation at the milk tea shop, so she was in a hurry and didn't care about those people.

Xi Jinchen followed Yiqi all the time, and he didn't notice that there was an old friend standing at the end of the group.

The two were called to a room alone for a conversation. The moment the door closed, Xi Jinchen's old friend raised his head and stared viciously at the tightly closed door.

His teeth creaked, and his facial muscles tensed together.

His eyes were full of hatred, as if he wanted to swallow those two people alive.

But the police didn't give him this chance, but directly locked the group of people into another room.

The policeman who escorted them in turned and left. A moment later, two more policemen came and took away the man who had just gritted his teeth at Xi Jinchen and the two of them.
As soon as he entered the interrogation room, he felt unreasonable pressure. An interrogator, a recorder, and the two policemen who escorted him in did not leave, but stood directly behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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