Chapter 794

Jing Ye appeared in front of Ling Yi without warning.

"I thought you would never show up again." Ling Yi said looking at Ling Yi, who had not changed in the past few years.

"With grievances in my heart, how could it not appear."

"Ling Yi, let's fight."

Jing Ye didn't say much to Ling Yi, and took out his long sword.

He is a swordsman, and the long sword is his second life.

"You can come here quietly, you must have solved those people outside. It seems that you have grown a lot."

Let's fight, no need to say more.

Different from Jing Ye's powerful swordsmanship, Ling Yi's moves are weird but changeable, and there is no pattern.

It can be said that Ling Yi's research is very complicated, but he is proficient in almost everything.

Jing Ye knew from the very beginning that this was a formidable opponent, so he never dared to take chances or underestimate him.

So during these years of cultivation, he also read as much as possible the ancient books in the space-time ring, and he is worthy of Ling Yi.

Although he has only disappeared for a few years, but in the space-time ring, the speed of time flow is one to ten, one to one hundred.

There are hundreds of tricks, both of them look very embarrassed, but neither can help the other.

Ling Yi wiped the blood from his mouth, Xie Yan smiled, he really didn't expect Jing Ye to come to this point.

Sure enough, if he didn't kill him at the beginning, he was breeding tigers.

However, he has no fear of life and death.

Recently, he has been with Lin Yi day and night, and he carefully maintains this self-righteous, one-sided relationship.

He thought he would be happy to bring Lin Yi by his side, but he didn't.

He doesn't know what's wrong with him, obviously all he thinks about is Lin Yi, why can't he feel happiness from the bottom of his heart.

For a while, he really lost his motivation to live.

If you can't find the value of existence, people will easily get confused.

He used to live for the Ling family, but in the end, because of his reputation as the master of ghosts and monsters, the Ling family was implicated.

The clansmen who had been respectful and respectful to him once clamored to kill him one by one.

So what about the master of ghosts and creatures, no one has ever asked him if he wanted to be the master of ghosts and creatures.

After several fights, both sides were injured, and both fell to the ground.

No, to be precise, Jing Ye's situation is much better than Ling Yi's.

Jing Ye felt that Ling Yi was somewhat powerless, as if something held him back.

If this is not the case, it is not certain who wins and who loses.

Exhausted, the formations and barriers arranged by Jing Ye were also broken, and Shadow and Lin Yi appeared in front of them.


"Brother Jing."

Hearing Lin Yi's shout, Jing Ye barely stood up holding his long sword.

"Lin Yi."

Jing Ye was very embarrassed at this moment, but Lin Yi kept it in his heart, and he glanced at Wannian.

"I'm going to kill you." Shadow rushed towards Jing Ye without hesitation, but he didn't expect Ling Yi, who was lying on the ground and vomiting blood, to slam into him.

The hand that the shadow didn't have time to retract passed straight through Ling Yi's chest, and Ling Yi, who was dying, finally closed his eyes regretfully.

I really didn't expect that he died to save Jingye, this way of death is really ridiculous.

He knew that Jing Ye, who was seriously injured, couldn't stop the shadow's blow at all. At that moment, he had only one thought, he was going to die, but Jing Ye couldn't die.

If Jing Ye died, what would Lin Yi do.

He thought he wanted to kill Jing Ye, but in the end he still couldn't bear Lin Yi's sadness.

Maybe everything is cause and effect.

(End of this chapter)

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