Online game I can fuse bones

Chapter 478: Slaughter God Mission

Chapter 478: Slaughter God Mission
"Task content: kill 1000 protoss, avenge the blood baby, the level of the protoss killed is greater than or equal to level 40!"

"Reminder: After the task is completed, the player's affinity with Human Race, Monster Race and Demon Race NPCs will increase by 10%,"


Feng Xiu quickly turned his head and looked at Xun Xiu and the others.

Sure enough, Xunxiu and the others also triggered the mission, but they didn't know if the mission content was the same.

Xunxiu was the first to speak: "I just received the mission, let me kill three bosses of the protoss, the level is not lower than level 50!"

Luoshen frowned and said, "I'm collecting 100 Heavenly Soldiers Remnant Armor. It can be obtained by beheading Heavenly Soldiers, and the mission rewards will be settled automatically after the number is reached!"

Ying Rou: "My task objective is a bit troublesome. It is the Buddha of the Western religion. I want to kill 500 Buddhas, and the level is higher than 40!"

Are the tasks different?

Feng Xiu said: "I am killing 1000 protoss, only the level limit!"

In fact, not only the task content is different, but even the task rewards are also different.

"It seems that we can't form a team to complete the task!"

Feng Xiu said in a deep voice: "In that case, let's leave. The Huaguoshan mission is about to start, everyone prepare yourself! Xunxiu? For this Huaguoshan mission, will Yaoxian be in Huaguoshan? Or in Heaven? "

Xunxiu smiled and said, "Does this need to be said? Of course it is Huaguo Mountain! The Asura Clan is not an ally of the Monster Clan, nor is it an ally of the God Clan, so they have the right to choose freely in this mission!"

Feng Xiu nodded: "In that case, see you at Huaguo Mountain!"

Luoshen looked at the blood babies with some reluctance: "Then what about these corpses? What should we do?"

Feng Xiu took two steps forward, came to a blood baby, and directly pressed his hand on the corpse.


"Reminder: This corpse cannot be stored in a backpack, nor can it be stored in space equipment."

I tried other corpses again, and got the same hint.

Feng Xiu said helplessly: "I can't take them away, I can only let them stay here. Let's bury them in the ground and let them sleep here forever!"

After leaving the ground fissure, Feng Xiu and others used their attack skills to collapse the ground fissure and left the ruins of Wuzhuang Temple.

Xunxiu hurriedly returned to the Great Wilderness City to continue dealing with the affairs of the Yaoxian Gang.

Ying Rou is going to see Empress Nuwa. Before she came to Wuzhuang Temple, she went to see Nuwa once, and wanted to ask how to deal with the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, hoping to get some help from Nuwa, but unfortunately, Mao did not Obtained, but it triggered a mission to kill the Great Immortal Zhenyuan.

Now that Immortal Zhenyuan is dead, she naturally has to go back and submit the task. Immortal Zhenyuan is a quasi-sage, so the mission rewards given by Nu Wa will definitely not be bad.

As for Feng Xiu and Luoshen, they randomly found an uninhabited wild monster area and planned to go offline first.

Why offline?
Luoshen doesn't feel well. My aunt is here. She has to change the Band-Aid and go to the bathroom.

It's the middle of the night, and there is a cemetery outside the yard. A little girl in Luoshen must be frightened to death?Feng Xiu can't help it either!
"Have you brought it?" Feng Xiu asked.

"What are you bringing?" Luoshen froze for a moment.

"What else can I bring?"

Feng Xiu said helplessly: "A Band-Aid. My family doesn't have that."

Luoshen blushed and said angrily: "Of course I brought it, otherwise how would I go out? Are you ashamed to ask this?"

Well, when I didn't say it!
Afterwards, the two planned to go offline and leave.

But at this moment, Feng Xiu slapped his forehead, as if he suddenly remembered something.

"What's wrong?" Luoshen asked puzzled.

"What should I do if I forgot the treasure chest of the Xuankong Temple? I killed the demon king in the Xuankong Temple before, and got a treasure chest of the Xuankong Temple as a reward, and it is still left in the world of bones and has not been opened yet." Feng Xiu said.

"At this time, are you carrying the treasure chest with me?"

Luoshen stomped her feet and said, "Hurry up and get off the assembly line, or you'll have to wait for the sheets to be changed!"

After logging off, Feng Xiu took Luo Xiner out of the room.

But as soon as they arrived in the yard, the two were startled.

In the dark night, I saw a lonely figure sitting there in the courtyard, smoking a stuffy cigarette one after another.

Feng Xiu said helplessly: "Oh, I'm going to dad, what are you doing sitting in the yard in the middle of the night? It's scary!"

Feng Wancheng raised his head and glared at Feng Xiu, and said angrily, "Isn't it you who made me angry? That's enough, I'll go to sleep first!"

After speaking, Feng Wancheng went back to the room.

Feng Xiu blinked inexplicably: "What's going on? How did I offend him?"

Luo Xiner whispered: "Feng Xiu, let's go, okay?"

Come on, this girl can't hold back anymore.

Apart from a cemetery, the place where Feng Xiu's house is located has no other residents, and there is no public toilet here. The only toilet is built by Feng Wancheng himself. It is made of red bricks, and the farm manure on weekdays can be watered. The vegetable garden and the toilet are also clean.

A black cat came out from the grass, startled Luo Xiner, and grabbed Feng Xiu's arm involuntarily.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a cat, not a ghost!"

"Don't mention ghosts, don't mention them!"


The breeze blew up, and there was a sudden sound of ghost crying in the quiet cemetery, and several will-o'-the-wisps floated back and forth between the tombstones, making the whole night extremely gloomy.

Luo Xiner trembled all over, and said in surprise: "Feng Xiu, what was the sound just now?"

What else could it be?Ghost cry!

Feng Xiu laughed and said, "The fireball floating in the wind is phosphorus fire. Didn't you learn it in chemistry class in high school? Don't make a fuss, go to the bathroom!"


Luo Xiner calmed down a little, and went into the toilet alone.


In the cemetery, the sound of ghosts crying is vaguely heard.

Feng Xiu frowned, and looked towards the direction where the voice came from: "Huh? That direction. It seems to be the tombstone of Mr. Ying Tianhe? Is he crying?"

"Woooo, my daughter is so pitiful! At such a young age, she wants to be someone else's concubine?"

"Don't cry, Feng Wancheng didn't say to let her be a concubine, he just said that there will be other women in Fengxiu's future."

"That's right, why are you crying? I wish I could have a daughter and be favored by Feng Wancheng."

"Did you see those people who died today? There is only a pile of twisted flesh and blood left, even the bones have been turned into powder, and the souls have been annihilated in ashes. If you press me again, believe it or not, Wan Cheng will let him go with a wave of his hand." You will never be born again?"

Not only Ying Tianhe's voice, but someone else's voice. It should be the owner of another tomb.

What's the situation?

Feng Xiu was puzzled: "Dad said I would have another woman? Ying Rou will be my concubine? What's wrong. How can there be such a good thing in the new era?"

In the toilet, Luo Xiner asked tremblingly: "Feng Xiu, I seem to hear a strange sound again!"

Feng Xiu said helplessly: "No, you heard it wrong, I didn't hear anything except the buzzing sound."

 In the next chapter, the mission of Huaguo Mountain starts, the great sage slaughters the sky, and millions of heavenly soldiers turn into a sea of ​​blood!
(End of this chapter)

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