My host is the Queen of Prophecy

Chapter 17 Doll Doll, please listen to the chapter

Chapter 17 Doll Doll, Please Be Obedient (16)

Therefore, let's find out carefully what kind of girl Ye Wanfeng likes.Or let him get happiness, and then complete the task!

Ye Wanfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at her for a few seconds, then came to his senses, nodded slightly, turned and left.

The moment he turned around, Ye Wanfeng frowned slightly, and asked himself in his heart: What's wrong with me?
He didn't like women, so he never had contact with women, and even all the servants and nannies who came to his house were described by code names, so she was number three.

Chitose has seen some small details on the rules and regulations, many of which are summed up by "predecessors". The predecessors here are the previous No. [-], No. [-], or No. [-] or [-].

The more and more carefully he looked, the more Chitose became curious why Ye Wanfeng hated women so much.

Logically speaking, his birth, his family background, and his talent were all born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

Even if you don't like women, you shouldn't hate them.

Facts have proved that Chitose's thinking and analysis are correct.

Because, Ye Wanfeng hated women for a reason.

The reason is his father Ye Zhun and his mother Bai Jiao.

His father, Ye Zhun, is indeed a very intelligent and highly ideological businessman.

But he has a very big shortcoming: he is not specific in his use of emotion.

Perhaps to put it more clearly, he didn't mean to be inattentive, but to love each other when he saw one.

When you love someone, you love her wholeheartedly. If you don't love her, you fall into a situation where it's tasteless to eat and it's a pity to discard it.

Jian said: one foot on a boat, and the boats and boats are deeply affectionate, which is Ye Zhun's character.

But mother Bai Jiao has a completely different personality from Ye Zhun.

Even, they are the two extremes of the balance.

Bai Jiao would rather lack than abuse.

She has been a very proud person since she was a child, a natural beauty, just looking at the photos can give people the atmosphere of a noble lady.

In the Mood for Love, Bai Jiao was pursued by many people, but it was a pity that she finally fell under Ye Zhun's sweet words and married him.

Newly married for half a year, the two are in love with each other like glue.

It seems that I can't wait for 24 hours a day, and I can stick together for [-] hours.

Unfortunately, such good times did not last long.

Even if Bai Jiao is an out-and-out beauty, their 'happiness' only lasted for half a year.

Ye Zhun showed his true nature and had a new 'love object'.

Bai Jiao usually looks quiet and gentle, but in fact she is a very strong girl at heart.

She couldn't forgive Ye Zhun's cheating, and she couldn't forgive her own vision at the beginning.

A marriage, once there is a crack, is an endless quarrel.

The quarrel ended with Bai Jiao's death.

She does not divorce because her pride and obsession do not allow her to do so.

Only death is her only relief.

She stayed up day and night, torturing herself, just wanting to die in an accident.

It's a pity that the sky didn't follow people's wishes, and the accident never happened. She couldn't bear the endless pain in her heart, and finally took the road of suicide.

She didn't leave any retreat for herself, swallowed hundreds of sleeping pills, and never opened her eyes again.

After Bai Jiao's death, Ye Zhun was silent for a long time, as if he also felt guilty.

It's just that this so-called guilt lasted only half a year, and Ye Zhun had a new love again.

In the blink of an eye, 12 years have passed.

(End of this chapter)

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