Super God Equipment Maker

Chapter 0031 [Done]

Hua Ling: "Yes, it's a suit named after my senior sister, with golden mint leaves embroidered on it."

Hearing what Hualing said, Mint was overjoyed: "Really? Then thank you so much, Junior Brother. Before, the sisters in the weaving department complained that they were about to lose their jobs, and they were afraid of being sent home again."

Lei handed over the design blueprint of the mint suit: "This time the 100 golden tickets given by the master, let's pay for the production cost first. The 20-level suit is not in a hurry, and the disciples of the outer sect are only around 15. I guess it will take a few days until level 20."

: "Well, I see." Mint took the blueprint, and seeing the design of Mint's suit, he couldn't help admiring: "Brother, the clothes you drew are really beautiful!"

: "This time we will pay the expenses ourselves, and we will split the account at a rate of 3:7. Our Baicao Hall takes 3% of the net profit, and we hand over [-]% to the Yaowangdian." Hualing said.

Mint blinked and blinked: "Junior brother, this is not good, we used to get 10% of the level 1 suits, how can we get 3% now?"

: "Last time, Master Yao Wang took money to advance the fund, this time we advance the fund ourselves, Yao Wang can get 7% of the share money without paying a penny, she will never say anything." Affirmative answer.

: "Well, I just listen to you. Neither the master nor the medicine king objected to what you said before. I think what you are going to do must be right. Before the retreat, the master told me that you would use Money, those gold tickets are at your disposal, you can figure it out, I will listen to you." Mint said.

: "Okay, Senior Sister, without further ado, you can arrange production now. I'll go out and find some mobs, and practice my sword." Hua Ling said, took out 50 gold tickets and handed them to Mint, these 50 gold tickets But 5000 million five-star coins, just handing over like this, I'm really reluctant to spend zero.

: "Okay, then be careful." After speaking, Mint left the backyard with the golden ticket and the blueprint.

And Hua Ling led the horse out of Baicao Hall.

On the street, Hua Ling found a female manager in a silk and satin factory, threw the female manager a few taels of silver, and asked, "Excuse me, elder sister, in the countryside near the Valley of the Medicine King, where is there a good village made by female reds? There is a batch of clothes that I want to process."

"You're looking for a female celebrity with good craftsmanship, so you're asking the right person," the female steward took a small amount of money, and she was also very enthusiastic: "Go 200 miles south from the valley entrance of the Yaowang Valley. There is a village called Nishang Village, where the atmosphere is suitable for raising daughters. Most of the villages are women, and there are very few men. Every woman there can be a female celebrity, even girls with big farts can do it. I love to marry women from Nishang Village and go home to be wives, all of them are ingenious and handy, and the clothes they make are very beautiful. You see, many of the fabrics here are woven by the female celebrities in that Nishang Village."

: "Thank you, big sister!" After finishing speaking, Hua Ling got on his horse and ran towards the teleportation formation in Yaowang Valley.

Arriving at the teleportation formation, Hua Ling found a sub-altar of Yaowang Valley only 10 miles away from Nishang Village, and teleported there.

After Hua Ling teleported to the sub-altar, he ran directly to Nishang Village, a 10-mile journey, and arrived in just over 10 minutes.

Before entering Nishang Village, Hua Ling saw a group of women and children at the entrance of the village making female celebrities and chatting under the big tree at the entrance of the village.

Hua Lingxia immediately went forward: "Is the village chief here? I am a businessman from afar, and I have something to discuss with the village chief."

At this time, a woman came out from the crowd, and after taking a second look at Hua Ling, she saw that this young man was wearing gorgeous clothes, very handsome.In order to prevent her identity as a Yaowanggu disciple from being leaked, Hua Ling put away the Bilian suit and changed into a businessman's attire.

The woman said: "I am the wife of the village chief. If you want to find the village chief, follow me."

After finishing speaking, the woman bid farewell to several nearby women, and went up to the village halfway up the mountain with some money.

The village chief was playing chess with some old men outside the ancestral hall, when the woman who led the way yelled from a distance: "My son's father, someone is looking for you."

The old man came out of the crowd, looked around, and saw that the young man did not recognize him, but he still reluctantly came out of the crowd, and said as he walked, "Old Wang, you will replace me in this round." Bet, don’t lose, I beat old man Zhang two more horses, if you lose again, you’ll be a bad chess player.”

The village head walked up to Hua Ling, looked at the gorgeously dressed Hua Ling and asked, "May I ask this young master, what can I do for you?"

Hualing didn't talk too much: "I heard that your needlework is good in your village. I want to set up a weaving department in your village and recruit some female workers to make some clothes. Each person is 50 taels of silver per month."

: "Five...50 taels?!" When the village chief heard this number, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.The 50 taels are equivalent to 10 times their monthly income.Mint, the senior sister who spends zero, lives in a rich place like Baicao Hall. In the past, she only had 5 taels a month, but this 50 taels is almost what women in the village earn by knitting in a year.

: "Okay, you wait, I will call the whole village for a meeting, you wait, don't go!" Then, the village head ran into the ancestral hall not far away, and rang the big iron bell.

After a sound of the iron bell, the old and young women in the village began to gather slowly towards the ancestral hall, but the speed was not very fast. Those women were talking and laughing, and some of them were even doing needlework in their hands. .

After more than 10 minutes, the ancestral hall was almost full of people.

The village chief stood on the high platform of the ancestral hall and cleared his throat: "Aha, um, this, let me talk about something."

The women under the ancestral hall gradually quieted down.The village head said: "Just now a businessman came to our Nishang Village to look for me, and said that he wanted to build a weaving department in our village, specializing in making some clothes, recruiting some female celebrities with good craftsmanship, 50 taels of silver per month!" (1 Two silver is equal to 1 yuan, 100 taels is equal to 1 gold is equal to 100 yuan)

: "50 taels of silver?!" The women below immediately exploded: "So much money?"

The 50 taels of silver is more than 10 times the salary per month, how can this make them not tempted.

The village head's wife is also a strong-minded person, and she immediately shouted: "There is nothing to say, do it! 50 taels of silver per month, which is more than what you can earn in the Yaowang City in the Yaowang Valley. I’m so busy working in the Yaowang City, I can only earn 7 or 8 taels of silver a month, but I can earn 50 taels in our village, what else can I say?! Do it!”

Immediately, the following responded: "Yes, Aunt Liu is right, it's done!" The following voted unanimously.

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