Laugh at the world forever

Chapter 857 Because there are traitors in your barracks

Chapter 857 Because there are traitors in your barracks (1)
"The Emperor Mobei is smart, but am I a fool?" Baili Jinghong looked at him indifferently, his indifferent expression was inconvenient, but a strange halo flashed in his moonlight intoxicating eyes.

Listening to their charades, Nangong Jin suddenly felt a little confused, uh, it shouldn't be because she is too stupid, right?The meaning of Baili Jinghong is that the opponent knew that they would chase here, so they prepared traps and formations and waited for them early in the morning, but just now they hurt Huangfu Huaihan and Dongling withdrew their troops, and then they chased for it. The truth, could it be that Tantai Mingyue even counted Huangfu Huaihan's injury?

As soon as these words came out, Tantai Mingyue's face suddenly showed a bit of solemnity!Originally, the strategy he discussed with Huangfu Huaihan was to find a way to lure the people from Nanyue out, and then go to this plain to outflank them. The open surroundings are the best place to surround and kill!But Huangfu Huaihan was injured, it was an absolute accident, they did not expect it, but they still resolutely "run away", and the other party really chased him out.But Huangfu Huaihan evacuated first, and the task of besieging and killing was entrusted to him.

Seeing that Baili Jinghong was already trapped in his "Three Brahma and Seven Changes" formation, he didn't expect him to break it with one move!However, 20 Mobei cavalry is definitely not something that a mere 30 soldiers and horses from Nanyue can withstand!So in principle, their side still has a lot of advantages, but the other party is so calm, and even said such words, why is this?
Nangong Jin frowned, took a look at Baili Jinghong, and suddenly felt that this guy was a little mysterious. A few days ago, he seemed to be planning some big conspiracy, but today, this feeling in her heart became even stronger!

The soldiers of Nanyue were terrified, but thinking that their god-like emperor was still there, nothing would happen to them, so their expressions gradually calmed down!
Just as Tantai Mingyue's complexion was solemn, the doubts in his heart were also solved.Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of wheels, and then hundreds of vehicles that looked like chariots but didn't look like chariots surrounded them!This chariot can cover the body of a person inside, and it is not very bulky. It can be pulled by a horse, and the height is moderate, which protects the people inside the chariot tightly!And everyone in the car is holding a spear in their hands, and they are about to attack Tantai Mingyue's soldiers and horses!
It was Yu Chicheng who led the team!
Nangong Jin swallowed her saliva, and then realized that when Jin Zi ran over, she was having a fight with him!And this kind of chariot, she knows, there is no record in the arsenal of this dynasty, but in Chinese history, Han Xin once created such a chariot to besiege Xiang Yu!So, Nangong Jin swallowed again, and quietly glanced at Baili Jinghong, feeling a lot of admiration in her heart.This guy, who uses soldiers like a god, can still come up with such a mechanical forging method, he is really comparable to Han Xin!Coupled with his ability to control the situation in the world, it is obvious that he is more powerful than Han Xin!
Seeing Tantai Mingyue's hand holding the rein suddenly tense, Baili Jinghong said slowly: "To be honest, this place is a plain area for hundreds of miles, and there is no shelter everywhere. Therefore, not only Your Excellency wants to besiege me here, and I have already had the same idea."

Therefore, this chariot was already prepared a few days ago on the way to Liyang, but the reason why I knew that the other party chose to set up an ambush here was to thank Jin Jin for discovering the special method of setting up the "Three Vatican and Seven Changes" formation. Rock wall stone!Both wanted to trap the other, and after knowing the location chosen by the other, he naturally chose to use the trick.

However, even though Tantai Mingyue is extremely clever, she can't figure out how the other party knew the location of her ambush. This plain is hundreds of miles away. The direction they run can also be changed at will on the way. But Baili Jinghong knew it was here! "I want to know, how did you know that I am setting up an ambush here?"

Otherwise, he would be unwilling to lose even if he lost!
"Because there are traitors in your barracks!" Nangong Jin said viciously.

As soon as these words came out, not only Tantai Mingyue, but all the Mobei people's complexions changed. They knew that there must be something wrong with this matter since they were surrounded. Now they heard what this woman said, and they were sure in an instant!But, who knows if she is scaremongering and sowing discord?

When Baili Jinghong and Yu Chicheng heard these words, the former had a half-smile in his eyes, and the latter had a weird look on his face, but the weirdness quickly turned into rigidity, and then slowly returned to indifference.

However, Tantai Mingyue already half-believed in her heart. If there were no traitors, their actions today would be impossible to be noticed by others, and the other party would know so clearly.

Nangong Jin was sincere on the surface, but she smiled treacherously in her heart. As soon as she said this, Tantai Mingyue died here today. If she can leave alive, there will be a violent turmoil in the Mobei Army Camp.

"Mobeihuang, I hope you will be satisfied with this trip to the Central Plains." Baili Jinghong's indifferent and low tone rang out slowly, without any emotional fluctuations in his tone, but it always made people feel that there was something in his words. A trace of malice.

"Hit me!" With an order, the Nanyue soldiers on the chariot immediately began to attack!
And because the chariot is supposed to be big and light, it can fully cover most of the people, and it runs fast, and it is quite far from the cavalry in Mobei, so let these rough men in Mobei almost completely There is no use for it.Long spears and sharp arrows emerged one after another, and the Nanyue soldiers who were trapped in the encirclement by Tantai Mingyue also started to fight back. The long spears in their hands stabbed towards each other, and those who were out of reach, directly stabbed at the horses!

After the horse stumbled, these soldiers naturally fell very miserably, but after all, Mobei is the most sturdy nation in the entire continent. Even though they fell, even though they were inferior, they were still very brave, drew their swords everywhere, and fought back vigorously !
However, after falling off their horses, many of them were sadly reduced to the fish and meat of Nanyue soldiers on the chariots, and there was no room for counterattack!
Tantai Mingyue beat her for a while with a gloomy face, and soon realized that if she continued to beat like this, she would definitely be trapped to death by Baili Jinghong today!So, he had no choice but to shout loudly: "Breakthrough!"

"Yes!" As soon as the voice fell, the soldiers began to try their best to find a breakthrough, but the chariot formation was so easy to break through, no matter what direction it was from, it was well wrapped, and there was no possibility of breaking through at all!And the war is getting more and more fierce, and the situation is becoming more and more unfavorable to them!
Finally, a soldier stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, after we finish, you go alone first!"

It is very possible for the king to take advantage of the chaos and leave alone!

But, with the most elite soldiers in his hands here, how could Tantai Mingyue be willing to leave?With a cold face, he said loudly: "Call me, I will kill a bloody road!"

(End of this chapter)

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