Online game I can fuse bones

Chapter 181 Broken Wing

Chapter 181 Broken Wings (Third Watch)
At this moment, the entire Fengdu City was shaking, and even the eighteen floors of hell below the ground were shaking.

The ground cracked, and streams of magma gushed out from the cracks in the ground. Then, those magmas seemed to be pulled by a mysterious force, and they turned into torrents and gathered towards Feng Xiu's body.



Feng Xiu's body swelled, and the bloody lines on the bones burst into dazzling light, and the condensed magma wrapped his body, sticking tightly to his bones as if turned into flesh and blood.

The waves of fire are monstrous!

The skeletal body was wrapped in magma, and the body that was originally more than 50 meters high had turned into a height of [-] meters. With the spread of the wings, the magma spurted out, and the rain of fire shot out in all directions.

Emperor Fengdu, the second part of the real body appears!
"Brothers, attack the Fengdu stele with all your strength, and don't get entangled with Emperor Fengdu!"

"Time is running out, we can't kill it anymore. People with control skills hold it back, and the others will use all their strength to consume the durability of the Fengdu stele!"

"End this war!"

From all directions, densely packed players rushed towards the center of the square, and brilliant skills flew up and smashed straight at the Fengdu Stone Monument.

"Thunder field!"

The Canglong Halberd in Feng Xiu's hand was held high, flames were burning on the halberd, thunder jumped in the flames, and a huge thunder formation spread.

Thunderbolts descended from the sky, smashing the approaching players into ashes.

Afterwards, flaming vines drilled out of the cracks in the ground, smashing the nearby players into pieces.

The garrison of Fengdu City was almost completely wiped out. In Feng Xiu's sight, there was no other hell monster except for the players.

"They're all dead? I'm the only one left? Even so, I want to fight!"

Feng Xiu roared: "Today, I will turn the universe upside down with the halberd in my hand, and let the heaven and the earth bow their heads for my undead people, kill them!"


In the next moment, Feng Xiu's figure turned into an afterimage, and he quickly shuttled around the Fengdu stele, beheading the players who approached. Hard resistance.

A series of skills hit Feng Xiu's body, but there were still some attacks that couldn't be taken care of fell on the Fengdu stone tablet.

Durability is falling, players are dying, and Feng Xiu's health bar is also being consumed.
"Damn it, Emperor Fengdu actually blocked the skill that blasted towards the stele!"

"See how much it can block, keep attacking!"

"Rush forward in melee combat, use your life to hold back the long-range occupation of Emperor Fengdu, and output with all your strength!"

99% 95% 82% The durability of the Fengdu stele is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Five fingers trembled, and silk threads flew out. Those players who rushed forward were instantly manipulated by the silk threads, and immediately turned to rush towards their companions behind.

"It's the marionettes, don't be soft, kill them!"

"Don't let them block us, now is not the time for benevolence. Kill!"

At the very beginning of the siege battle, Feng Xiu's use of the marionette can still make the players panic, but after several times in a row, the player army has determined how to deal with it. Anyone who is controlled by the marionette will be killed without mercy!

Feng Xiu used his body to block most of the skills for the Fengdu Stone Tablet. Although he slowed down the speed at which the Fengdu Stone Tablet would fall, his health also dropped rapidly.


With a loud bang, after a large number of skills bombarded him, his left wing was splattered with flames, and was cut off at the root.

It hurts. It hurts me to death!
Feng Xiu clenched his teeth, and the only remaining wing swept out, sweeping away a large number of players.

In this final decisive battle, the number of players has also decreased rapidly. Every skill attack by Feng Xiu will almost take away the lives of more than a thousand players, and even ordinary attack players will fall in pieces. 500 million. 400 million. 300 million .
"Crazy, Emperor Fengdu is already crazy, how can it persist? How many attacks did it block?"

"There are only more than 100 million siege troops left, and the durability of the Fengdu Stele has dropped to 7%. Calculated according to the 0.0002% durability drop per attack, there are still more than 3 attacks, come on!"


"Announcement for the whole server: Fengdu siege battle, there is still one hour before the end of the siege, and the current durability of the Fengdu stele is 1%!"


There was another loud bang, Feng Xiu's only remaining wing was also shattered, and his whole body looked extremely tragic.

"Even at the last moment, I will not give up resistance, let alone 7%?"

Feng Xiu gritted his teeth: "There are still about 100 million players left. Next, it depends on whether I kill it quickly? Or the durability of the stone tablet is falling faster!"

His thoughts turned rapidly, and his mental power became unprecedentedly concentrated.

"7% durability requires at least 35000 attacks to destroy the stele. Due to the attack range, there are more than 2000 people who can use skills on the Fengdu stele at the same time. If everyone's attack can hit, it will not take 20 A round of group output can destroy the stele."

"But I can block most of the attacks for the stele, they need at least 100 rounds of output!"

"The main force attacking the Fengdu Stele are all long-range occupations. Their attack range is large. If they don't need to get close to the stele, why don't I give up those melee occupations and clean up the long-range occupations first?"

Thinking of this, Feng Xiu didn't stop for a moment, and ignored the melee players rushing over. Instead, he rushed into the crowd desperately, and killed those long-range professions.

"What does Emperor Fengdu want to do?"

"It's heading towards the long-range occupation. Don't pay attention to him. The melee will take the opportunity to move forward and continue to attack the Fengdu stele!"

"Long-range professional wandering, try to deal with Fengdu Emperor. Next, the melee will be responsible for destroying the stele!"

A roar spread across the battlefield, and thousands of melee players in front quickly moved forward, but when they got close to the stele, they discovered a fatal problem. Ranged occupations can have more than 2000 people attacking the stele at the same time because of their large attack range. , but what about melee occupations?They had to be close to the stele to launch an effective attack, which also caused a large group of players to huddle together, and only a few hundred people at the front could attack the stele.

"Fuck, we can only deal damage a few hundred times per second, and the output times are not enough for long-range, so hurry up and support the output!"


Feng Xiu laughed ferociously, and the Canglong Halberd in his hand flew wildly, rushing all the way along the periphery of the Fengdu Stone Stele, directly cutting off the melee at the front and the long-range at the rear.

"Not good, there are too many long-range professional casualties, and the output is not enough!"

"Damn it. For the rest of the remote, quickly find a way to bypass Emperor Fengdu!"

"Quick, time is running out!"

90, 80, 60. In just 10 minutes, Feng Xiu killed all the remote players of the player army.

(End of this chapter)

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