Chapter 842
When she was carried out, besides the bloodstains, her body was also covered with dust.

I don't know how she survived living in this warehouse all these days.

When Jiang Cheng saw Chunchun's pale little face, his heart ached. Although he was not married yet and had no children of his own, he might have been a doctor for a long time. Seeing such a lovely and pitiful child made him feel I feel sorry for you.

Fortunately, the bed was still clean, so he picked Chunchun up and put her on the bed, ready to give her a checkup.

But who would have thought that as soon as he opened Chunchun's blood-stained sleeves, he found that her skin hidden under the fabric was intact and looked clean, except for some scattered scars left before, There was no bleeding, not even a bruise, and it didn't look like he was injured at all.

Then the bloodstains on her body...

Jiang Cheng's heart sank suddenly, it's too bad!They've been tricked!

Chen Sishan didn't abuse Chunchun at all, he was just putting on a show.

Chen Sishan's purpose was not to treat the children at all, but to test Xi Jinchen and the others.

He wanted to see how much Xi Jinchen and the others knew. Fortunately, Xi Jinchen didn't rush over in person in a hurry, otherwise he would have been exposed.

But the current situation is not much better than when Xi Jinchen came here in person. The reason why Chen Rushan made Chunchun covered in blood and hid it inside was to give himself a backhand.

Because he was not sure who would rescue Chunchun when he sent a signal to the outside world that he would torture Chunchun to death, so he left the second way.

If Xi Jinchen came here in person, the result would be self-evident, Chen Sishan has already been exposed.

But if someone else came, he could use this second method to solve his confusion.

At the same time, alarm bells were ringing in Lu Rover's heart.

The servants in this room, except themselves, knew that there was such a small room hidden on the third floor.

If Chen Sishan found out that they found Chunchun here, wouldn't even Lu Hu himself be exposed?
Lu Hu clenched his fists unconsciously. Chen Rushan's scheming was really deep. Although he kept his face calm, he had already thought of all the details in the silence.

I am afraid that at this moment, he is also suspecting that there is a pair of eyes staring at him, otherwise this matter will not be exposed so easily. It seems that Chen Sishan has begun to doubt himself.

But the matter has come to this point, they have nothing to do, and now they can't be sure whether Chen Sishan downstairs has noticed the abnormality, and I'm afraid they can only smash the pot.

The two looked at each other with helpless expressions.

It seemed that no matter how carefully they planned, they couldn't compare to the scheming person like Chen Sishan.

Because the dark side he could think of was beyond the imagination of Lu Hu and Jiang Cheng.Because of this, even if Chen Sishan discovered their abnormality, they were speechless.

Because they simply can't think of everything from the worst side like Chen Sishan.

It is also because of this that they are less defensive.

Now, if they want to try their best to conceal this matter, I'm afraid all they can do is to make up their minds again to push Chunchun back, and then walk downstairs pretending to be calm.

If they ran into Chen Sishan, or had already been discovered by Chen Sishan, they could just come up with any reason.

No matter whether Chen Sishan believed it or not, at least they could prevaricate Chen Sishan for the time being. After all, they still wanted to walk out of this yard safely.

After the two exchanged a wink, they both knew each other well that they had no choice but this method.

Jiang Cheng attached himself to hug Chunchun, who knew that the moment he touched Chunchun's small body, he found that she was trembling non-stop, and he couldn't restrain it at all.

Jiang Cheng lowered his head to look at Chunchun in surprise, only to see that her long eyelashes were trembling constantly, and her eyeballs were frantically rolling under her eyelids.

It seems...she woke up early.

He tentatively went to call Chunchun, but Chunchun didn't dare to open his eyes at all, and finally Lu Rover took the initiative to stand up.

He stepped forward and raised his hand to touch Chunchun's head.

"Chun Chun, don't be afraid."

Although Lu Hu is tall and tall and looks creepy, he has never done anything to hurt Chunchun, so Chunchun is not very afraid of him.

Hearing Lu Rover's familiar voice at this moment, tears welled up from the corners of Chunchun's eyes.

She slowly opened her eyes, and looked at Jiang Cheng and Lu Hu in front of her with big blank eyes.

Suddenly, Chunchun burst into tears.

She shed tears helplessly, but she could only whimper softly, not even having the courage to cry loudly.

Lu Hu looked at her distressedly, he took Chunchun from Jiang Cheng's arms, hugged her tightly, and couldn't help but speak.

"Don't be afraid, we are here to save you."

Later, in Chunchun's short and stumbled narration, Jiang Cheng and Lu Hu finally figured out the ins and outs of this matter.

It turned out that after Chen Rushan dragged Chunchun into the villa, he didn't have any intention of hurting her, but locked her up neatly.

Then Chen Sishan did not know where to find a radio, and he did not know what channel he tuned to, so he created a terrifying atmosphere, making Lu Rover mistakenly think that the girl screaming on the radio was from Pure .

And the sound of punching and kicking that came from this period was simply Chen Sishan punching to vent his anger.

He dragged Chunchun in, the main purpose was not to torture Chunchun to vent his anger, but to test Xi Jinchen and the others.

So after Jiang Cheng knocked on the door at that time, Chen Sishan hid Chunchun, and did not know where he got a pot of chicken blood and smeared it on Chunchun's body.Makes her look intimidating.

Afterwards, in order to make the scene more realistic, Chen Rushan injected Chunchun with a tranquilizer.

Fortunately, Jiang Cheng was rushing outside at that time, and Chen Sishan didn't inject all the medicine in his impatience, and was forced to drop the needle.

So Chunchun was affected by the drug, but was woken up by the two after a short nap.

But thankfully, Chunchun is fine, and this is a comfort to the frightened two.

But at the same time, Jiang Cheng also realized that Chen Sishan's schemes were so deep that he had encircled all of them.

He really just wanted to test Xi Jinchen, for which he spent a lot of time, made two versions of the plan, and made Chunchun look like this.

If they were scared to scream when they saw Chun Chunzhi just now, they were deliberately reminding Chen Sishan downstairs.The two of them were staring at Chen Sishan, intending to drag him off the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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