Chapter 751
Instead, a young general in white robes with a baby face stood up and said, "My Majesty, Yan Jinghong, the Prime Minister of Xiwu, once came up with a countermeasure when the locusts were infested in Xiwu. Put gauze tents on it to block the locusts, and send officers and soldiers to raise torches to kill the locusts everywhere! These are what I saw when I was guarding the border of Nanyue with Lord Yun. try."

After saying this, Nangong Jin's expression was naturally very proud, his chin was raised at a 45-degree angle, and he gave Baili Jinghong a rather stern look, as if asking: How is it, old lady, isn't she awesome?

Looking at her expression from the corner of Baili Jinghong's eyes, he was quite dumbfounded.In fact, when she disappeared and I was looking for her everywhere, I heard about this method, and I really admired the great talent of Prime Minister Xiwu in my heart, but I didn't put much thought into it.He didn't expect that she was Yan Jinghong, let alone that she could still raise her eyebrows at him so frightened today.

And before Baili Jinghong had time to respond to the young general in white robes, some ministers stood up to strongly oppose it! "Qizou Emperor, this method was conceived by Xiwu, if I, Nanyue, followed suit, wouldn't it be frankly telling Xiwu that we really couldn't find a good way, so we wanted to steal other countries' disaster management methods?"

Nangong Jin laughed, and his clear voice resounded through the hall: "Then, I have to ask this lord. Since ancient times, floods have been caused by building dams to prevent flooding. This strategy is used by the four countries. If everyone They are all like adults, they get to the bottom of the matter, and they don’t want to borrow the methods of other countries. Do you want to read the history books carefully to see which country came up with the countermeasures? Is it true that half of the people of the Li people were drowned?"

These words are very reasonable, but compared to this matter, it is still a bit far-fetched. The minister opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Nangong Jin.

"I will ask my lord again, since your lord can show his anger just now, and think that people should not underestimate me, Nanyue, let alone criticize my Nanyue for not having a way to control the locust disaster, then, since your lord is so ambitious, Can I ask this lord to come up with other, even better ways of governing?" Nangong Jin then asked, these ministers are sincere and patriotic, but they are too pedantic!

As soon as these words came out, the minister's face turned red!After hesitating for a long time, I couldn't think of a countermeasure. Finally, I gritted my teeth and said, "Empress, I really don't have a countermeasure. , doesn’t mean that others don’t either, so I ask the emperor and empress to give me some time to come up with a countermeasure!”

Obviously there is a good method, but he doesn't use it, but he has to think of another method, just because that method was thought of by others, not by himself. Isn't this pedantic?It's pedantic to the extreme!Nangong Jindu felt overwhelmed by the pedantry of this guy, so he held a breath of suffocation in his chest, and even wanted to spit out blood!
After glancing at him with a sneer, he said again: "This palace and the emperor can wait patiently for the adults to get along with each other, but can the people in Chaoyang wait? Can the thousands of people in the three continents near Chaoyang wait patiently?" Wait? All the adults think about it here for a moment, and the people of Li suffer for a moment. Then I can't help but ask this lord, is it more important to my Nanyue's thousands of people, or this so-called face? "

These words, abruptly stopped everyone!The so-called "geese leave their voices, and people leave their names", in the eyes of the ancients, face is more important than life, so there are often people who call themselves gentlemen, and they don't want to die for the sake of face.But how does face compare to the safety of the common people in the world?I'm afraid I can no longer make such an arbitrary choice!
For a while, the audience was silent, and there was no words to refute!In the end, it was Baili Jinghong's cold and clear voice: "The world is the most important thing, this so-called face, I can abandon it."

The emperor has said so, what else do they have to argue?But in my heart, I was really impressed by the queen's courage.Putting face aside, but caring about the world, can be regarded as a person of great wisdom! "The ministers would like to obey the emperor's edict!"

"What else is there?" Generally, major events are reported in the court, and smaller events are replaced by memorials.

"Qi Zou the emperor..."

"Baili Jinghong let that woman participate in the government?" Huangfu Huaihan's tone was quite unbelievable.

The secret agent who came reported: "Report to the emperor, there is indeed something!"

Now not only Huangfu Huaihan found it ridiculous, but even Huangfu Ye felt it was ridiculous.Does Baili Jinghong want to repeat the mistakes of Empress Lu thousands of years ago?And Xiao Jinjin's temperament, to a certain extent, is really similar to that Empress Lu.

"Is he crazy?" This is Huangfu Huaihan's second reaction. In his opinion, people only make such irrational decisions when they are crazy to a certain extent!
The spy was stunned for a moment, and then said very stupidly: "My Majesty, before my subordinates come back, Emperor Nanyue is still normal, it doesn't look like he's crazy!"

"..." Huangfu looked at him with a cold face!When he said crazy, did he mean this crazy?

He had discovered that ever since Su Jinping showed up with that damned woman who was always playing tricks on him, there were always a few idiots around him who choked on him from time to time!

Huangfu Ye coughed, and then his flamboyant voice sounded slowly: "Brother Huang, we don't need to pay too much attention to Nanyue, it doesn't matter whether Baili Jinghong is crazy or not, the main thing is that we are not crazy! "

When Huangfu Huaihan heard the words, he sneered to dispel his surprise.Indeed, Baili Jinghong is not crazy, and it really doesn't have much impact on them, and what he is going to do next is the highlight! "Has the news from Seibu come back?"

Now Nanyue and Beiming are already ostensibly an alliance, if Murong Qianqiu is still fooled by Su Jinping's words, then Huangfu Huaihan is the one who really wants to consider changing partners!Because that shows that the other party is already stupid to a certain extent!

Huangfu Ye got up from the chair, walked slowly to Huangfu Huaihan, and handed him the letter in his hand, and the letter had the symbol of the Xiwu Imperial Family on it.Opened his mouth: "The younger brother is here to give this!"

"Why didn't you take it out earlier?" Huangfu Huaihan frowned, a little displeased!The powerful big hand opened the letter and read it at a glance.

Huangfu Ye shrugged his shoulders, a wicked smile appeared on his extremely beautiful face, and he said indifferently: "Isn't it because Brother Huang is asking the spies about something? How dare I disturb you!" Shaking his gilt fan, he walked towards the position where he had been leaning against for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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