Laugh at the world forever

Chapter 852 Look at my wife’s new weapon, the golden RKP

Chapter 852 Look at my wife’s new weapon, the golden RKP (1)
"Oh my god! I accidentally learned some secrets that I can't know. It makes people want to kill me! It's really scary!" Nangong Jin sighed, and then moved her body to Baili Jinghong's side After a few steps, he seemed to be very scared!
And Baili Jinghong also cooperated, moved slightly forward to the right, and blocked her body behind him, making a posture of a protector.

A couple on the city wall are happily playing the double reed, pissing off the enemy.But the unmarried couple under the city wall became like enemies after being so provoked and separated!
Therefore, many unmarried soldiers looked up and down, and then deeply frowned. They thought that this sharp contrast could reflect a social phenomenon!The married couple upstairs didn't have any conflicts, and they seemed to love each other very much, while the unmarried couple downstairs just started fighting.This shows that getting married can solve many problems, and the difference between being married and not being married is whether they sleep together.

So, after several times of reasoning, they concluded another wise saying: "Many conflicts between men and women can be resolved by sleeping."

Of course, these thoughts were not known to Nangong Jin and the others, let alone Helian Tingyu. She only felt that her blood was swollen now, especially after Nangong Jin said those words, her heart began to think quickly. Although Brother Mingyue was lukewarm towards her, he was definitely not as unfazed as he is today, and even yelled loudly. She basically believed Nangong Jin's words!

So, looking at Tantai Mingyue with tears in his eyes, he said in disbelief: "Brother Mingyue, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

"..." Tantai Mingyue's current mood can only be summed up with the period in her own English pattern!In the past, he never thought of being the king of Mobei at all, and this little girl likes to cling to him, so he only treats her as a young and ignorant girl, so he spoils her like a big brother, but today, Nangong Jin's words Once provoked, he instantly became "this kind of person"!A feeling of splitting headache swept over in an instant.

Once again, she shed bitter tears for the IQ of her future queen!

"Ting Yu, do you believe her or me?" Tantai Mingyue tried to make her voice sound gentler, because now the flames of war in several countries have been ignited, and now he must work hard to complete his great cause, otherwise he will die. It will be preceded by other countries!So now he doesn't have any spare time to deal with the civil strife in his own country, let alone let this little girl go back and talk nonsense to the leader of the Jiaoji tribe!And in his lifetime, he didn't want things like civil strife to happen at all, especially with such an unfounded reason-he scolded Helian Tingyu for Huangfu's cold? !

I bother!Just by imagining it, he felt extremely disgusted, and even the goosebumps all over his body stood up!
As soon as these words came out, Helian Tingyu obviously hesitated. After all, the male god in his heart, who had admired and wanted to marry him since childhood, used such a gentle tone to gain his trust. The feeling made her feel as if she was in a bunch of dream bubbles, and even had a little bit of sweetness. The sentence "I believe in you" was in her throat, and she hadn't said it yet...

Nangong Jin's provocative voice sounded again: "Usually when a man starts to be speechless, when someone pokes him in a sore spot, and can't find any words to refute, they like to say some sweet words to paralyze a woman's will And this kind of sweet talk usually has no foothold and no theoretical basis. It is just to use women's feelings for them to ask questions. The most common example sentences are 'Do you trust others or trust me?', 'Would you like to trust her? Don't you want to believe me?', 'I don't want to explain, if you understand me, you don't need me to explain' etc!"

So, as soon as the words fell, Helian Tingyu's face turned dark instantly!Because Tantai Mingyue's words just now have clearly won the bid, and there is indeed no theoretical basis!Just like that, she deceived her own trust, so she looked at Tantai Mingyue and Huangfu Huaihan as if she was an adulterer, and suddenly her mouth shrunk, she turned her horse's head, and ran away crying!

At this moment, Nangong Jin smiled with satisfaction, no matter whether the little girl told her father and king after she went back, it is already a fact that Princess Ting Yu was so angry and left crying because of King Mobei's ruthlessness!Don't tell this little girl when she goes back, Nangong Jin can also help spread it to the Jiaoji Tribe and add fuel to it.Mobei people have the most straightforward and staunch character, so it is not difficult to provoke a civil war in Mobei. At that time, let's see where Tantai Mingyue will find time to attack Nanyue!
However, she didn't notice that since she started to talk about how men would explain to women, the pupils of the person in front of her, who were as beautiful as a brilliance, quietly narrowed for a moment, faintly reflecting a dangerous light.He didn't remember that he had "explained" to her in this way, so it should be explained to her by another man?

Helian Tingyu ran away crying, Tantai Mingyue suddenly felt her head was getting bigger!And Huangfu's complexion, which had been ashen with cold for a long time, finally couldn't help breaking out. If there was civil strife in Mobei, his steps to attack Nanyue would become more complicated. The anger in his heart was naturally self-evident. Under the anger, He said to the machine gunner in front of him, "Hit me!"

Thousands of bullets came through the air, but fortunately Nanyue had already prepared to block them with the sandbags at the gate of the city!So after most of the bullets flew into the sandbags, they stopped and could not go any further!
This time, Tantai Mingyue showed a slight look of astonishment. At the top of Taihang Mountain that day, this thing could even pass through a shield, but today it was blocked by a few bags of sand. It seems that Nangong Jin is well aware of its advantages and disadvantages. One point, of course, Huangfu Huaihan, who was built on a large scale based on the machine gun that Tantai Mingyue left behind, was unable to comprehend.

The soldiers of Dongling had seen the power of this thing before, and at that time they only felt that it was extremely powerful, sweeping the sky, so they had great confidence in shooting these few shots, but they were forced to fight with their eyes closed. It was found that no one was killed!It was very different from the scene they imagined where they would kill all directions, make great military exploits, and be worshiped by others!That kind of huge psychological gap made their hearts have a bright color of emotion - sad!
So sad!

As for the machine gunners on Nanyue's side, they were a little apprehensive at first. This RPK machine gun is basically a monster on the battlefield. They only heard the sound of puffing, and then all the bullets fell into the sandbags, and they immediately felt the glory of the empress shining on the earth, bah bah!It is the empress who is always wise!
(End of this chapter)

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