Crazy coquetry in his paranoid arms

Chapter 337 Give Me Your Hand

Chapter 337 Give Me Your Hand
Qi Jia was speechless, rolled her eyes without any image, and shook off Li Zhiyi's hand, "You are so funny, you have to change if you say I change...Here, Jiang Xian is here, you can ask yourself if you want to follow me?" You jump."

As Qi Jia was speaking, she happened to see Jiang Xian walking in from outside the classroom, with her chin raised slightly, she spoke casually.

Li Zhiyi suddenly withdrew his hand and looked back.

Sure enough, he saw Jiang Xian standing there tall and tall, with a calm expression.

Qi Jia's eyes turned twice between her and the girl, and suddenly moved closer to Li Zhiyi, her eyes fell on her shoulders, without looking at her face, "What should I do, I suddenly want to dance with him again, you Do you manage it?"


"Me?" Qi Jia raised her eyebrows and repeated, turned her fingertips to herself, and smiled casually, "How?"

"Shameless!" She lowered her voice and said bitterly.

Li Zhiyi didn't dare to vent his anger, he could only hold back, his face flushed.

Discussions around gradually started to spread into her ears, and she was afraid that Jiang Xian would look at her differently, so she lowered her head and hurried back to her seat.

The school has a dedicated dance teacher, and the head teacher took the dancing students to the training room and divided them into two groups.

The types of dances are all chosen by the students themselves, and the time is tight, so after a quick resolution, the training begins.

Jiang Xian downloaded the dance video to the tablet, put it on the bench in the training room, and watched it with Qi Jia.

Qi Jia doesn't know much about dancing, so she just stares at it. In the video, a man and a woman also look like students. The boy wears a bow tie and a white shirt, and looks gentle, while the girl has easy-going features and fluttering skirts. The music is like a butterfly fluttering its wings, dancing lightly.

The boy's hand sometimes rests on the girl's shoulder, sometimes falls on the girl's waist, and even holds the girl's hand to guide her around.

Qi Jia slightly frowned, looking puzzled.

Compared with the colorful expressions on her face, Jiang Xian just pursed her lips lightly, her jaw was tense, and she fixed her gaze on the tablet expressionlessly.

After a while, the dance teacher came over with a smile and asked, "How do you see it?"

Qi Jia looked at Jiang Xian, then stared at the video, stood up and said, "It's quite simple."

The dance teacher has a very good figure, tall and slender, but extremely beautiful, and she speaks softly, especially when she laughs, she is amiable.

"If you think it's simple, it's not too difficult. The focus is on the tacit understanding between the partners. Later, you two can try to join hands."

Qi Jia glanced at Jiang Xian, but he didn't say anything.

Qi Jia had no choice but to bite the bullet and nodded.

The dance teacher turned away to teach the team dance students.

Qi Jia and Jiang Xian are left behind, you look at me, I look at you.

Qi Jia stood aside: "Shall we rehearse?"

Jiang Xian also stood up, with an indifferent expression, glanced at her, and hummed in a low voice.

Qi Jia swiped the video to the very beginning, remembering that the first action was to put her hand on Jiang Xian's shoulder.

She was stretching out her hand, when Jiang Xian suddenly pulled her over, and put his hand on her waist, his face suddenly moved closer and enlarged, with shallow and warm breath spraying on her cheeks.

Qi Jia, who has always been thick-skinned, turned a thin layer of red.

Qi Jia turned her head away uncomfortably.

The weather is still very hot, the clothes are thin, and the boy's warm palms are separated by the fabric, Qi Jia felt that she was almost scalded.

He didn't look up to see Jiang Xian's eyes, they only fell on his collarbone.

It's really unreasonable to complain that a boy's collarbone is so beautiful.

"Left foot back." Qingrun's voice came down abruptly, right next to Qi Jia's ear.

It took Qi Jia a half a beat to react before he realized what he was saying, so he backed away immediately.

In just a few seconds, Jiang Xian gave instructions one after another.


"I'll back you in."

"Give me your hand."

Qi Jia's movements were unfamiliar and flustered, and she stepped on Jiang Xian's feet a few times, feeling flushed, and mumbled: "I'm sorry..."

Jiang Xian stared at his toes with downcast eyes, feeling a little pain, which can be ignored, and said softly, "It's okay."

Seeing that he was still in the posture to continue, Qi Jia hurriedly hid back, her eyes flicked wildly, "Wait a minute, take a break, I want to watch the video again."

Jiang Xian had no objection, walked to the side, picked up the water, raised his head and took a sip.

Qi Jia's face was hot, her heart was flustered with agitation, she didn't know what she was panicking about, and her palms were constantly sweating. She rubbed the sweat on the edge of her trouser legs, and within a while, she was wet again.

The dance video couldn't be read very well either, her mind was in a mess, Qi Jia was a little annoyed, so she turned off the video, and then left the dance studio.

The vocal room is next door, and the sound of singing can still be vaguely heard when you walk closer.

Qi Jia walked in the direction of the bathroom without interest, turned on the cold water and poured it on her palms, and then sprinkled another handful on her face, as if her dryness had subsided a little.

She propped her hands on the sink and stared at herself in the mirror. After watching for a few seconds, she wiped her hands with a tissue, stared at her palms, and frowned slightly.

Involuntarily, he thought of Jiang Xian holding her hand just now.

The boy's palms are wide, warm, dry and soft, unlike Qi Jia's hands, which are used for urinating and doing heavy work, not to mention rough, there are traces of calluses at the junction of fingers and palms.

Qi Jia stretched out her other hand and rubbed her palm. It was moist and softer than usual, but it still didn't feel good.

Are you crazy? Qi Jia, thinking about something.

Qi Jia shook her head, she became more awake, and then slowly walked out of the bathroom and returned to the dance studio.

There is not much time for training. When there are music classes and art classes, I will come to the dance classroom for training, followed by evening self-study, depending on the time allocation of the students.

Qi Jia had never danced before, and her movements were very strange and stiff, but Sheng Zaijiang was now a good dance partner, and would teach her to undo the "seal" on her own and become free-wheeling.

After a lot of practice, Qi Jia experienced the fun of it, and became familiar with the whole dance by stepping on and spinning with the rhythm of the music.

The pas de deux practiced faster than the team dance, and when Qi Jia and Jiang Xian left, they were still practicing.

While the other students had already finished their evening self-study, there were only two or three people in the school, and only a few classrooms in the teaching building were still lit.

It started raining last night, and it has been raining for a whole day, and it has not stopped until this moment.

The dance room is simply opposite the teaching building, as long as you walk through the long corridor, you don't have to get wet.

On a rainy autumn night, the air was humid, and the wind was blowing a little rustling. Qi Jia was wearing short sleeves, her arms were hugged unconsciously, and her pace quickened to move forward.

Walking to the door of the class, it was pitch black inside, Qi Jia followed the wall to touch the lamp, followed by Jiang Xian.

To be honest, Qi Jia seldom paid attention to the details of the classroom, and couldn't find the lamp after searching for a long time.

Jiang Xian seemed to see her difficulty, and took two steps forward, very close to her, with his chest against her back, a shadow fell, and Qi Jia hid.


The lights are bright.

Qi Jia turned her head to look at the place where the light switch was, and was a little speechless. Who is it for at such a high place on the wall?
Because Qi Jia had to rehearse for her evening self-study, the pick-up and drop-off drivers arranged by the Qi family only picked up Qi Tian back home, and Qi Jia took the bus home by herself.

It's fine if it's sunny, but unfortunately it's raining today, and Qi Jia didn't bring an umbrella. After all, the rain was very light this morning, and she thought it would stop soon, but who knew it would rain all day.

Qi Jia stuffed the textbooks into the schoolbag casually, took out the school uniform jacket from the drawer, shook off the crumpled jacket, put it on, and carried the satchel with one hand.

When he raised his head, Jiang Xian was still standing at the door, "Are you still leaving?"

Jiang Xian's gaze fell straight on her face, "waiting for you."

wait for her?

Qi Jia was puzzled, "What are you waiting for me?"

Jiang Xian asked without answering, "Have you brought an umbrella?"

Qi Jia shook her head.

Jiang Xian: "I'll see you off."

Qi Jia: "..."

Qi Jia didn't take what he said seriously, and walked out of the classroom in a very unladylike manner. Jiang Xian followed behind her, turned off the classroom lights and walked through the door.

The students of the team dance haven't come back yet, so there is no need to lock the door.

The two went downstairs one after the other.

Qi Jia originally thought that taking advantage of the light rain, she would put her schoolbag on her head and rush out in the rain to the bus stop to wait for the last bus.

Unexpectedly, it took only an effort to clean up things, and the rain became heavier and heavier, from the initial patter to the momentum of raindrops falling down one by one.

"Tsk." Qi Jia tutted softly, frowning irritably, the lights in the corridor reflected on the ground, and the rainwater flowed along the low ground, forming puddles.

Qi Jia raised her schoolbag and placed it on top of her head, trying to rush out in one go.

Taking a step forward, a force pulled her back violently.


Qi Jia exclaimed.

The whole person slammed backwards unsteadily, and suddenly bumped into a warm and generous chest.

Jiang Xian was holding her schoolbag strap, with the rough fabric wrapped around her fingertips, slightly lowered her eyes, and glanced at Qi Jia's side face in the dark: "I said I'll see you off."

After finishing speaking, he opened the umbrella with the other hand, and the black umbrella propped up a piece of heaven and earth, covering the two of them.

The umbrella was slightly exposed, and the rainwater hit it with a muffled patter.

Qi Jia blushed, "Let me go!"

Jiang Xian let go of his hand as he said.

Qi Jia finally stood up straight, her heart was pounding, and the clear smell permeated her breath, making her a little flustered.

Jiang Xian changed hands and stood beside Qi Jia, "Let's go."

Qi Jia stood there without moving.

Jiang Xian was also waiting for her.

A few seconds later, Qi Jia stepped up.

Although the umbrella is big, it is obviously not enough to cover two people who have a sense of distance.

Qi Jia stood aside, and Jiang Xian got a little closer, so she hid.

Jiang Xian noticed it, glanced sideways at her, and tilted the umbrella towards her silently.

After walking out of the school gate, Jiang Xian walked in another direction, Qi Jia stopped him: "Where are you going?"

Jiang Xian said lightly: "Send you back, it's late, it's not safe."

Qi Jia probably knew his intentions, "I don't live in Hongshui Street now, please take me to the bus stop."

Jiang Xian didn't show any surprise, just retracted his feet, and walked towards the bus platform with Qi Jia.

The bus stop is not far from the school, just over five minutes away. Because it was raining, Qi Jia and Jiang Xian walked slowly to prevent splashes.

It took about seven or eight minutes to walk to the platform.

There will be a bus at 10:30pm and the last bus at 11:30pm.

It's only 23:[-] now, so I have to wait a few more minutes.

There is a place at the bus stop that can shelter from the rain. Jiang Xian put away the umbrella and shook it upright twice to shake off the excess water stains.

Qi Jia leaned against the stop sign, tilted her head and glanced backwards, but she didn't see the car coming.

Seeing that Jiang was still not leaving, he asked aloud, "Aren't you going home?"

Jiang Xian lifted his chin slightly, "Same as you, take the car."


No more words.

Only with the sound of wind and rain as companions can the atmosphere not appear awkward.

After waiting for a few minutes to vaguely see the shadow of the bus, Qi Jia stood up straight, put her schoolbag on her shoulders, waited for the bus to approach, and waved her hand.

Get on the bus and swipe the card. It is raining today, and there are not as many passengers on the bus as before.

Qi Jia sat in the last seat of the car, tilted her head and looked out the window, the window glass was wet by the rain, she couldn't see clearly, and there were wisps of water flowing.

Qi Jia raised her fingertips and rubbed them, but there was nothing.

It was still ten minutes away from the bus to her destination, so bored, Qi Jia took out her phone to check.

The sound was turned on in school, and she didn't see the news in time. There were a lot of WeChat messages, and Jiang Xing sent more than a dozen messages in a row.

"? Brother Jia, you are on fire!"

"You've been on campus forums, do you know that!"

"It's crazy to rely on those people, Brother Jia, you have to persevere!"

Qi Jia: "?"

She couldn't understand what Jiang Xing was saying at all.

Following along, she saw a link, and she clicked on it.

It is the campus network forum center marked with the name of No.[-] Middle School.

The title is "Pick up the unknown black tea in the second grade of high school".

Qi Jia has only heard of green tea, what is black tea...

When Qi Jia entered it, the post had already reached more than 2000 floors, and on the homepage recommendation, it was followed by the "Hot" sign.

Bibabu: [No, no, is there really a girl like black tea?I am the truth. 】

Show you the fireworks: [I think what Lou Lou said is wrong, jx is a well-known single nobleman, how could he fall in love. 】

Fiery madness: [I know that black tea is also a wonderful thing, I heard that he is an orphan, speechless and especially uneducated! 】

Call me back: [The type of export is dirty and fierce, not easy to provoke, I think she can do such things as stealing other people's boyfriends. 】

Some passers-by, A, B, C, D, didn't know what they were discussing at all, and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter? What's the matter with the sophomore?"

A well-meaning person stood up and explained: "The scene of two women fighting over a man is said to be a dispute over the backup dancer."

If Qi Jia was still ignorant at the front, she will understand after seeing this.

Subconsciously, he thought of her dancing pas de deux with Jiang Xian, and then Li Zhiyi was unwilling to propose to change with her, and she refused.

Sure enough, she found the message Jiang Xing sent her.

"Shameless! It's too much! She even accused Sang and scolded Huai!"

"This is obviously talking about you, brother Jia. These people really don't know anything and just talk nonsense. They made up a lot of things, why are you an orphan?"

"Then I'm still the director of the orphanage!"

She didn't tell Jiang Xing about Qi Jia and Jiang Xian's pas de deux, but he heard it from someone else, and then came to ask Qi Jia.

Qi Jia bluntly said yes.

Jiang Xing looked at her with a look of admiration: "It's amazing, my brother Jia is really good, and he dances with the elders as soon as he comes!"

Qi Jia has been scolded by many people, but this is the first time she has been scolded on the Internet.

And the culprit who caused her to be scolded was sitting not far away.

A good-looking person not only has a good-looking back, but also the back of the head.

Qi Jia turned off her phone, closed her eyes, and impetuousness came to her mind again.

(End of this chapter)

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