Laugh at the world forever

Chapter 678 The most afraid of feather dusters

Chapter 678 The most afraid of feather dusters (1)
"Maybe, he's just had enough of being cold-eyed and seeing the world's cruelty!" Nangong Jin said in a low voice. In fact, to a certain extent, she could understand Murong Qianqiu's state of mind at that time.He was not liked by his father since he was a child, and his mother and concubine lost power. I am afraid that even the little eunuch and the little maid could be bullied at that time, so his heart gradually hardened. A finished product raised in a dirty environment!
It was because of so much humiliation and so much indifference that he decided to resist and trample those people under his feet!Just like Jun Linyuan who suffered all the humiliation back then.It's just that the two of them are different, Murong Qianqiu kept hurting others for his own purpose, and finally sat on the supreme position.But Jun Linyuan kept hurting himself for revenge, and finally he was able to severely punish his enemy.

The environment forces people to grow up, and under the pressure of the environment, those who are going to succeed have a cold and hard heart.also dead...

She can understand Murong Qianqiu, but she doesn't agree with his behavior.

Leng Zihan smiled when he heard the words: "Xiao Jin, I thought you would grit your teeth and call my brother a beast after hearing this. I didn't expect you to have the same opinion as me. That's right. He became like this only by being oppressed by the royal family and the palace. Although I hated him, I didn't do anything to him. Later, I completely left the royal family and traveled around the world to find someone who helped me in the Nangong Dynasty. My little girl, I finally found you in the prime minister's mansion in Dongling!"

Nangong Jin also understood why Leng Zihan founded the Demon Cult and why he still said those ridiculous things to his subordinates. "As a member of the Devil's Cult, one should do inhumane things", "As a member of the Devil's Cult, one should not respect the Lord." These words are his mockery of the world, and his respect for Murong Qianqiu. The mockery of the Seibu royal family.And a mockery of himself!

"Since you don't plan to argue with Murong Qianqiu anymore, let's put these things aside. And he treats you well now!" She is very grateful to Leng Zihan for saying such words to her today, otherwise if she is defenseless To deal with her own affairs, that dead Duanxiu suddenly attacked her, and she didn't know how she died at that time.

Leng Zihan smiled: "Yeah, it's pretty good to me. Maybe it's because I have killed too many brothers and I finally feel lonely. Maybe it's because I know that I disdain the power of the court and will not betray him, so He created an illusion, saying that it was just a misunderstanding that I killed the eldest brother back then, and I was still the most honorable prince of Xiwu. At that time, he was already the emperor, so naturally no one dared to say what he wanted to say."

No wonder Leng Zihan ignored Baili Jinghong when he came.No wonder the court, no matter what happened, he pretended not to hear, and only occasionally helped to say a few words when he was in trouble.

"Then why did you come back because of me?"

"It's not for you, who else could it be for? Although you have the ability to protect yourself, with the help of a prince like me, you still have some confidence. You don't have to feel embarrassed or guilty, just treat it as me paying it back." Your love back then." Leng Zihan was very free and easy.

Nangong Jin is not a entangled temperament, so naturally he will not talk too much about this issue.Instead, she remembered something and said, "By the way, did I know you when you found me in the Prime Minister's Mansion?" , it is impossible to know that he has saved Leng Zihan.

"I don't know. I told you for a long time that you didn't think about it. In the end, I didn't bother to let you think about it. I just told you that I was going to protect you for the rest of my life. You agreed shyly!" Leng Zihan said , looking at Nangong Jin with a hint of amused look.

Nangong Jin suddenly felt embarrassed. The reason is that the girl didn't know Leng Zihan at all, but when she saw such a handsome guy appearing in front of her, her heart started to spring, and didn't matter what happened to the two of them, why? Is it me who is embarrassed now?really...

"Okay, we're almost at the prime minister's mansion, I'll go back first, you just remember to be careful with my brother!" Speaking of some things that were suffocating in his heart, Leng Zihan felt a lot more comfortable.

Nangong Jin nodded: "Well, you go back! I understand what you mean, I will be careful of him!" Murong Qianqiu is really a character who can be extremely ruthless!It's ridiculous that I have always regarded the tiger as a docile cat.

Leng Zihan nodded, got out of the car, and left.

And Nangong Jin's carriage also arrived in front of the prime minister's mansion.After getting out of the carriage and walking to the door, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and a few thick black lines were drawn behind his head!Suddenly there was an urge to turn around and run away!
I saw someone sitting in the courtyard, in the snow, hugging a small bench, with tears flickering in his moonlight intoxicating eyes, looking pitifully at the door, and the same day with himself and Mei Wenye. After the person came back from drinking, he was in exactly the same state!
Oh grass!Who will save her? !
Nangong Jin only felt a sharp pain on his forehead, and walked up to him with the corners of his mouth twitching.Looking down: "What's wrong with you?"

"No." The cold and cheerless two people spat out from his mouth, and looked at her without blinking, as if they had been greatly wronged.

Taking a deep breath, he said helplessly, "I didn't do anything today, did I? I just rewarded Tantai Mingyue with a lump of cow dung, then went to the palace to give them a run for their money, and when I came back, Leng Zihan reminded me of something. matter!"

"Yeah." He replied, indicating that he knew.

Um?What does um mean? "So you forgive me?"

"I'm not angry." So there's no excuse.

Not angry?Looking at the dying look of this guy, doesn't he seem to be angry?Nangong Jin looked at him sullenly for a long time, and after looking back and forth for a long time, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and flew away, gnashing his teeth and shouting: "Can you fucking stop making troubles?!"

Of course, this kick was not heavy, but it still deeply hurt someone's fragile heart. He stood up pitifully, looked at the big shoe print on his white sleeve robe, and raised his head to look at Nangong again. Jin, a cold and lonely voice sounded: "You don't love me anymore."

After finishing speaking, turn around and leave.

Leaving Nangong Jin who was struck by lightning standing in place, unable to recover for a long time!What exactly is this product inspired by? !Damn, what the hell is going on? !This guy is still living a life, isn't he?

He buried his head and walked a few steps forward, but accidentally bumped into the small bench he was sitting on and almost fell, so Nangong Jin's mood became even worse!

(End of this chapter)

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