Chapter 966 She? (twenty three)
She was startled for a moment, and suddenly understood Su Nianhua's painstaking efforts.

It turned out that he didn't tell Qian Yi about the antidote at the beginning, not because he hoped that he would be more concerned about his life because of this reason.It's to test whether I have a conscience, and it's a test for myself. If I really listen to his words and come to worship my mother, I should be able to see this bottle of antidote as soon as possible.Qian Yi's poison will naturally be cured, if there is no mother-daughter affection, and she is very unfilial and refuses to come, she can only watch Qian Yi die.

This could be regarded as Su Nianhua's heart for his mother. He was afraid that after his death, no one would worship his beloved woman!At this moment, she felt that her mother was lucky to have such a man who loved her wholeheartedly.

With complicated feelings, she burned more than half of the ghost paper in front of the grave, and put fruits and flowers on the roadside when she entered the forest.Kowtowed a few more times before getting up.

Standing in front of the grave for a while, some small fragments and memories of childhood flashed through my mind, and a warm current slowly surged into my heart.In the end, she just said lightly: "I'm sorry!"

Then, turn around and stride away!

Back then, the concubine mother sent her soul to modern times so that one day she could avenge her father and the Nangong Dynasty.But in the end, she still failed her mother and concubine's expectations, and even married Baili Aotian's son. I believe that if the concubine mother knows it, she will not rest in peace even under Jiuquan.That's why she never dared to come.

It's just that today's trip is too dangerous, and she is not sure whether she will come back alive, so she must come here to burn an offering first.If you don't come today, you don't know if you will have another chance in the future!
Carrying the rest of the coins, he rode to the gate of Dongling's palace. It was past midnight, and the key to the palace gate had already been unlocked.

She stood there and looked at the direction of the wind, and immediately felt concerned.

First, he got off his horse, found an extremely huge stone, and smashed it hard at the palace gate!
"Bang!" A loud noise!
Soon, the people in the palace were alarmed.This loud noise naturally caused the guards inside the palace gate to be very surprised. Looking out from the crack of the gate, no one saw it, but they saw a big stone resting at the gate.

The astonishment that filled his heart turned into outrageous anger in an instant. Someone dared to throw stones at the gate of the palace in the middle of the night. Is this fatal? !Or do they think the gatekeepers are all dead?

Looking back at the commander of the Imperial Forest Army, the other party was also very angry! "Open the door and see what's going on!"

Although it was said to open the door, the guards at the door did not dare to open the door wide, but only opened the door a small crack. After all, it is an eventful time now, and it is necessary to guard against palace changes.

And as soon as the door was opened, it was pitch black outside, and a gust of cold wind blew in along the crack of the door, making people shudder all over.

Every now and then, a piece of pure white paper flew towards his front, and it was pasted on his shiny forehead very precisely!

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he tore off the paper to take a look, and his face turned green immediately!In the middle of the night, a piece of ghost paper floated onto his face and stuck it to his face. Is there anything more unlucky in this world than this?

Under the soaring anger, he opened the door and walked out in a few strides!The others saw him go out, and a few people followed him.

Then, there was another gust of wind.

Immediately, hundreds of ghost papers floated towards them from the east. At night, the ancient people were always superstitious, and suddenly they felt a tightness in the urethra!The hair on the back also stood up in a very useless manner.With chattering teeth, he turned his head and said to their great general, "Master General, this, could this be..."

What a ghost!
He spoke the aspirations of several people at the door!

As for the commander of the Royal Forest Army, he felt a burst of trembling at first.But slowly looking at the direction in which the ghost paper floated, he snorted coldly: "Hmph! It's just someone pretending to be a ghost! Let me go and have a look!"

With that said, he led a group of people to the east.And the guards inside the door were really scared, they hid very tightly, and they didn't dare to look outside.

Just as the commander of the Imperial Forest Army was leading the team to search eastward, Nangong Jin suddenly came out from the west.Throwing the Xiujian to the top of the city wall, it flew over the eaves, knocked out the last person in the team, and quickly dragged it aside!
And this noise made the commander of the imperial forest army look back vigilantly, but he didn't see any abnormalities at all!He just laughed at his nervousness in his heart, slowly relaxed his vigilance, and then walked east.

After walking for a long time, I saw some ghost papers on the ground, and the wind kept blowing up the ghost papers and rolled them to the gate of the palace, obviously someone put them here!This kind of behavior is absolutely disrespectful to the royal family. The commander of the Imperial Forest Army was furious, and immediately shouted: "Go and report to the emperor, please order to search!"

"Yes!" A small soldier responded, then hurriedly ran towards the palace with his head down.

The commander of the Imperial Guard looked at the soldier's back, and suddenly felt a little strange: "Wait!"

Suddenly, Nangong Jin's palms broke out in cold sweat.

"Who are you, why have I never seen you before?" At least this figure looks completely strange!

Nangong Jin spoke nonsense without looking back: "The younger one just entered the palace a few days ago, and has been staying in front of the emperor's imperial study. The younger one, Xia Dongmei, who cleans the emperor's imperial court, is a cousin!"

I can only gamble!Bet that Xia Dongmei is still doing the cleaning in front of the imperial court, so that there is some authenticity!
As soon as the commander of the imperial forest army heard it, he naturally knew that it was tricky.There are some guards in the palace who are promoted very quickly, they are all related, and sometimes the relationship is so hard that he doesn't have to go through his hands. As for Xia Dongmei, since the crazy woman Su Jinping in the palace escaped, the emperor treated her Trusted in every way, although she is still just a sweeping court lady, strictly speaking, she is more valued than him, the commander of the Imperial Forest Army. Many people speculated whether that woman might be a concubine.

Thinking about it this way, he naturally didn't want to cause trouble, so he waved his hand indifferently and said, "Understood, hurry up!"

"Yes!" After Nangong Jin replied, the speed was indeed much faster, so fast that it could be said that he swung his legs on a hot wheel and rushed towards the palace.

The commander of the imperial forest army stroked his non-existent beard, looked at her back for a while, and praised: "This kid has a fast pace, but he can be promoted to a position!"

Nangong Jin is naturally very familiar with the imperial palace in Dongling, so walking is also very familiar.The so-called Huangfu Huaihan's sleeping palace is undoubtedly the Hall of Mental Cultivation. The guards patrolling along the way saw her wearing the clothes of the imperial forest army, and they also looked in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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