This prince belongs to me

Chapter 240 Dark Guard

Chapter 240 Dark Guard
The [-] troops returned to the previous open valley by the same route.

After receiving the messenger's notification, Chu Tianqing knew the news that Chu Tianmu had been hijacked. Immediately, he sent people over to bring 10 horses back to the barracks, and reorganized a unified drill.

The corpses of the dozens of generals with different heads were only found after Chu Tianqing led people to search for them for two days.

After everything was finally settled, Yufeng walked into Chu Tianqing's tent exhausted, sat down on Chu Tianqing's seat, and complained.

"Chu Tianmu was arrested, are you going to report it?"

Chu Tianqing was standing by the window, he turned his head suddenly, and put his eyes on the silver sword that had not moved for a long time beside the table, with a calm expression on his face.

"His Royal Highness has been hit by a hidden weapon and poisoned. Even if a person whose life is at stake is not reported, what is the crime?" Chu Tianqing slightly hooked the corners of his lips, confident.

Yufeng raised an eyebrow.

"You seem to have a plan in mind, have you thought of a countermeasure?"

The other party only captured Chu Tianmu and Ling Qianjiao. It was obvious that they were taken back as hostages. Although this tactic was very shameless, it worked.

I'm afraid that the loyal king of Beichen also had a headache for a while, after all, the 60 troops of Western Chu were overwhelming, enough for him to drink a pot.

With this trick, it is estimated that there is no other way.

Chu Tianqing smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, Chu Tianmu is not in danger for the time being, we don't need to report it for the time being, and...according to Father's temperament, no matter what, he will send secret guards to Chu Tianmu, he can't die!", Chu Tianqing said When he said this, there was a bitterness on the corner of his lips.

The emperor's dark guard is unique in the world, and his martial arts are mysterious and unpredictable. Let alone Chu Tianmu and Ling Qianjiao, even if there are ten more people, they can bring them back unscathed.

It's never my turn to worry about here.

The same is the prince, sometimes think about it, heh...

Yufeng knew that he was talking about his pain, so he changed the subject immediately.

"Then what should we do now? We've been here for a month or two, and I don't have time to spend any more time here. We'd better take advantage of the victory and pursue it quickly!" Yufeng said pretending to be relaxed.

Chu Tianqing glanced at him lightly, and said in a low voice.

"You don't need to teach me this matter!"


At this moment, the capital, the Imperial Study Room

After Chu Zhenqian finished approving the memorial, he got up and went to the window, looking towards the northwest direction.

"Your Majesty, drink some tea to warm up your body!" Xia De stepped forward.

Chu Zhenqian didn't look back, but he took a sip of the tea cup and said.

"I don't know how Qing'er is doing now. His health has not been very good these years, and now..."

Chu Zhenqian sighed.

The queen already knew about Qing'er, and he also understood what the queen was thinking these years. It was nothing more than wanting her son to be the crown prince.

The idea of ​​sending Mu'er over this time was just to see that Xichu was about to win and Qing'er was dying. She wanted Mu'er to go there to steal the battle.

But there are some things that a woman can't intervene after all.

The candidate for the Crown Prince had already been decided in his heart, and it was not something that others could change at will.

"Your Majesty, those hidden guards have been sent over. His Royal Highness, the eldest son of the Emperor, is sure to be fine. You don't have to worry for now!" Xia De comforted.

Those hidden guards were clearly sent to protect Chu Tianmu, but in fact they were all sent by Chu Zhenqian to protect Chu Tianqing, but he never knew it.

"I still have no idea!"

(End of this chapter)

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